Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am looking around my office this afternoon looking at all the pictures I have. Its wonderful seeing the smiles and the relationships in those captures of time. I changed my office up some here at work and trying to get comfy in my different surroundings. I needed a change but honestly only in my office. Carol is working at home while a painter is painting our bathroom, kitchen, dining room, Kates room and her office. So far so good even though each room looks destroyed... it will be put back together again in time. I know relationships never stand still. People are either growing closer together or growing farther apart. I have been evaluating that over the last few weeks or a little longer. Which ones are growing apart? Is there something I am doing to make that happen? Is there something I am not doing to make that happen? My role in the student ministry has my heart trying hard to stay focused on the entire group and not so much focus on each individual. Its hard... I get attached... my heart is in it. I never thought it would take this much energy... I never thought my heart would hurt this much... I never thought that a student standing up and accepting Jesus would taste so sweet.... but it does.

Student ministry is not fun at all until you have given a HUGE chunk of your heart to it.

Students know the difference between an adult who is simply tolerating them versus one who genuinely loves to be around them. Student ministry is 70% relational and being in the lives of the students. I am asking the question this morning - is my hunger for Christ contagious? Students are desperate for relationships... Is my hunger for Christ apparent enough to them that it would be a Christ hunger for them?

I woke this morning with Psalm 139 on my heart. The last 2 verses speak volumes to me today.
Psalm 139: 23-24
23-24 Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I'm about; See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong— then guide me on the road to eternal life.

I know there is a certain amount of tears during the times of sowing Gods seeds and when things are not going well, bite your lip, taste your tears, and stand on what God has shown you in the night until it happens in the light.
Life is in constant change - Lord help me see life through Your eyes and not my own. Help me feel the things of Your heart and not my own.

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