Friday, September 9, 2011

Being a short week sure does make it seem longer, doesnt it? Even with a day shorter in the work week, I think that day moves us out of rhythm for our normal week but I am not complaining having that day off if it us used wisely. Mine was and hope yours was as well.

I am so encouraged today. I am floating actually a little from yesterday being at the NewSpring leadership conference and hearing 7 of the most influential church pastors share their leadership in site and their hearts for Jesus. These applications they spoke of are capable of not only leading the church but also any business that you may be running or even working at today. They are the brightest and on the edge leaders today and it showed yesterday as they took the stage and spoke from the heart. One minutes laughing and in the next 8000 people in tears. Yes great sacrifice has been placed on their shoulders and the pain and struggles are surely there but they left us all being encouraged and fired up and changed in some way. I think I could say that for all who attended yesterday. I learned many things and hope to share some of those things over the next while here as well as in my own life as I apply the things I walked away with and into the lives of those who are close to me.
I am especially thankful for them. My family and I have had a tough season since leading up to Jamaica last June and the things that have taken place since. But we are excited, scared, nervouse cause we have no idea what is in the plans next as we move into the next season of our lives together with Elevation Church. I really feel like God is going to blow the roof off this next adventure and I am pumped for those things and being used by God in some capacity.
Think about that for a second because we are not doing God a favor by doing him something - he can take that away at any second or use the person standing next to you but being used by Him to make Jesus famous and make history is so powerful and meaningful that is just humbles me to my knees. Me a lowly sinner worthy of basically nothing and God chose me to do something.
I want my heart to be at that thankful place. To always strive for the gratefulness that comes from that deep pocket in our hearts that we rarely let out or let anyone know is there. We take so much for granted. Its one thing I learned in Jamaica - they are a grateful people who have very little but have so much. Americans are customed to think of blessings we have in material things but yet we strive and strive, losing our families and our health over more and more. We end up miserable, hurt, always tired, sick and lonely. That void we worked so hard for to fill in our lives empty still even after all the work, sweat and effort.

I am grateful for the place I am in, the season God has my family and I in today and for the people in our lives. They have stuck with us through many things. Passing of my mom in 2006 showed me that important blessing - to be part of a family. To let people in my life to walk with, encourage not only them but me also! I want to thank my family for always being there with me. Carol - Kyle you are amazing and I am so blessed to be a part of your lives and for God giving me the heart to always strive for his heart in leading you both as a husband, a dad and a friend. My bigger family in my dad, my brothers and my grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins. Dad, I look up to you in so many ways that I just dont have words to explain it. Your love for my mom was tested and tried over the lifetime of years and I want to thank you for that example you gave us as family. It extends way past Craig and I and its generational that you have given that example to. Sharon and Buster - thank you for praying for me for years before I even knew the Lord. Those prayers heard in heaven and in due season sprouted and grew. All in perfect timing by Gods grace. Another generational prayer passed down touching so many other than just me and Carol. Patty our season in time with my mom has given me a sister I never had. I need to work harder at getting our relationship back on track and doing life together. I miss you. Craig and Danny - I miss you both and continue to pray that Gods seed will grow in your hearts. I also want to say I am grateful for all those who have spent time with us over the years growing together as family in our faith. Ya'll have stood the tests and shown me so much over the years. Full of love and grace working both ways.
Donna, Morgan, Taylor, Barbara, Tony, Madison, Lauren, Carol, Harlan, Marissa, Kelly, Christa, Jesse, Sherry, Donnie, Val, Kris, little Kyle, Alayna and Karlee, Travis, Kristen, Kayla,Scott, Beverly, Brody, Jennifer, Bobby, Madison S, Kate, Bob, Katelyn, Brandon, April, the Martina family, Thigpens, Gosh I know I am missing some folks but I could just keep going.
I am just grateful for each of you. We all assume sometimes that people in our lives know we love them, appreciate them and all but do you show them? Dont ever assume people know it and remind them of it often!
Gratitude can lift you out of the place you are in. Give someone thanks today because making a difference is what its all about and by being grateful it shows your heart to them. Not only does it affect your relationships here but also with the one in our heavenly Father.
Being grateful is the most important virtue you can share/posses - so important in our leadership and in our walk with Jesus.

I will end todays post being grateful for the opportunity I get to go do now. I was selected to mentor a 5th grade boy at the local school. What an honor it is to go every so often and have lunch with him and invest and encourage him. I am excited about the lunch times ahead. I am sure there will be lots to learn through this new avenue the Lord has me on.

Blessings and gratitude today all in Jesus name,

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