Compassion - a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
That is from and I find it amazing that different ads fill in the browser window according to what type of word you type in to search the meaning on. Compassion - lots of ads on the screen that goes with the word. World vision - End Hunger - adoption are a few examples.
Compassion to me means to have the ability to feel another persons feelings, pain, and struggles. Not everyone has a good amount of compassion for people. I think its a spiritual gift for those who have great compassion for others. Jesus had great compassion for people. He gives us countless examples throughout the Bible.
When we are struggling or going through a difficult season in our lives - Jesus knows exactly where you are. Far too often when we are struggling in that difficult season we continue to ask the question of "Why?"
With the correct perspective our focus in our struggles are not so much asking the question of "Why?" but "Who?"
Why, never answers the questions or helps the situations we are facing but always comes with more questions. Who delivers the final answer and thank God for the WHO!
I remember back to the season when my mom was sick and wondering in my early faith journey - God why? Why does this have to happen? Why now God? Cant you take someone else? You may be wondering those same things today. Why God, are you not healing my mom? Why God, did you let my business fail? Why God, did my husband cheat on me and now divorce is underway? Why God, did my child make that bad decision and she is pregnant now? Why God, did my husband lose his job and now we are broke?
You may have a ton of WHY questions but the same WHO remains the same. Its the answer to the WHY questions.
I have often heard from others when talking about a difficult situation in our lives and they say - "Just have more faith!"
What does that mean? I mean like, God if I had more faith you would have let my mom live? If I had more faith my daughter wouldnt have made the choice to have sex? If I had more faith, my son would still be in school? If I had more faith, my husband wouldn't have lost his job? I think this sets us up for a major spiritual failure.
My Aunt Sharon and my Uncle Buster are the most amazing people of faith that I know of. They have endured so much as followers of Christ in their lives and their journey is a true testament to what it means to "Live by Faith". I fully believe there was no amount more of faith in their hearts that would have changed my mom from passing. They are the most godly people I know and sucking it up a notch in the faith department? What does that mean?
My moms birth, her living, her death had a purpose. The loss of your mom or dad had a purpose. The loss of your husbands job has a purpose. The pregnancy has a purpose.
Keeping your faith eyes and heart on Jesus during these times does something to and in us that no other season of time can accomplish.
Its about the ultimate result in these seasons. Its not that the situation will end well and the way you have hoped for but its about God bringing the good out of it that really makes the impact in our lives.
I am reminded of this today because God has great compassion for us - Romans 8:28 - Meanwhile, in the moment we get tired in the waiting, Gods Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every details in our loves of love for God is worked into something good.
Another translation tells us this way - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Most people read the above and think that God will make the struggle better, the situation will improve, your husband will get his job back, the divorce wont happen, your mom will recover, your children will make better choices but honestly - thats not what the verse tells us.
It says God is going to work in some really horrible, painful, struggling, difficult, awful situations in your life and he will bring good OUT of it.
This doesn't mean the situation is any less horrible or the blow is going to be any less than it will.
When I lost my mom, I had dozens of people tell me that she is in a better place. You may have said that to someone recently at a funeral. I know a student in my life right now who is struggling at times with the passing of her grandma and I heard those exact words at her grandma's viewing. Though those words are true, she is in a better place today - her grandmother, my mom, the person in your life - its ok to rejoice for them and then move forward but sometimes moving forward is just not happening. Its not yet.
We lost something special, tremendous in our lives and the pain is very real. We can grieve and we should grieve but we also have to take our hope to heaven. In that same way, we need to take that hope to your pregnant daughter, to your husband who lost his job, to the divorce papers, to the business that failed, to the loss of your loved one.
Because of the loss of my mom, I know Jesus today!
Because of the let go at my old church, I am in a much better place today because of it!
Because of the loss of your husbands job, He has a much better job today or has found a new calling and purpose!
Because of the new baby, your life is so much more fulfilling than you ever imagined!
Because of the _________ (you fill in the blank) and if you are not there yet with a result to look back on - there is purpose to the WHY and understanding WHO will provide the rest of your story.
Jesus has compassion on us.
Matthew 14:14 - When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick
Matthew 15:32 - Jesus called his disciples to him and said, I have compassion for these people they have already been with me 3 days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.
Matthew 20:24 - Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Jesus knows exactly where you are today. He is in your struggles, He is in your loss, He is in your pain..... because he is the WHO in your WHY.
There is purpose in your why today loved ones. Even when we dont have the words to pray our groans in life seem to be screaming out louder than our words - we have Romans 8:28 to lean back on.
Thats why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. Even in your pain, even in your groans, even in your situations, even in your loss. God will make good through those things.
Praise God we have the answer in our lives to WHO?
Compassion brings understanding.... :)
Hope this brings peace to someone today,
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Any guess to what that is? I love the picture of my friend Kristyn, who got her chicken foot soup and got a place at the table and smelled, looked over, and thought about what was about to happen. Chicken foot soup - taste like chicken soup but with real chicken... We shared a great laugh after I took this picture and as folks got their bowls of soup and headed to the table to sit and eat... almost everyone had that look on their face. Do I dare eat this? Will this be good? I can't believe I am eating a chicken foot!! The amazing thing was, it was actually great! I ate one foot, though with bones and and not much meat - the soup was amazing. Adding some homemade Jamaica bread to the soup was for sure, very yummy.
Coming across these pictures today has me thinking on a few things. Often times things are not exactly what they appear. People are not exactly what they appear and very few people, very few things are really - the real deal.
Think about Easy Cheese - you know the cheese in a can which is delightful on crackers and is essential really to the human existence! Its kinda cheese and with Ritz crackers - gosh you have a yummy meal from a can. But looking a little closer - its not really cheese at all. Somewhere along the way, Easy Cheese became a processed, synthetic and chemically evolved substance but hey its "MADE with Cheese."
So lets see- Milk, water, whey protein concentrate, canola oil, milk protein concentrate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate, lactic acid, sorbic acid, sodium alginate, apocarotenal, annatto, cheese culter and enzymes.
Its KINDA cheese.... the Chicken foot soup - without question - it was chicken foot soup. Just ask Kristyn!!
I am so blessed today thinking about this "Real deal" because God is putting some folks in my life that today, they find themselves in a very different place than awhile back. They have walked, grown, matured and are fired up for the things of Christ that you just cant keep them quiet about it. Just last week going into the gym for a quick time framed workout, I ran into one of my "Real Deal" buddies and we missed the workout because we were talking faith, faith journey, the paths that God has us on today and I am telling you - we could have led a revival right there in the gym! I got a call from another "Real Deal" buddy today and we spoke for about 1/2 hour and gosh I was so pumped up after our conversation! God knows I need these people in my life today. He knows there is a bigger purpose for them speaking into my life and me into theirs. There is no kinda cheese materials here...these folks are fired up for the things of God and they are letting it known!
I am excited to see where this journey together is going to go, what it will grow to and the bond that is going to take place together. Perfect timing for all of us in our faith journey.
Pastor Steven challenged us to read Hebrews 12 together as a church and let Gods Word speak into our lives through this chapter. He is really praying hard that a turning point for each of us, from the "Kinda Christian" to the "Real Deal Christian."
Hebrews 12:14 shares with us: Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Isnt that what we are supposed to be doing? Doing our part to live in peace with others, to follow Christ in the best way we know how to so that others will see the Lord? No faking it, being that same person no matter if people are looking or not... you becoming the "Real Deal" for Jesus. Following him no matter the cost...James 4: again shares with us a little deeper in getting serious in our faith.
James 4:4-10 You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you supposed God doesnt care? The proverb has it that "he's a fiercely jealous lover." And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you'll find. Its common knowledge that "God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble. So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; its the only way you'll get on your feet.
My faith journey over the last few years is an amazing one. I could share stories and stories of what God did in and through me. The hearts and lives I have touched over the years. The students who have a place in heaven because I put down my fear, my agenda, my selfishness and stood for Christ. What a honor that is to be able to speak into the lives of others. I cannot wait to hear the stories of the "Real Deal" with life change being at the center of their lives.
I am so thankful and blessed to know that the decision I made not only for myself, though that being hard but also knowing it was a decision that would affect many - that decision really hit home for me last night. I know I made the right decision. I know without a doubt - being there for one of my close kids who looks to me as a dad, called me hurting, without a dad voice in her life - we sat and talked through some things. I value that so much and if it meant a change in order to honor that "I Promise" to that family - I know I made the right decision and I know God is honoring that promise. "Family is forever" because its the "real deal".
I really am floating some today with all that is going on around me, the people God has placed in my life not only for me to invest in but also for a change, people to invest in me! Church has been amazing the last month as Elevation Church as we are celebrating all that God is doing. I could sit here and weep with all the amazing things taking place... the hearts that are walking with me, the smiles that are appearing on such beautiful faces, foundations being built around God, relationships restoring - no more pretend, no more masks, no more fake imitations.....
Chicken foot soup - the real deal. Jesus - the real deal.
Monday, September 26, 2011
What an incredible weekend. Hard to kick off a work week after such an amazing weekend. Carol and I rented 5th Quarter on Friday night and cried just about the entire movie. Filmed in Winston Salem NC and on the campus of Wake Forest really hits home for me. My family being in Mt. Airy - Wake Forest has always been the back yard school of choice and Winston-Salem was us going to town. You know - the big city :)
Saturday was hanging with Kyle and Brody - hitting the gym and getting a good workout in, a run to GoodWill to get some books for my little lunch buddy during the week since his family doesn't have any books to read and one of the things he answered for me about himself is that he likes to read. That is awesome! So he has a good handful now to keep him reading. While in the store Saturday a man walked up, his name was Rob, and he saw my Elevation Church shirt I was wearing. He shouted out, startling a little but he was full of smiles, He said, "Man, thats that church where the preacher man was baptising like 2000 people!" I said, "Yes Sir it is" he said, "Well that preacher man must be on fire or something, cause I ain't never seen anything like that before!" - He shouted everything and Brody and Kyle were somewhere behind me probably hiding :) - Rob then asked about campus locations and I shared with him about the new university campus and that he should come check it out sometime. Gave him the location and experience times and he shook my hand and thanked me. "I would love to check out that preacher!" was his last words to me as he walked off to begin shopping or finish shopping, I'm, not sure. So as I turned around to see where the boys were at they were right there and began to look for books with me. Kyle said, Dad, are you going to invite the entire community to church? - I said son, God is putting these people in front of me and conversation and inviting them to somethign I am passionate about, that I believe in with all I have in me - Yeah, I guess I am. Brody turned and said, That was amazing, I wish I could do that. All you have to do is talk, smile and show people Jesus.
We are not here to fix anyone but to love them and to serve along side of them.
I love the picture of the house here that we worked on while in Jamaica. The mom had 5 seven children and 3 of them lived in this little home. She had contacted JIm and Penie about paiting it and JIm took the time to go and see her, decide what to do and then pray over it before making a decision. Seems once he got there the home didnt even have a wall that was worth painting. So poppa Jim took it in and we tore down 3 of the 4 walls and then rebuilt her home. The crew after us, finished it and then painted it and it turned out to be so sweet- like a little pretty Jamaica color style home, pink with blue shutters I do believe but the impact we made on this family that week in Jamaica I will never forget. I think about the foundation the little house was built on and how as a follower of Christ we came in and loved on this family, we didnt just give them a handout and move on to the next home and family. We actually touched them, served with them, prayed with them and encouraged them. That is the foundation I want to continue to build not only in my life but the lives of others. I want to help keep them grounded in Gods word as a living example and not just words. I want to serve people I dont even know. I am so blessed the last few weeks Morgan and Marissa have come to help setup church on Saturday night for services on Sunday. Its easy to get caught into the thinking that there are a lot of people there and that you are not needed. Its easy to think that we are just putting chairs out, putting up pipe and drapes and setting up video screens.
Perspective - we we lose perspective, when we lose focus - things that were once important become not so important any more. It was nice hearing Pastor Larry share with us that we are needed, we are wanted, we are included and our sacrifice that night was making a way for someone to know Jesus in a life saving way on Sunday morning. It is not just a video screen, pipe and drapes and chairs...its a place to experience Jesus. Its a place where our faith hits the road of life and when Jesus is there in the middle of it - it builds foundation. Something to grow and build your life on.
As Pastor Steven spoke Sunday he mentioned that we all need to be out of comfort zone because God doesn't use us there. Everyone should go on a mission trip over seas and experience a new perspective. He gave a great example of his wife coming back from Haiti and children there with very little to eat. Once home her children complained about the dinner menu that evening.... lets just say it didnt go well for them.
This home we rebuilt for this family in Jamaica will always be a reminder that someone came from far away to help them, to serve them, to love them and not for any other reason than that they WANTED TO. We didnt come to change them, God handles that part - we just went to love them, serve them and show them Jesus.
Luke 6:45-47 shares with us the Work the words into your life:
You dont get wormy apples off a healthy tree, nor good apples off a diseased tree. The health of the apple tells the health of the tree. You must begin with your own life-giving lives. Its who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.
Why are you so polite with me, always saying "Yes, sir" and 'thats right, sir' but never doing a thing I tell you? These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner imporovements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.
As the day went on yesterday after an amazing church service I got to spend the better part of the day with one of Kyles classmates and a great gal hang out with. Anna, has a great foundation. Her family well routed in Gods word, serving in church and serving others in the community, her sister on a mission trip this past summer to Belize - this family is doing things right. I ask her mom all the time, whatever it is you are doing - pass out that secret ingredient so others will have it. I tell you what it is. "Love - Jesus."
Lives built around Christ. They are the good apples because the tree (Jesus) in their family is healthy and true.
Foundation - it holds everything together. Its the footing to keep you standing in lifes storms. Its the building block you begin with. You have to work the words into your life. Hebrews 12 is our challenge for the next month. Reading it aloud each and every day and for some even a bigger challenge will be to memerize the entire chapter. I think thats amazing and I am building that foundation of Hebrews 12 into my life, into my family so that the fruit from this season of time will have ripe and sweet fruit.
The family we built the home for is in a much better place today because we did what we were called to do. Not mere additions of words in your life but words to build your life on.
Foundational ... what are you building in your life today? Is it worth standing on and building a lifetime around?
Friday, September 23, 2011
I love these pictures of Kyle. This was Friday while in Jamaica and a day I was really excited about because we were delivering water to families in this community. There was 1 well spigot for the entire community. I actually thought we would be doing more of this and at the time I was a little disappointed but when we got going, when we started delivering the water to the folks in the community - I was glad it wasnt every day. It was hot that morning, it was tough walking 5 gallons of water to a home and pouring it in whatever container they had to hold water. It was tough and it was exhausting. Some of the homes were up a giant hill where we had to walk along this little footpath, all uneven, some of it overgrown with vines and weeds and rocks sticking up. Once all the way to the top everyone would be sucking wind and ready for a break. Pouring in 20 or 30 gallons of water to the families there just didnt seem like a lot. Its seemed like so much effort went into this delivery of water for so little amount. Like how can a family of 5-7 people live on that much water a day. Its all they have, cooking, cleaning clothes, bathroom - this water is worth more than gold or anything material really because it sustains life. A few hours in the hot sun, its easy to be dehydrated - its easy to feel sick and all your energy zapped from you. Imagine doing this every day. Imagine a mom having to do this 4-5 times a day. Imagine not feeling good and having to do this anyways for your family. Imagine a hole in your water container and trying to find something to keep your families water in the container - you dont have any other means to hold water other than this giant bucket. Clean water... maybe I think... Im not really sure.
I love these 2 pictures of Kyle because he made a couple friends that morning. After delivering water for a few hours in the hot sun, we all were ready for a break. Hanging out these boys came over and drew to Kyle like a brother. They asked about games and toys and not having anything. Kyle lead them in a great conversation and showed them that brotherly love as he carried the one boy on his back, made faces with them and just shared some much needed smiles that morning. These boys entire life is based on this little dirt road, this little community tucked away and in many respects isolated.
I spoke a lot from the book of James while in Jamaica - James was the half brother of Jesus and I really related to his book that is recorded in the Bible while in Jamaica. In James 2: 14 - James shares with us some lessons about Faith in Action. James had a front row seat to all the his big brother was doing in the world. Imagine how that relationship and watching his big bro do amazing things. I think it challenged James all the time to not just believe but to put his beliefs in action. That morning delivering water to the families there showed that we cared enough about them to serve them. We got to speak with so many that day and the water provided the avenue to those words. It broke down the barriers that is there before we put our faith in action. It was another defining moment....
James 2:14- Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rages and half starved and say - Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit! and walk off without providing so much as a coat or cup of soup -where does that get you? Isnt it obvious that GOd talk without God acts is outrageous nonsense?
I can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, Sounds good. You take care of the faith department, I'll handle the words department. No so fast. You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove.
Your faith journey has to include serving others, moving yourself out of your seat on Sunday mornings and getting busy. We are each called to serve and be the body of Christ. That Friday morning was such a blessing to those who got to do this. Hard work - you bet but so incredible to experience. Faith become fruitful in works..... showing Christ to others is sometimes more powerful than telling them.
James gives us that no nonesense explanation of faith. Its authentic and full of passion and he shares with us this calling out to do something and not be fake. James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says! He pleads his case and puts it out there for us to reflect the quality of faith inside us as it guides us in life.
Thursday, September 22, 2011

I just love this picture. I was checking in on our friends at KBM which hosts people to do short term missions in Jamaica. They had some pictures up from when our team was there last June and I was scrolling through them and smiling - then I came to this picture. I stared at it for a good 5 minutes as I got lost in the emotions of this day. It was such a powerful day praising and hearing Gods word that Sunday. See this was our last full day being in Jamaica after a week. A week on the mission field would usually look tough, tired, worn out and ready for home but there is nothing but smiles. Look at Morgans face, look at Kaylay and Trace and Cami - nothing but smiles. Even the Jamaica gals are smiling. Hot, dirt floor, windows open with an occasional breeze passing through - no stage lights, no hot guitar or video screens - just open hearted worship and teaching Gods word.
It is a highlight for me thinking back to this day because I was teaching that day. What an honor it was. I was speaking from the america show- Extreme home make over. This time it was KBM style and sharing with everyeone how KBM through Jim and Penie come in and make dreams happen for families while sharing God love and grace in such a powerful way that for many - its life changing. There were many times during the week where emotions would be just too much. I recall many times just having to step back and get a grip on myself because the moment was too powerful, to incredible, to moving - at times all I could do was weep because the emotions were coming over the top. I think about how those things have impacted me even today. These are things that drive my faith even further and deeper. Morgan giving a cup of water to a little girl who just wanted to be held. Carol playing with a child who has nothing to play with except a rock or a stick. Kyle sitting and talking with a 12 year old boy after we just delivered water to his home for his family. Taylor holding a little girl in her arms as she clings and prays to never let her go. Donna working on a house swinging a hammer and driving in nails to make a home for a family with 5 kids in a 12 by 12 shed. Emilee who spoke with a woman in a nursing home holding her hand who had not had a visitor in months. Kate with the biggest smile I have ever seen having a waiting line of children just waiting to be held. Zach standing that Sunday morning and running to the back of the church to get his bible and speak from the book of John and preach Gods word to a church family who just lost their dad and he spoke to them about miracles. Kayla who sang so amazing that morning that lifted everyones heart to another level in preperation to Gods word.
As I think about these things today and get excited about next June where we get to go back - God was so alive this week. It was so awesome because He showed up everywhere, in everything and was constantly on our hearts and minds. Everything we did that week was wrapped in the arms of Jesus. He was in our words, He was in our actions, He was in the sweat that poured out of us, He was in our throughts and in our hearts and ON OUR FACES.
For many of the Jamaica families the joy on their faces was simply mind bongeling to us because for many of us, we have never faced the things that they face each and every day. Joyful hearts in a nursing home with flies on their faces, everything they own sitting on the bed next to them and without a family visit in years. To them, God was all they had. They lived that and for that they understood that God is all that they will ever need. Its such a beautiful thing knowing that God is all you ever need.... with nothing or with everything.
For them, God was real. He is in their tears and in their hurts. He is in their struggles and in their pain. He is in their loss and in their gain. He is in their dreams just as much as He is in our dreams. There is no question of WHY ME? -
In John 11 - Jesus hears news that Lazarus died. Lets read the story here
John 11:14- Then Jesus became explicit: "Lazarus died. And I am glad for your sakes that I wasn't there. You're about to be given new grounds for believing. Now lets go to him." That when Thomas, the one called the Twin, said to his companions, come along. We might as well die with him. When Jesus finally got there, he founds Lazarus already 4 days dead. Bethany was near Jerusalem, only a couple miles away, and many of the Jews were visiting Martha and Mary, sympathizing with them over their brother. Martha head Jesus was coming and went out to meet him. Mary remained in the house. Marthat said, Master if you'd been here, my brother wouldnt have died. Even now, I know that whatever you ask God he will give you. Jesus said, Your brother will be raised up. Martha replied, I know that he will be raised up in the resurrection at the end of time. You dont have to wait for the end. I am, right now, resurrection and life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this? Yes master. All along I have believed that you are the Messiah, the son of the God who comes into the world. After saying this, she went to her sister Mary and whispered in her ear, The Teacher is here and is asking for you. The moment she heard that, she jumped up and ran out to him. Jesus had not yet entered the town but was still at the place where Martha had met him. WHen her sumpathizing Jewish friends saw Mary run off, they followed her, thinking she was on her way to the tomb to weep there. Mary came to where Jesus was waiting and fell at his feet saying, Master, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.
When Jesus saw her sobbing and the Jews with her sobbing, a deep anger welled up within him. He said, where did you put him?
Master, come and see, they said. Now Jesus wept.
The Jews said, Look how deeply he loved him. Others among them said, Well, id he loved him so much, why didnt he do something to keep him from dying? After all, he opened the eyes of the blind man. Then Jesus, the anger again welling up within him, arrived at the tomb. It wass a simple cave in the hillside with a slab of stone laid against it. Jesu said, remove the stone. The sister of the dead man, Martha, said, Master, by this time theres a stench. He's bene dead 4 days!
Jesus looked her in the eye. Didnt I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?
Then, to the others, Go ahead and take away the stone. They removed the stone. Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and prayed, "Father, I'm grateful that you have listened to me. I know you always do listen, but on account of this crowd standing here I've spoken so that they might believe that you sent me. Then he shouted, Lazarus, come out! And he came out, a cadaver, wrapped from head to toe, and with a kerchief over his face. Jesus told them, Unwrap him and let him loose.
I love that story!! I know it was a lot to read but its even more to type but my heart is overflowing here. I have tears on my face thinking about how much Jesus not only loves Lazarus but also me and you. I think the 2 most powerful words in all of the Bible to me is the fact that the Bible recorded Jesus - Weeping. Jesus wept. I am in such "AWE" that Jesus can relate to us in such a powerful image as Jesus shows us that he is with us, he feels our pain, he understands our grief and he is real. We all need a God with a face at times in our lives.
When life is hurting the most the last thing we need is someone telling us "Told ya so" or some church snob pointing fingers at us. By Jesus weeping for his friend it shows that he understands and our hurts are his hurts. The fancy church people stood and watched and pointed fingers as this was taking place. Verse 37 shares with us - Well, if he loved him somuch, why didnt he do something to keep him from dying?
Anytime you are doing something amazing in your faith walk for God there are those who point fingers. They try and knock you down, they talk behind your back - they team together as if its some kind of movie being played out in hollywood. For some, we have been on that end of the finger pointing as we watch the church fancy people knock us down and push us out of the way.
Anytime you are doing something amazing in your walk and God has you on fire for something He has placed in your heart to do - you will have trouble, there will be opposition, there will be those who will part sides. Lies, rumors, attacks - they will come. Just a fact of life....
Jesus then prayed to his Father after first being grateful! I love that - Grateful BEFORE He asked and even before he received. What a great example to share with us how we should be more grateful in life. Our friends in Jamaica were so full of joy and gratefulness it was just amazing. With nothing material in life but yet possesing so much.
The last thing I want to share about this amazing story is that the people Jesus is with here - he never directly asked them if they believe, because he already knew their faith. He already knew they fully believed he was who he said he was. In his hometown, Jesus could barely cure the common cold because the people there only saw him as a carpenter, Mary's son and nothing more. Here, they came running to him. Martha said directly to Jesus, If only you were here my brother would not have died. They were in, they knew without a doubt who they were talking to. They saw the tears on his face, the fact they he related to them because of his weeping. Jesus had the power of his people to raise the dead and lifting his eyes to heaven, prayed and then displayed the glory of God.
Life change. This picture today has surfaced many great memories of Jamaica, the hearts that were touched there, the friends that were made, the experience of true worship and sharing time that we had each night together under the stars. It was the perfect small group.
Im so thankful to be where I am today in my walk and where God has me. I am learning so much through Elevation Church and Pastor Steven and Pastor Larry and all those who are serving with such joy, such passion, such big smiles and huge hearts.
Child like faith is all we need - not perfect faith. We are all going to have times where our faith wavers and our feeling take over in any given moment. Thats okay .... our lives are not defined by our lowest moments but our high calling. Its Jesus in us, in me, in you - that how you define your life.
Faith is to believe what we do not see and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. God to see a lot in that amazing week and in these last few weeks ... this picture is a reminder of that - it shows on their faces. Can you see it? I do.....
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I wanted to post an article that I read this morning and it really hit home. A few months ago it was brought to my attention that in my leadership of the students I was playing favorites. It really bothered me then and has since then. We all know that no matter what position a person holds, if they are leading co-workers, students, children - who ever - there will be your GOTO people. You will have that small handful of students in your class you always call on, you call certain ones out because they are leaders and they get what you are teaching or leading them to do. Its normal! For months now I have quesioned myself on that but felt it strongly in my heart I was doing and did the right thing because I never excluded anyone, never not shook a hand or welcomed someone new - I actually went WAY out of my way to greet someone with a smile and give them a feeling that they were welcomed. As time has went on, I have felt even more sure of that decision because those students are still standing with me. We are still doing life together even as life has moved on. Our relationships in many ways are deeper now and I am SO thankful and grateful that God pressed on me that I was doing the right thing. So from Simply Youth Ministry - Jason Veliquette shares his article. Thanks Jason for your heart and words here... they have helped me moved past this. Many thanks man!
Enjoy the article today. Hope it helps someone today.
That’s right…play favorites. It will keep you in youth ministry for the long haul. As ministry grows it's easy to spend the majority of our time on leading volunteers, planning, and programming youth ministry. It can become easy for our one-on-one relationships with students to take a back seat. So have a few favorites. It doesn't matter how large or small your ministry is, one-on-one discipleship is huge. These relationships will stoke your passion for youth ministry, keep you grounded in reality, and keep you going for the long haul. These relationships can be frustrating and difficult but you will never regret it.
One of my favorites is a guy named John. He's a sophomore, football player, smart, and totally busy. A while back he started to drift out of coming to our weekly youth meetings because of his busy schedule. So I decided to ask him to meet me for lunch. And over burritos and Coke we discussed topics from him being busy to whether or not he should have sex with his girlfriend. Interestingly he had been going to our church for years but didn't have his mind made up if it was okay to have sex with his girlfriend. I was shocked, and felt a boldness to speak into his life. I was able to be totally up-front with him and tell him that if he didn't decide not to have sex with his girlfriend that he would end up doing it. And thankfully in subsequent meetings he made a decision to follow God’s plan for sex. So here is a student who doesn't go to our weekly youth meeting but God allowed me to speak into his life over some Mexican food. This conversation wouldn't have happened without a one-on-one meeting. And I was pumped to be part of his life.
Here are a few thoughts on Playing Favorites:
Choose students wisely.
There are probably many students that you could develop discipleship type of relationships with. This kind of relationship takes a lot of time so you have to choose a few students wisely. Questions that I ask myself before inviting a student into this type of relationship are: Do they have a desire to have this type of relationship? Are they interested in spiritual growth? Do I get along with them? Do I have the time to commit? Do they have the time to commit? Sometimes I like to test the water by meeting with a student once or twice before I place a formal invite.
Meet consistently/and creatively.
Make your meetings a regular time and place. This will provide some stability in your relationship and in the student’s life. Most students have such crazy busy schedules that to have one weekly meeting with a role model could give their life the stability that they need. Even if it is every other week make the meetings regular.
Also, I find it fun to make the meetings creative. You don’t just have to do the same thing every time that you meet. Switch it up…take them to the driving range or shooting range. (I have one leader that does this with students with parent permission…and it still makes me nervous). By being creative it will allow your relationship to develop through various activities.
Meet on their turf.
If you can set up the place of your meeting on their turf rather than your church it will show that you care about what is going on in their lives. Ask if you can meet them at their school for lunch. Bring a pizza and invite their other friends. Or find the other spots in your town where students hang out. Set your meetings for those places. It will show the student that you know a bit about what is going on in their lives.
Set goals.
Invite the student to help determine what the goals of the relationship are. Set a few simple clear goals for why you meet. With this it will help the student get the most out of your time together and it will help you be prepared for your times together. Every once and a while have a conversation about your goals and how you are doing. Switch them up every six to nine months to keep it fresh.
Include scripture.
This one may be obvious but it needs to be said. Every time you are together read some scripture together. The word of God is alive and when it is proclaimed it does something in the relationship. Many times even when we only spend a few moments in reading scripture together we can be reminded of what is really important in life.
Pray for the student.
Ask them for a prayer request and pray for them. Then the next time you see them ask about the prayer request. This is simple I know but totally effective.
I hope that these thoughts encourage you to engage in discipleship. Second Timothy 2:2 is a great verse that reminds us of this type of youth ministry. Play favorites; you will not regret it.
Enjoy the article today. Hope it helps someone today.
That’s right…play favorites. It will keep you in youth ministry for the long haul. As ministry grows it's easy to spend the majority of our time on leading volunteers, planning, and programming youth ministry. It can become easy for our one-on-one relationships with students to take a back seat. So have a few favorites. It doesn't matter how large or small your ministry is, one-on-one discipleship is huge. These relationships will stoke your passion for youth ministry, keep you grounded in reality, and keep you going for the long haul. These relationships can be frustrating and difficult but you will never regret it.
One of my favorites is a guy named John. He's a sophomore, football player, smart, and totally busy. A while back he started to drift out of coming to our weekly youth meetings because of his busy schedule. So I decided to ask him to meet me for lunch. And over burritos and Coke we discussed topics from him being busy to whether or not he should have sex with his girlfriend. Interestingly he had been going to our church for years but didn't have his mind made up if it was okay to have sex with his girlfriend. I was shocked, and felt a boldness to speak into his life. I was able to be totally up-front with him and tell him that if he didn't decide not to have sex with his girlfriend that he would end up doing it. And thankfully in subsequent meetings he made a decision to follow God’s plan for sex. So here is a student who doesn't go to our weekly youth meeting but God allowed me to speak into his life over some Mexican food. This conversation wouldn't have happened without a one-on-one meeting. And I was pumped to be part of his life.
Here are a few thoughts on Playing Favorites:
Choose students wisely.
There are probably many students that you could develop discipleship type of relationships with. This kind of relationship takes a lot of time so you have to choose a few students wisely. Questions that I ask myself before inviting a student into this type of relationship are: Do they have a desire to have this type of relationship? Are they interested in spiritual growth? Do I get along with them? Do I have the time to commit? Do they have the time to commit? Sometimes I like to test the water by meeting with a student once or twice before I place a formal invite.
Meet consistently/and creatively.
Make your meetings a regular time and place. This will provide some stability in your relationship and in the student’s life. Most students have such crazy busy schedules that to have one weekly meeting with a role model could give their life the stability that they need. Even if it is every other week make the meetings regular.
Also, I find it fun to make the meetings creative. You don’t just have to do the same thing every time that you meet. Switch it up…take them to the driving range or shooting range. (I have one leader that does this with students with parent permission…and it still makes me nervous). By being creative it will allow your relationship to develop through various activities.
Meet on their turf.
If you can set up the place of your meeting on their turf rather than your church it will show that you care about what is going on in their lives. Ask if you can meet them at their school for lunch. Bring a pizza and invite their other friends. Or find the other spots in your town where students hang out. Set your meetings for those places. It will show the student that you know a bit about what is going on in their lives.
Set goals.
Invite the student to help determine what the goals of the relationship are. Set a few simple clear goals for why you meet. With this it will help the student get the most out of your time together and it will help you be prepared for your times together. Every once and a while have a conversation about your goals and how you are doing. Switch them up every six to nine months to keep it fresh.
Include scripture.
This one may be obvious but it needs to be said. Every time you are together read some scripture together. The word of God is alive and when it is proclaimed it does something in the relationship. Many times even when we only spend a few moments in reading scripture together we can be reminded of what is really important in life.
Pray for the student.
Ask them for a prayer request and pray for them. Then the next time you see them ask about the prayer request. This is simple I know but totally effective.
I hope that these thoughts encourage you to engage in discipleship. Second Timothy 2:2 is a great verse that reminds us of this type of youth ministry. Play favorites; you will not regret it.
Monday, September 19, 2011
What you see is usually what you get.
Its only when we look a little closer, when we pour a little of ourselves into something or someone do we really begin to understand and really honestly see what it is we are looking at.
Last night we, meaning my family, finally got together with our lifegroup after many months of time off. It was great sharing the smiles, talking and catching up. It was great having some new folks there and having the chance to be a little closer with them is such a blessing. It was sweet talking from Mark 1 where Jesus was WILLING to heal the man with leprosy. My challenge to everyone was to really think about if they were WILLING as well. Willing to meet Jesus half way and fully trust in him, to serve him, to serve others in his name - to beg God for the opportunities to share with others this great gift that has been given to us. Are you WILLING?
We also got to talk through what we see God as in our lives. We spoke about how if we see God as a carpenter, a good man, a healer, a giver, God himself, or whatever that may look like. In Mark 6: the Gospel shares with us that the people of Jesus's hometown saw him as Mary son, the son of a carpenter and thus they did not believe. Without belief there is no power. This is where I shared something from last week that has been on the edge of my heart all week.
Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.
Gosh that just continues to speak volumes to me. Thinking back to a few things that God has placed in front me has me in tears, a blubbing mess at times to be honest.
Its hard not to and Im ok with it because I know God is in the process of those tears of continuing to clean me up. We all need to be cleaned, to be taught, to be humbled, to be at a place to give but also accept grace. Its a work in progress and I am first to admit that is me !!
Saturday night with family at the county fair - I headed out to get something to eat and head over to church to help setup for Sunday services. I got a call from 2 of my close kids asking what I was doing. I shared with them and they asked if they could come. A prayer answered right there even when they have no clue I was praying for them to ask me! What a blessing it was hanging with them, setting up church the night before making a gym into a place the next day where life change takes place, a saving place for someone happens and God to do only what he can do. Gosh thats exciting to be a part in that! Its all part of the bigger picture and ice cream afterwards came with us inviting everyone at Chik-Fil-A to church the next morning.
There is work to be done. Work that is sometime not that fun but when you believe and serve with passion because its that important to you - it is fun. It becomes fun. The sacrifice is not that big when it looks like what it is and when we take it a step further and deeper.
I see the reward of faith and that is actually seeing what I believe. Gosh thats a bold statement that I just said but its true.
Last night I shared with my lifegroup my lunch last Friday. Its faith in what I dont see because I know the reward is the faith to seeing what I believe and I am putting that to the test. I've been asked to mentor a young boy in 5th grade and all the paperwork and approvals were set in motion before I was even asked. Accepting this was a no brainer and I beg God for an opportunity like this and I am blown away that people have put this much effort, this much work into making this happen for this little guy. I am blown away at how polite he is, how big his smile is and hearing about the excitement as it builds through the week. This is a little guy who needs this and that is so much more than a want! SUre he wants this .... but he NEEDS it even more.
As I spoke with him Friday, we laughed, he shared some things from the home front, I encouraged him and did my best to keep him focused on his studies and being a good student - I was thanked by 2 teachers on my way out. I heard that one of his teachers saw me and cried because i was there and she knows his story. This is so much bigger than I am. Its so much more important than I even realized. I left school walked to my truck - started it and wept.
I am a mess at times because God continues to prove over and over again that He will use those who are willing. WILLING!
Who do you see Jesus as in your life?
In the book of Job - Job lost everything but in his mess, he still continued to praise God. The great news about that is God has chosen to get involved. He is involved in our lives - and in the messes - of everyday people. The awesome news is that God is in the pigsty with us. He is the God of mess as much as he is the God of beauty and ... He is the God who makes the mess beautiful.
I am looking forward to lunch this week. I am looking forward to who God puts in my paths to speak to, to encourage, to show them Gods love and grace - to speak softly and to listen intentively.
God is in the unexpected and I can say that I didnt expect any of this that is taking place in my life the past few weeks but being at a place to be willing, to beg for opportunity, to believe in the faith of what I believe and trusting God in the details.
Not sure where to end todays rambling post so .... time for a Mountain Dew ...that usually makes things even better.
Peace out,
Its only when we look a little closer, when we pour a little of ourselves into something or someone do we really begin to understand and really honestly see what it is we are looking at.
Last night we, meaning my family, finally got together with our lifegroup after many months of time off. It was great sharing the smiles, talking and catching up. It was great having some new folks there and having the chance to be a little closer with them is such a blessing. It was sweet talking from Mark 1 where Jesus was WILLING to heal the man with leprosy. My challenge to everyone was to really think about if they were WILLING as well. Willing to meet Jesus half way and fully trust in him, to serve him, to serve others in his name - to beg God for the opportunities to share with others this great gift that has been given to us. Are you WILLING?
We also got to talk through what we see God as in our lives. We spoke about how if we see God as a carpenter, a good man, a healer, a giver, God himself, or whatever that may look like. In Mark 6: the Gospel shares with us that the people of Jesus's hometown saw him as Mary son, the son of a carpenter and thus they did not believe. Without belief there is no power. This is where I shared something from last week that has been on the edge of my heart all week.
Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.
Gosh that just continues to speak volumes to me. Thinking back to a few things that God has placed in front me has me in tears, a blubbing mess at times to be honest.
Its hard not to and Im ok with it because I know God is in the process of those tears of continuing to clean me up. We all need to be cleaned, to be taught, to be humbled, to be at a place to give but also accept grace. Its a work in progress and I am first to admit that is me !!
Saturday night with family at the county fair - I headed out to get something to eat and head over to church to help setup for Sunday services. I got a call from 2 of my close kids asking what I was doing. I shared with them and they asked if they could come. A prayer answered right there even when they have no clue I was praying for them to ask me! What a blessing it was hanging with them, setting up church the night before making a gym into a place the next day where life change takes place, a saving place for someone happens and God to do only what he can do. Gosh thats exciting to be a part in that! Its all part of the bigger picture and ice cream afterwards came with us inviting everyone at Chik-Fil-A to church the next morning.
There is work to be done. Work that is sometime not that fun but when you believe and serve with passion because its that important to you - it is fun. It becomes fun. The sacrifice is not that big when it looks like what it is and when we take it a step further and deeper.
I see the reward of faith and that is actually seeing what I believe. Gosh thats a bold statement that I just said but its true.
Last night I shared with my lifegroup my lunch last Friday. Its faith in what I dont see because I know the reward is the faith to seeing what I believe and I am putting that to the test. I've been asked to mentor a young boy in 5th grade and all the paperwork and approvals were set in motion before I was even asked. Accepting this was a no brainer and I beg God for an opportunity like this and I am blown away that people have put this much effort, this much work into making this happen for this little guy. I am blown away at how polite he is, how big his smile is and hearing about the excitement as it builds through the week. This is a little guy who needs this and that is so much more than a want! SUre he wants this .... but he NEEDS it even more.
As I spoke with him Friday, we laughed, he shared some things from the home front, I encouraged him and did my best to keep him focused on his studies and being a good student - I was thanked by 2 teachers on my way out. I heard that one of his teachers saw me and cried because i was there and she knows his story. This is so much bigger than I am. Its so much more important than I even realized. I left school walked to my truck - started it and wept.
I am a mess at times because God continues to prove over and over again that He will use those who are willing. WILLING!
Who do you see Jesus as in your life?
In the book of Job - Job lost everything but in his mess, he still continued to praise God. The great news about that is God has chosen to get involved. He is involved in our lives - and in the messes - of everyday people. The awesome news is that God is in the pigsty with us. He is the God of mess as much as he is the God of beauty and ... He is the God who makes the mess beautiful.
I am looking forward to lunch this week. I am looking forward to who God puts in my paths to speak to, to encourage, to show them Gods love and grace - to speak softly and to listen intentively.
God is in the unexpected and I can say that I didnt expect any of this that is taking place in my life the past few weeks but being at a place to be willing, to beg for opportunity, to believe in the faith of what I believe and trusting God in the details.
Not sure where to end todays rambling post so .... time for a Mountain Dew ...that usually makes things even better.
Peace out,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I think this is the last of the hot days here in NC. Sad in a way but also excited for the cooler temps and the fall that is my favorite season by far - even though that means saying so long to a short summer on the lake and on the boat this year. Busy June and busy July kept us from spending a good amount of time in our little piece of heaven place in the mountains. Looking forward to more time up there this fall and winter.
I am in Mark 1:29 today and in the Gospel of Mark he shares with us many examples of Jesus healing people. We are a sight believing people and if we can't see something, if we can't see the miracle or the benefits to something then we have a hard time wrapping our minds and hearts around it. So here Jesus is doing what he came to do in part. Heal people ....
Mark 1:29- As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and JOhn to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon's mother in law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon possessed. The whole town gatherred at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
I think that is just incredible that Jesus kept the demons from speaking because they knew who he was. What do you think they would have said? I am sure they would have said something since Jesus shares with us that he did not let them speak. So all was quiet and with the demons not being able to tell the people there witnessing this miracle who he really was - that left them to decide for themselves. They had to come to faith and belief in their own terms and by not what someone or something else had said.
I think about the family today at the Center of Hope. A few times back while serving there I met this incredible family for 10 children. Mom needing some help with getting meals on from the serving line to the table and drinks for everyone and all the kids sitting and ready to eat. A huge task for even 1 child at times but 10? O M G! So I walked over and began to talk with the kids and we shared some smiles and I asked the mom what I could do to help. I got drinks, I got plates of food, I got Danielle who was with me to help me and she made a good connection with the kids as well and together we served this family in such a special way. This past Sunday was again special in its own way. The kids remembering me, came running over with big smiles and hugs. No reservations about anything other than the fact that this person (me) loves them without conditions. I sat down after serving the meal with this family - there at the table was mom, a son and 3 little daughter all probably under 9. We laughed and the one little girl said, I cant wait to grow up. I want to graduate and go to college. I want to get out of here. I told her that she didnt need to rush things and to enjoy being a kid - laugh and enjoy - but really in a place like a homeless shelter I wonder how much there really is in terms laughs and enjoyment. My heart broke right then. My prayer will continue to be to serve them, to love them, to pray for them and to one day hopefully at some point to go and pick them up for church and bring them so that they can feel the love of Christ through the body of believers who want nothing more than to love on them, show them Jesus and to serve them in anyway possible. That is such a huge step but why not be bold in that step? Why not have the boldness to really reach far for Christ?
The entire town gathered as they watched Jesus heal people. I am praying as a town of believers we will be in "Awe" as Jesus gets a hold of this family. I can see the tears now, I can see the smiles now - I can see the steps forward to a better life now with a new direction and a family unit.
Something I am learning along my journey from a book "Radical Together" - The Bible is not in a church leaders hands so he or she can give people answers to every question they have and guidance for every situation they face. Instead, the Bible is in a church leader's hands to transform people into the image of Christ and to get people in touch with the Holy Spirit of God, who will not only give them counsel for every situation they face but will also walk with them through those situations. And when church leaders use Gods word for this purpose, members develop a healthy dependence on GOds spirit and a healthy admiration of Gods glory.
The people we lead in church, in our community and in our life will never be what they cannot see. We have to show them.
As I left the Center of Hope Sunday one child had on my glove that I served food with, another had another one of my gloves, yet another had my bib on that kept my clothes clean from spills and stuff and yet another had my hand and walked me out to say see you again soon and can you bring me a "Green Tea and one of those necklaces you have on?" -
I think I can do that... better yet - Yes, I am willing.
If the demons know who Jesus is, shouldn't we?
I am in Mark 1:29 today and in the Gospel of Mark he shares with us many examples of Jesus healing people. We are a sight believing people and if we can't see something, if we can't see the miracle or the benefits to something then we have a hard time wrapping our minds and hearts around it. So here Jesus is doing what he came to do in part. Heal people ....
Mark 1:29- As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and JOhn to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon's mother in law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon possessed. The whole town gatherred at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
I think that is just incredible that Jesus kept the demons from speaking because they knew who he was. What do you think they would have said? I am sure they would have said something since Jesus shares with us that he did not let them speak. So all was quiet and with the demons not being able to tell the people there witnessing this miracle who he really was - that left them to decide for themselves. They had to come to faith and belief in their own terms and by not what someone or something else had said.
I think about the family today at the Center of Hope. A few times back while serving there I met this incredible family for 10 children. Mom needing some help with getting meals on from the serving line to the table and drinks for everyone and all the kids sitting and ready to eat. A huge task for even 1 child at times but 10? O M G! So I walked over and began to talk with the kids and we shared some smiles and I asked the mom what I could do to help. I got drinks, I got plates of food, I got Danielle who was with me to help me and she made a good connection with the kids as well and together we served this family in such a special way. This past Sunday was again special in its own way. The kids remembering me, came running over with big smiles and hugs. No reservations about anything other than the fact that this person (me) loves them without conditions. I sat down after serving the meal with this family - there at the table was mom, a son and 3 little daughter all probably under 9. We laughed and the one little girl said, I cant wait to grow up. I want to graduate and go to college. I want to get out of here. I told her that she didnt need to rush things and to enjoy being a kid - laugh and enjoy - but really in a place like a homeless shelter I wonder how much there really is in terms laughs and enjoyment. My heart broke right then. My prayer will continue to be to serve them, to love them, to pray for them and to one day hopefully at some point to go and pick them up for church and bring them so that they can feel the love of Christ through the body of believers who want nothing more than to love on them, show them Jesus and to serve them in anyway possible. That is such a huge step but why not be bold in that step? Why not have the boldness to really reach far for Christ?
The entire town gathered as they watched Jesus heal people. I am praying as a town of believers we will be in "Awe" as Jesus gets a hold of this family. I can see the tears now, I can see the smiles now - I can see the steps forward to a better life now with a new direction and a family unit.
Something I am learning along my journey from a book "Radical Together" - The Bible is not in a church leaders hands so he or she can give people answers to every question they have and guidance for every situation they face. Instead, the Bible is in a church leader's hands to transform people into the image of Christ and to get people in touch with the Holy Spirit of God, who will not only give them counsel for every situation they face but will also walk with them through those situations. And when church leaders use Gods word for this purpose, members develop a healthy dependence on GOds spirit and a healthy admiration of Gods glory.
The people we lead in church, in our community and in our life will never be what they cannot see. We have to show them.
As I left the Center of Hope Sunday one child had on my glove that I served food with, another had another one of my gloves, yet another had my bib on that kept my clothes clean from spills and stuff and yet another had my hand and walked me out to say see you again soon and can you bring me a "Green Tea and one of those necklaces you have on?" -
I think I can do that... better yet - Yes, I am willing.
If the demons know who Jesus is, shouldn't we?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mark 1:40 - A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man, "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleaned.
Gosh I am loving this verse today and it is really speaking to me in a few different ways. Here is a man who had been shuned by society. Considered to be dirty and unclean by almost everyone. Imagine the pain and suffering that this man felt probably for years as he wandered the streets alone. Unable to work because of his condition, probably having to leave his family and all his friends and was now at a place in life where he had to beg for whatever he needed. Hoping for a handout instead of a handup. Jesus comes and he throws himself at his feet and notice how the man did not demand anything from Jesus. He simply said, Lord if you are willing, will you make me clean. You can feel the tears in his eyes. You can see the submissiveness in him when he came to Jesus in the only place he had left in this life - His last chance possibly - on his knees. Jesus tells the man after looking at him and feeling overwhelmed with compassion for him - He touched the man and said I am willing. He did what nobody else would. He touched an unclean man knowing that people were watching, judging and then witnessing the miracle that Jesus came to do for people. Jesus was willing and it has me thinking on our christian walk today. Are you honestly willing to touch those around you for Christ?
This past Sunday we got to witness a move of God at church. I am still blown away by the pictures that people continue to post on facebook, send in emails, and post on Twitter. The # is staggering in many regards but there is a process, there is a touch, there is an invite, there is a contact, there is a sacrifice, there is a take a chance and step out of someones comfort zone, there is some boldness there is for some - a miracle taking place - for all those folks to walk through those doors.
I think about that young lady on Saturday morning at the car wash. Getting the Element washed with my free coupon and it was very dirty to say the least, a young lady comes out and sits next to me on the bench which was located in the sun. I said hey to her and she replied, Hey. I said I didnt think it was supposed to be hot like this today and she said yeah but I like hanging onto the last few days of summer. She began to tell me her job as a waitress would slow down with the colder temperatures coming. I asked where she worked and she told me at this place near the white water center outside of west Charlotte. I noticed she was a little down or just something not right and I asked her if she was okay as I turned and really looked at her. She said yes... Im fine...and a long pause...and then she said not really.
I said well do you want to share? She said she took the day off of work today to be with her mom. Her mom was at Northeast and was not doing well. Mom was napping and she wanted to take her moms car to get cleaned and fill it full of gas. I said ya know, that is such a blessing especially when someone doesnt know it is taking place till later. I told her I was out delivering Elevation University invite cards and just this morning while going through the drivethrough- I bought the 2 families behind me lunch and all I did was give them one of our invite cards. We never know who we may touch like that when we pass on a blessing. I told her something good was coming her way because of the random act of kindness she was providing. She said I will chalk it up as carma. Her car was about ready and she asked if I would pray for her mom. I said I I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and prayed for her mom right there in the Auto Bell Carwash. Tears ran down her face. You could tell GOd was really moving in those moments. She thanked me and I said that invite stand to Elevation University tomorrow morning if you are still in town. She said maybe and gave me a big smile and walked to her car.
I dont know if she was there or not. Doesnt really matter because by doing so, by having faith and courage to have a conversation like that in public with people around and putting 2 peoples lives lined up facing the same direction, even if only for a few moments is amazing. Maybe Sunday there her seat was counted and life change for her took place. Maybe she was that 1435 person or maybe it could have been 1436 people without her. "I was willing" to reach out and though I cannot heal anyone my heart had compassion for her and spoke to her in a way to bring her to a place that can.
Sunday may have been her day! It may have been her time to come on her knees with everything dragging behind her, the weight of the world, the pain that only she knows and come to the feet of Jesus. Its such a beautiful thing. I really believe she was there and life today is different. She may be speaking to her mom this week in another way - one full of life, hope and possibility. She may be telling her mom that she was sorry after years of running, maybe being wild as a teenager and making some big huge mistakes.
Being the church even outside of the building - isnt that being the church?
Are you willing today? What is keeping you from doing just that? Be a blessing to someone today - better yet, BEG God for you to be a blessing for someone today because in return you too shall be blessed even more so.
In Mark 43 we see the rest of the story ...Jesus could not longer enter town openly after healing this man and had to stay outside of the city but yet the people still came to him from everywhere.
Gosh I am loving this verse today and it is really speaking to me in a few different ways. Here is a man who had been shuned by society. Considered to be dirty and unclean by almost everyone. Imagine the pain and suffering that this man felt probably for years as he wandered the streets alone. Unable to work because of his condition, probably having to leave his family and all his friends and was now at a place in life where he had to beg for whatever he needed. Hoping for a handout instead of a handup. Jesus comes and he throws himself at his feet and notice how the man did not demand anything from Jesus. He simply said, Lord if you are willing, will you make me clean. You can feel the tears in his eyes. You can see the submissiveness in him when he came to Jesus in the only place he had left in this life - His last chance possibly - on his knees. Jesus tells the man after looking at him and feeling overwhelmed with compassion for him - He touched the man and said I am willing. He did what nobody else would. He touched an unclean man knowing that people were watching, judging and then witnessing the miracle that Jesus came to do for people. Jesus was willing and it has me thinking on our christian walk today. Are you honestly willing to touch those around you for Christ?
This past Sunday we got to witness a move of God at church. I am still blown away by the pictures that people continue to post on facebook, send in emails, and post on Twitter. The # is staggering in many regards but there is a process, there is a touch, there is an invite, there is a contact, there is a sacrifice, there is a take a chance and step out of someones comfort zone, there is some boldness there is for some - a miracle taking place - for all those folks to walk through those doors.
I think about that young lady on Saturday morning at the car wash. Getting the Element washed with my free coupon and it was very dirty to say the least, a young lady comes out and sits next to me on the bench which was located in the sun. I said hey to her and she replied, Hey. I said I didnt think it was supposed to be hot like this today and she said yeah but I like hanging onto the last few days of summer. She began to tell me her job as a waitress would slow down with the colder temperatures coming. I asked where she worked and she told me at this place near the white water center outside of west Charlotte. I noticed she was a little down or just something not right and I asked her if she was okay as I turned and really looked at her. She said yes... Im fine...and a long pause...and then she said not really.
I said well do you want to share? She said she took the day off of work today to be with her mom. Her mom was at Northeast and was not doing well. Mom was napping and she wanted to take her moms car to get cleaned and fill it full of gas. I said ya know, that is such a blessing especially when someone doesnt know it is taking place till later. I told her I was out delivering Elevation University invite cards and just this morning while going through the drivethrough- I bought the 2 families behind me lunch and all I did was give them one of our invite cards. We never know who we may touch like that when we pass on a blessing. I told her something good was coming her way because of the random act of kindness she was providing. She said I will chalk it up as carma. Her car was about ready and she asked if I would pray for her mom. I said I I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and prayed for her mom right there in the Auto Bell Carwash. Tears ran down her face. You could tell GOd was really moving in those moments. She thanked me and I said that invite stand to Elevation University tomorrow morning if you are still in town. She said maybe and gave me a big smile and walked to her car.
I dont know if she was there or not. Doesnt really matter because by doing so, by having faith and courage to have a conversation like that in public with people around and putting 2 peoples lives lined up facing the same direction, even if only for a few moments is amazing. Maybe Sunday there her seat was counted and life change for her took place. Maybe she was that 1435 person or maybe it could have been 1436 people without her. "I was willing" to reach out and though I cannot heal anyone my heart had compassion for her and spoke to her in a way to bring her to a place that can.
Sunday may have been her day! It may have been her time to come on her knees with everything dragging behind her, the weight of the world, the pain that only she knows and come to the feet of Jesus. Its such a beautiful thing. I really believe she was there and life today is different. She may be speaking to her mom this week in another way - one full of life, hope and possibility. She may be telling her mom that she was sorry after years of running, maybe being wild as a teenager and making some big huge mistakes.
Being the church even outside of the building - isnt that being the church?
Are you willing today? What is keeping you from doing just that? Be a blessing to someone today - better yet, BEG God for you to be a blessing for someone today because in return you too shall be blessed even more so.
In Mark 43 we see the rest of the story ...Jesus could not longer enter town openly after healing this man and had to stay outside of the city but yet the people still came to him from everywhere.
Monday, September 12, 2011

What do these 2 pictures have in common? Think about it ......
They both have no earthly explanation. The picture from the beach is a sunrise that I got see with 3 students while at the beach this summer. It was such a beautiful picture of God revealing the things of beauty that he creates for us. I cant imagine what heaven will one day look like because that morning, we all sat there in "Awe" of the colors and the beauty of it all. Gosh its hard to wrap you mind around it. As Elevation University was launched yesterday as a new campus - I got to be a part of the plans, the work, the setup, the praying over every single seat in that YMCA gym and beg God to do something amazing. Being bold in faith and begging God for 1000 people to show up and experience him in a new life changing powerful way... 1435 people came - I sat in "Awe" once again as God shows us time and time again that he is faithful, he answers the bold prayers of his children and know your hearts before we have to even say a word. I am reminded of a saying from Augustine - "Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe."
At the end of Matthew 16 Jesus is teaching his disciples that what good is it if a man gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? Matthew 17 After 6 days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as while as the light. Just them there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters - one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!" When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. "Get up" he said. "Dont be afraid." When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. The disciples had their mountain top experience. They couldn't explain exactly what had happened to them. If you have ever been to the top of the mountain you know that on a clear day - it looks as though you can see across the world. The view and experience is unbelievable. Imagine being Peter, James or John that day after climbing that mountain with Jesus, enjoying the view from the summit and you get to see the Son of God in his dazzling, eternal glory! They reacted the same way we would today and that would be probably "Terrified" Fear seems like the normal response to what was taking place. Fear holds us back from really believing God for the big things. It keeps us from being on our face begging him for what only he can do. Faith is to believe, loved ones, of what we do not see...I cant imagine that sunrise without him. I cant believe what I saw yesterday at church with all the people who kept coming in. AND - the reward of this Faith is to see what we believe. - What fear is it today that is keeping you from seeing what you believe?
Jesus tells us today just as he did his disciples, "Get up" and "Don't be afraid." Believe with all you have that you will see what you believe. God will then do amazing things and paint a tapestry of colors and "Awe" in your life.
Do you believe that today?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Being a short week sure does make it seem longer, doesnt it? Even with a day shorter in the work week, I think that day moves us out of rhythm for our normal week but I am not complaining having that day off if it us used wisely. Mine was and hope yours was as well.
I am so encouraged today. I am floating actually a little from yesterday being at the NewSpring leadership conference and hearing 7 of the most influential church pastors share their leadership in site and their hearts for Jesus. These applications they spoke of are capable of not only leading the church but also any business that you may be running or even working at today. They are the brightest and on the edge leaders today and it showed yesterday as they took the stage and spoke from the heart. One minutes laughing and in the next 8000 people in tears. Yes great sacrifice has been placed on their shoulders and the pain and struggles are surely there but they left us all being encouraged and fired up and changed in some way. I think I could say that for all who attended yesterday. I learned many things and hope to share some of those things over the next while here as well as in my own life as I apply the things I walked away with and into the lives of those who are close to me.
I am especially thankful for them. My family and I have had a tough season since leading up to Jamaica last June and the things that have taken place since. But we are excited, scared, nervouse cause we have no idea what is in the plans next as we move into the next season of our lives together with Elevation Church. I really feel like God is going to blow the roof off this next adventure and I am pumped for those things and being used by God in some capacity.
Think about that for a second because we are not doing God a favor by doing him something - he can take that away at any second or use the person standing next to you but being used by Him to make Jesus famous and make history is so powerful and meaningful that is just humbles me to my knees. Me a lowly sinner worthy of basically nothing and God chose me to do something.
I want my heart to be at that thankful place. To always strive for the gratefulness that comes from that deep pocket in our hearts that we rarely let out or let anyone know is there. We take so much for granted. Its one thing I learned in Jamaica - they are a grateful people who have very little but have so much. Americans are customed to think of blessings we have in material things but yet we strive and strive, losing our families and our health over more and more. We end up miserable, hurt, always tired, sick and lonely. That void we worked so hard for to fill in our lives empty still even after all the work, sweat and effort.
I am grateful for the place I am in, the season God has my family and I in today and for the people in our lives. They have stuck with us through many things. Passing of my mom in 2006 showed me that important blessing - to be part of a family. To let people in my life to walk with, encourage not only them but me also! I want to thank my family for always being there with me. Carol - Kyle you are amazing and I am so blessed to be a part of your lives and for God giving me the heart to always strive for his heart in leading you both as a husband, a dad and a friend. My bigger family in my dad, my brothers and my grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins. Dad, I look up to you in so many ways that I just dont have words to explain it. Your love for my mom was tested and tried over the lifetime of years and I want to thank you for that example you gave us as family. It extends way past Craig and I and its generational that you have given that example to. Sharon and Buster - thank you for praying for me for years before I even knew the Lord. Those prayers heard in heaven and in due season sprouted and grew. All in perfect timing by Gods grace. Another generational prayer passed down touching so many other than just me and Carol. Patty our season in time with my mom has given me a sister I never had. I need to work harder at getting our relationship back on track and doing life together. I miss you. Craig and Danny - I miss you both and continue to pray that Gods seed will grow in your hearts. I also want to say I am grateful for all those who have spent time with us over the years growing together as family in our faith. Ya'll have stood the tests and shown me so much over the years. Full of love and grace working both ways.
Donna, Morgan, Taylor, Barbara, Tony, Madison, Lauren, Carol, Harlan, Marissa, Kelly, Christa, Jesse, Sherry, Donnie, Val, Kris, little Kyle, Alayna and Karlee, Travis, Kristen, Kayla,Scott, Beverly, Brody, Jennifer, Bobby, Madison S, Kate, Bob, Katelyn, Brandon, April, the Martina family, Thigpens, Gosh I know I am missing some folks but I could just keep going.
I am just grateful for each of you. We all assume sometimes that people in our lives know we love them, appreciate them and all but do you show them? Dont ever assume people know it and remind them of it often!
Gratitude can lift you out of the place you are in. Give someone thanks today because making a difference is what its all about and by being grateful it shows your heart to them. Not only does it affect your relationships here but also with the one in our heavenly Father.
Being grateful is the most important virtue you can share/posses - so important in our leadership and in our walk with Jesus.
I will end todays post being grateful for the opportunity I get to go do now. I was selected to mentor a 5th grade boy at the local school. What an honor it is to go every so often and have lunch with him and invest and encourage him. I am excited about the lunch times ahead. I am sure there will be lots to learn through this new avenue the Lord has me on.
Blessings and gratitude today all in Jesus name,
I am so encouraged today. I am floating actually a little from yesterday being at the NewSpring leadership conference and hearing 7 of the most influential church pastors share their leadership in site and their hearts for Jesus. These applications they spoke of are capable of not only leading the church but also any business that you may be running or even working at today. They are the brightest and on the edge leaders today and it showed yesterday as they took the stage and spoke from the heart. One minutes laughing and in the next 8000 people in tears. Yes great sacrifice has been placed on their shoulders and the pain and struggles are surely there but they left us all being encouraged and fired up and changed in some way. I think I could say that for all who attended yesterday. I learned many things and hope to share some of those things over the next while here as well as in my own life as I apply the things I walked away with and into the lives of those who are close to me.
I am especially thankful for them. My family and I have had a tough season since leading up to Jamaica last June and the things that have taken place since. But we are excited, scared, nervouse cause we have no idea what is in the plans next as we move into the next season of our lives together with Elevation Church. I really feel like God is going to blow the roof off this next adventure and I am pumped for those things and being used by God in some capacity.
Think about that for a second because we are not doing God a favor by doing him something - he can take that away at any second or use the person standing next to you but being used by Him to make Jesus famous and make history is so powerful and meaningful that is just humbles me to my knees. Me a lowly sinner worthy of basically nothing and God chose me to do something.
I want my heart to be at that thankful place. To always strive for the gratefulness that comes from that deep pocket in our hearts that we rarely let out or let anyone know is there. We take so much for granted. Its one thing I learned in Jamaica - they are a grateful people who have very little but have so much. Americans are customed to think of blessings we have in material things but yet we strive and strive, losing our families and our health over more and more. We end up miserable, hurt, always tired, sick and lonely. That void we worked so hard for to fill in our lives empty still even after all the work, sweat and effort.
I am grateful for the place I am in, the season God has my family and I in today and for the people in our lives. They have stuck with us through many things. Passing of my mom in 2006 showed me that important blessing - to be part of a family. To let people in my life to walk with, encourage not only them but me also! I want to thank my family for always being there with me. Carol - Kyle you are amazing and I am so blessed to be a part of your lives and for God giving me the heart to always strive for his heart in leading you both as a husband, a dad and a friend. My bigger family in my dad, my brothers and my grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins. Dad, I look up to you in so many ways that I just dont have words to explain it. Your love for my mom was tested and tried over the lifetime of years and I want to thank you for that example you gave us as family. It extends way past Craig and I and its generational that you have given that example to. Sharon and Buster - thank you for praying for me for years before I even knew the Lord. Those prayers heard in heaven and in due season sprouted and grew. All in perfect timing by Gods grace. Another generational prayer passed down touching so many other than just me and Carol. Patty our season in time with my mom has given me a sister I never had. I need to work harder at getting our relationship back on track and doing life together. I miss you. Craig and Danny - I miss you both and continue to pray that Gods seed will grow in your hearts. I also want to say I am grateful for all those who have spent time with us over the years growing together as family in our faith. Ya'll have stood the tests and shown me so much over the years. Full of love and grace working both ways.
Donna, Morgan, Taylor, Barbara, Tony, Madison, Lauren, Carol, Harlan, Marissa, Kelly, Christa, Jesse, Sherry, Donnie, Val, Kris, little Kyle, Alayna and Karlee, Travis, Kristen, Kayla,Scott, Beverly, Brody, Jennifer, Bobby, Madison S, Kate, Bob, Katelyn, Brandon, April, the Martina family, Thigpens, Gosh I know I am missing some folks but I could just keep going.
I am just grateful for each of you. We all assume sometimes that people in our lives know we love them, appreciate them and all but do you show them? Dont ever assume people know it and remind them of it often!
Gratitude can lift you out of the place you are in. Give someone thanks today because making a difference is what its all about and by being grateful it shows your heart to them. Not only does it affect your relationships here but also with the one in our heavenly Father.
Being grateful is the most important virtue you can share/posses - so important in our leadership and in our walk with Jesus.
I will end todays post being grateful for the opportunity I get to go do now. I was selected to mentor a 5th grade boy at the local school. What an honor it is to go every so often and have lunch with him and invest and encourage him. I am excited about the lunch times ahead. I am sure there will be lots to learn through this new avenue the Lord has me on.
Blessings and gratitude today all in Jesus name,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Romans 15:4 - "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope."
Gosh I love that! Doesn't that bring such comfort in our times of need and hurts? That even during our toughest trials in life where we seem to have lost all senses of security, people around us hurting us and what you thought could and would never happen has happened - these words bring such power and purpose while keeping it all in perspective.
Hope can be found in the scriptures!
Many of us have found this to be true: When we are going through discouragement or rejection, grief, anxiety or loss, Gods word has an amazing ability to encourage our hearts. It's almost as if Scriptures comes alive when we're reading or studying on Gods amazing word.
Hope can be like a roller coaster in life.
I hoped to get the job... ONLY to miss out
I hoped to make the team at school ... Only to be led down
I hoped to get that scholarship for college ... Only to receive a regection letter
I hoped to see my son or daughter make better choices and avoid the pain some of the other kids are making ... Only to be heart broken
I hoped I would get pregnant ... Only to miscarry again
I hoped for a good cancer test and results would be negative... Only to find out the cancer is back
I hoped to be leading in the student ministry ... Only to have people turn their backs on you and shut the door behind you as you walk away
Life can be tough at times. Unfair at times. Some days we are filled with the hope of the future and other days it seems as all hope has been lost.
I will say this, - When God shows up, So does Hope!
Luke 24:13-21 - Now that same day 2 of them were going to a village called Emmaus., about 7 miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.
He asked them, What are you discussing together as you walk along? They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days? What things? he asked. About Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed and before God and all the people. They chief priests and our rilers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and tehy crucified him, but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. and what is more, it is the third day since all this took place.
So many times loved ones, we are so focused in on our issue at hand that we lose sight of the hope that God is there in our issues. We forget the fact that the trial we are under is there for a reason. Just as these 2 men, probably disciples of Jesus, had lost all hope walking away seeing their king murdered and all hope in their world lost. Jesus walks along side them, encourages them, speaks to them, sits to have a meal with them and suddenly their eyes were opened. They knew right then they had walked along that long dusty road with Jesus, their king. In their excitement they ran back to tell the others.
There is hope in the name of Jesus. In spite of the most tragic circumstances, we can have that hope that prevails. Jesus is walking with you along your road today. He is with you in that wandering child, in that team and job loss, he is in that cancer, he is in that student ministry - because he is in that hope and in your heart brokeness.
So there are a few more things I want to share about hope before I close today:
Sharing Hope is your calling!
Sharing Hope transforms us!
Sharing Hope is contagious!
Sharing Hope build your faith!
Hope someone needed that today :)
Gosh I love that! Doesn't that bring such comfort in our times of need and hurts? That even during our toughest trials in life where we seem to have lost all senses of security, people around us hurting us and what you thought could and would never happen has happened - these words bring such power and purpose while keeping it all in perspective.
Hope can be found in the scriptures!
Many of us have found this to be true: When we are going through discouragement or rejection, grief, anxiety or loss, Gods word has an amazing ability to encourage our hearts. It's almost as if Scriptures comes alive when we're reading or studying on Gods amazing word.
Hope can be like a roller coaster in life.
I hoped to get the job... ONLY to miss out
I hoped to make the team at school ... Only to be led down
I hoped to get that scholarship for college ... Only to receive a regection letter
I hoped to see my son or daughter make better choices and avoid the pain some of the other kids are making ... Only to be heart broken
I hoped I would get pregnant ... Only to miscarry again
I hoped for a good cancer test and results would be negative... Only to find out the cancer is back
I hoped to be leading in the student ministry ... Only to have people turn their backs on you and shut the door behind you as you walk away
Life can be tough at times. Unfair at times. Some days we are filled with the hope of the future and other days it seems as all hope has been lost.
I will say this, - When God shows up, So does Hope!
Luke 24:13-21 - Now that same day 2 of them were going to a village called Emmaus., about 7 miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.
He asked them, What are you discussing together as you walk along? They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days? What things? he asked. About Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed and before God and all the people. They chief priests and our rilers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and tehy crucified him, but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. and what is more, it is the third day since all this took place.
So many times loved ones, we are so focused in on our issue at hand that we lose sight of the hope that God is there in our issues. We forget the fact that the trial we are under is there for a reason. Just as these 2 men, probably disciples of Jesus, had lost all hope walking away seeing their king murdered and all hope in their world lost. Jesus walks along side them, encourages them, speaks to them, sits to have a meal with them and suddenly their eyes were opened. They knew right then they had walked along that long dusty road with Jesus, their king. In their excitement they ran back to tell the others.
There is hope in the name of Jesus. In spite of the most tragic circumstances, we can have that hope that prevails. Jesus is walking with you along your road today. He is with you in that wandering child, in that team and job loss, he is in that cancer, he is in that student ministry - because he is in that hope and in your heart brokeness.
So there are a few more things I want to share about hope before I close today:
Sharing Hope is your calling!
Sharing Hope transforms us!
Sharing Hope is contagious!
Sharing Hope build your faith!
Hope someone needed that today :)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Its Friday. I am thankful for Fridays, especially the ones before a long weekend. We are headed to the mountains for an extended stay and excited to have the Lymans and Beavers with us. Should make for a great friend and family weekend away - all of us are needing some downtime. I am sad we will be missing church but thankful we can catch the message online. Still will be missing the worship time and meeting new faces.
Last night Carol, Kyle, Brody, Morgan and Taylor got to share some time with our volunteer team, just one of them at Jeff and Ambers house - Great time getting to know some new people especially when over the coming months we are going to be serving side by side with each other. I love that Elevation church, our church home, works hard to make connections and put people together. 10,000 in attendance last weekend and though some may say that is huge for a it really? There are 980,000 people in the Charlotte county alone - I think we have a lot of work to do. We are not even scratching the surface of touching lives in the Charlotte city and even the areas around it.
As yesterday unfolded with the Center of Hope being a place that is so dear to my heart and an avenue to serve and connect with hurting people was almost taken from me and the folks that share this responsibility with me ... it has me thinking on a few things.
For one - Every heart has a story. Do we bother to take the time in our busy and personal lives to really listen for the ones nobody wants to hear?
We have people all around us that are struggling and hurting. Do we take the time to really listen to the hearts of those who find themselves in those places? We got to experience a whole another level by going to Jamaica last June but there are people right in your life, as you are walking this every day life, right there for you. It may be that gal struggling with an addiction that is on the street corner. It may be that scary man holding a sign at the stop light. It may be your neighbor who is at the bar each night avoiding his family due to his Miller Light consumption. It may be that student who is hiding the fact they are cutting themselves trying to release the pain.
So for this long weekend, I want to challenge you with something before the weekend gets started in a few hours because its 5:00 somewhere so here it is, are you with me?
Give your best portion to God today by doing something for the least of his brothers. Maybe you can take a homeless man for coffee and listen to his story. Maybe you can buy a coke for the alcoholic at the local watering hole waiting for his or her first beer to arrive at the counter - take the moment to ask them about Jesus. Maybe that means you put a total stranger in a hotel room for the night who has no place to sleep. Maybe its that icecream with that student who is really needing someone to talk to.
At the Center of Hope - there are stories there. People have a heart full to share and though it may not come out right away, sometimes all you need to do is ask and they shine because their story is personal and they dont want to be left out, forgotten, shunned and looked down on because of their situation. Jesus gave everything for us and how can we possibly stand by and do any less?
2 Corinthians 2:8 - An now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. (this is you, this is our city, this is our community) IN the midst of very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleased with us for the privilege of sharing in these service to the Lord people. And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us. So we urged Titus (you) just as he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part. But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
Jesus left his heavenly throne to walk amongst us. To become one of us. To touch the hearts and restore the hurting, the lonely, that teenager with a heart full of struggles and that marriage that fell apart because of a bad decision. Jesus didnt have to leave heaven but he did out of obedience to the Father and the love he has for you and me. He implores us to leave our comfort zones by caring for others, loving orphans and widows, to reach the lost and hurting.
Dont close you eyes to the hurting - Instead, enter their world so you can help them experience yours because yours has Jesus.
Take the challenge this weekend - it might be a life changing conversation.
Have a blessed weekend and would love to hear a story or 2 :) -
Last night Carol, Kyle, Brody, Morgan and Taylor got to share some time with our volunteer team, just one of them at Jeff and Ambers house - Great time getting to know some new people especially when over the coming months we are going to be serving side by side with each other. I love that Elevation church, our church home, works hard to make connections and put people together. 10,000 in attendance last weekend and though some may say that is huge for a it really? There are 980,000 people in the Charlotte county alone - I think we have a lot of work to do. We are not even scratching the surface of touching lives in the Charlotte city and even the areas around it.
As yesterday unfolded with the Center of Hope being a place that is so dear to my heart and an avenue to serve and connect with hurting people was almost taken from me and the folks that share this responsibility with me ... it has me thinking on a few things.
For one - Every heart has a story. Do we bother to take the time in our busy and personal lives to really listen for the ones nobody wants to hear?
We have people all around us that are struggling and hurting. Do we take the time to really listen to the hearts of those who find themselves in those places? We got to experience a whole another level by going to Jamaica last June but there are people right in your life, as you are walking this every day life, right there for you. It may be that gal struggling with an addiction that is on the street corner. It may be that scary man holding a sign at the stop light. It may be your neighbor who is at the bar each night avoiding his family due to his Miller Light consumption. It may be that student who is hiding the fact they are cutting themselves trying to release the pain.
So for this long weekend, I want to challenge you with something before the weekend gets started in a few hours because its 5:00 somewhere so here it is, are you with me?
Give your best portion to God today by doing something for the least of his brothers. Maybe you can take a homeless man for coffee and listen to his story. Maybe you can buy a coke for the alcoholic at the local watering hole waiting for his or her first beer to arrive at the counter - take the moment to ask them about Jesus. Maybe that means you put a total stranger in a hotel room for the night who has no place to sleep. Maybe its that icecream with that student who is really needing someone to talk to.
At the Center of Hope - there are stories there. People have a heart full to share and though it may not come out right away, sometimes all you need to do is ask and they shine because their story is personal and they dont want to be left out, forgotten, shunned and looked down on because of their situation. Jesus gave everything for us and how can we possibly stand by and do any less?
2 Corinthians 2:8 - An now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. (this is you, this is our city, this is our community) IN the midst of very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleased with us for the privilege of sharing in these service to the Lord people. And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us. So we urged Titus (you) just as he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part. But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
Jesus left his heavenly throne to walk amongst us. To become one of us. To touch the hearts and restore the hurting, the lonely, that teenager with a heart full of struggles and that marriage that fell apart because of a bad decision. Jesus didnt have to leave heaven but he did out of obedience to the Father and the love he has for you and me. He implores us to leave our comfort zones by caring for others, loving orphans and widows, to reach the lost and hurting.
Dont close you eyes to the hurting - Instead, enter their world so you can help them experience yours because yours has Jesus.
Take the challenge this weekend - it might be a life changing conversation.
Have a blessed weekend and would love to hear a story or 2 :) -
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