Friday, December 11, 2009

A few updates~

Happy Friday everyone! Thankful to be winding down a busy week and this evening - I think as a family we are going to get the Christmas tree down and get it decorated. Nothing else planned and that is a good thing. Yes downtime, a little extra sleep and some quiet time is not a sign of weakness or just unplugging but a time to refresh, regroup, refocus and this waffle sure needs some time in my "nothing" box.
Last Wednesday we had 44 folks go to the Angel Tree Program through the Salvation Army. Shelley as usual did a great job explaining the process, what we do and the outreach importance into the community that this organization does. The students are excited to be serving and having fun while doing so and that is such an awesome thing to witness. We adopted as a church 25 Angels and we only have like 11 left for Sunday services but that is still 25 children we will be touching this Christmas through our church. Its personal and it puts our faith in action and that is what its all about. Great time for sure... will be headed back to drop gifts off on Tuesday evening - hoping to have a few students to come along as well as a few parents to help drive. Distribution days in 2 weeks is something to see for sure. I am really excited to be there again this year.

There is something that has been on my heart the last few days. I almost posted it yesterday but wanted to give Kyle his due on "thewalk" in case someone didn't know it was his birthday and all. We did head to Red Lobster last night with a dear family we are close with and he tore open some seafood. The young man can eat thats for sure. He didn't want to go to bed last night because he said it would be the end to his birthday and a great day! I am happy about that~
I am going to spill my heart here for a few minutes. I will say the word "She" but I think this applies to that son in your life, that student if you are a leader so put the context in place so that it makes sense for you. I am using "She" because there is someone who this is for but it is applied to all of "MyKids" and its something I am passionate about as I walk with so many. Hope it does for you as well.

There is a fine art to being authentically available to a young person who might want to talk to you about what is troubling them. It is something like this that keeps me asking, keeps me praying for opportunity and searching for a way for them to communicate no matter how big or small. These moments and opportunities keep me up at night. I had this conversation just this morning about that moment that God calls us home - we never know when that may be so I tell "mykids" that I love them and that I am proud of them every chance I get. I want them to know that and if it is that time - then they won't ever have to wonder about it because I have told them many times. There won't be any doubt what so ever. In order to open this communication line of course, they have to know that you love them and value them. Otherwise, they could not afford to tell you how they really feel about anything important. (small talk to pass time really bugs me just so you know) Even as adults, we rarely confide in anyone we may think does not truly care about us right? Our students and our children are no different. I also think that most of us wont open up to people who pry either. So there is a fine line to asking questions, talking from the heart and what is really on our hearts and minds. We have to be available but we also have to give them space and respect if the time is not right or that trust has not been fully established yet. Communication flows freely when students/children and leaders/parents feel safe and secure with each other.
Teenagers, adults and young children often need to be able to spill out deeper anxieties and fears. Without these safety valves, emotional tensions and stress can rise to such levels that something has to give. If you are a parent, a leader or that trusted role model ~ the right words and conversation not only can help ventilate the mind and hearts and diminish fear and anguish of the spirit, but also can mend and heal. SO much is packed into even those small and quick conversations. You don't need to wait for that big event, or the perfect place and time for that big conversation on a specific subject - often times, especially in this face pace world of email, twitter, blogs and texting - the small conversations can have the biggest impact on those we love and are trying to reach. Pleasant and relaxing excursions with them can let them see what an intelligent, mature grown up is really like. For those girls - a fatherly figure is so important or a trusted male role model who has their best interest at heart - it is vital for them!! Every girl needs that kind of influence in her life, someone she can talk to, argue with, race at the picnic, be silly with, but also have access to authentic relationship with someone who cares and loves them as an example she can compare to in her life down the road. Boys are the same, they need to have access to a father or male role model to lift them in encouragement, show them how to lead in life, how to treat a lady, to stick with things when things are tough, and also to be compassionate to others - and yes, its even ok to have a softer side that cares and wants to be cared about in return. All these things are worth doing even if you have to make room in your schedule. Let me be honest here and it is why I do so much with "mykids" and sometimes to the point where I am probably over extending myself at times but I know deep in my heart that - they are growing up just as swiftly as I am adding years to myself. Waiting until next year or the year after that will only find them a year older, me a year older, and that much less inclined to talk with you, go swimming with you, have fun at a picnic, or even go to a concert with. They will find that safety valve else where and that is usually when trouble begins to creep in.
Out of all these experiences come the kind of deep mutual and open relationship and understanding that have kept thousands of daughters, sons and students right minded, trustworthy about sex and dating, even in a world where morals, ethics and character sometimes seem extinct.
Our kids are worth that leadership from you. They are worth your investment. "MyKids" are worth that investment to me. I pour into them with everything I have because maybe, just maybe down the road - they will be different than what society is telling them. Maybe they will be leading their friends and not them being lead by their friends. Maybe they will have a heart for the things that God has a heart for. Maybe down the road it will keep them from making a bad choice that will haunt them for life. Maybe down the road it will lead them to finding their calling in life. Maybe down the road - they will know who they really are and won't let others decide who they are or even who they should hang out with. Maybe down the road they will have confidence in themselves and the word "CAN'T" is not part of their vocabulary.
Authentically available means being there for them when you don't have time, when you have to put aside what you want to do for them, putting them first sometimes over yourself, leading them when sometimes we are scared to death for them (and us), and loving them regardless with a love that is unconditional.
That is where I am today. My time with them is short and is not getting any longer. To me the only thing that will matter 100 years from now after I am long gone is their relationship with Jesus. Did I do everything I could to help them see and experience Jesus? Doesn't matter if I led them there but it does matter what I do with them after they find Him.

I had a phone call on the way home yesterday from one of my students. It was a great conversation that had questions. I got back with her on them and talked through some things. All unexpected, unplanned, and unprompted but by making myself available to talk- even if it meant me pulling over on the side of the road so I could concentrate and focus for 10 minutes - I think it made a lasting impression on a decision. It put some value in that choice without an adult just telling her what to do. She understands now WHY she was making the choice she was making. That is powerful stuff!! What would have been that decision without that conversation? Its not always in the big talks that make the biggest impact.
Colossians 4:2-6
Further Instructions
2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Lord I continue to ask that you open the doors for those around me who need an ear to talk with or someone to walk along side so that they have a release valve to release the pressures of this life. I pray for those opportunities ahead and ask that You be in those conversations and in every detail that takes place. I continue to ask that You keep me humble Lord, ready to listen and ready to have Your words above my own. I ask that You keep me focused on You Lord and that Your lampstand is sitting in the perfect spot so that they may see Your light Lord. I thank You for using me Lord in such ways and continue to ask for Your blessings and guidance in all I do. Your intentions Lord above my own and may Your name be glorified in all I do.
Its in Jesus name I pray,
Love you all,

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