Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Wow it has been a busy day for sure. Going to take a few minutes here and unload a few things. Now is your chance to hit the browser and move on or you can stick with me and read on at your own risk. I am learning a lot lately - not so much in reading things but in the people who are in my life right now, as well as the opportunities that come forth that bring such incredible conversations. Not all of which are God centered in the middle of them, not because of me, but I do know there is purpose in them. Sometimes we have to focus a little harder to find God in those conversations, even when the person we are talking with doesn't know God. He or she may ... because of that conversation. It may be an opening to their hearts and minds as you listen with 100% attention and with laser focus on the stuggle or whatever the subject may be. Sometimes just being available to talk means the difference. God for sure is teaching me through that lately...and honestly - I am so cool with it. Teach me Lord.... keep showing me You in all that I am doing.
Yesterday I was in Romans 1:11-12 and I am still there today. I am just blown away by what God has to say about pouring yourself into others with Gods word and in return they pour back into you. In so many small, subtle and in many big ways - many are showing me Jesus. From the text messages, to the emails, smiles, comments on facebook and even in watching their actions and concerns for others ... its so wonderful to see some folks in my life "Owning" their faith and putting it into action. Especially from our young adults. I want to share that Kyle continues to bug me about a new list. See I put together a list a few weeks back with action steps that students can use to put their faith in action by doing little things that are nice. Like holding the door open for every person you see that day, helping a single mom, praying for a friend, writing a note of encouragment to someone who needs it, writing a bible verse on your notebook, or even making a testimony shirt and wearing it to school with Bible verses on it and kids signing it. Kyle did the entire list and was so excited that he wants more. There were other students that went with me to a home of a town neighbor and helped clean a horse stall out- yes we shoveled poop for 4 hours. Yes we were tired but we made a difference and it sure was said to us that it couldnt have been in more perfect timing for that family. I can look around me and see so many who are just glowing in what God is doing in their lives. I can see God using them supernaturally and within their sweet spot. I see their concern for others and their compassion for other classmates. I see them wanting to please mom or dad that they work hard for their grades and the things at home they do to help keep a home running. It means so much to me for "MyKids" to text me after school and ask me how my day was. It means a lot to me watching them care and be concerned for others. There is reason to celebrate. This bringing me to my first "C". There is reason to CELEBRATE in what God is doing in our lives - no matter how big or how small. If you are in a quiet season right now - step up your game. Get with another person or leader in the church and get involved in something new. Ask to lead a new volunteer spot and let God teach you something new, something about yourself and more importantly something new about Him. See God doesnt want us sitting at home on the couch, being complacent and comfortable. Far too many people watch their years go by striving and working hard to do just that. Make a difference, reach out and do some hard things, get involved with what is going on. If you need some refocus and having trouble finding something to celebrate in your life - then hold your breath awhile and enjoy breathing in when you cant hold it any longer. Life and air we breath is reason to celebrate! Even during the wait of a medical test there is hope and assurance and reason to celebrate because the hard stuff is done already. Jesus has already led the way.
I love the families God has put in my life. I love the people that come into my office and want to talk and pray. I love the students in my life that I get to invest in on Sundays and in every day of the week. I love "MyKids" who are my sons and daughters..... I love the fact that they are showing me Jesus and owning it as much as I am doing my best to show them Jesus.
Its reason to Celebrate ..........
Colossians 3:16-17
16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Just blessed beyond reason to be a part in all that God is doing in my life as well as those around me. It is such a high calling and responsibility that makes life worth living and pouring into. Imagine all that can be done through a 12 year old who gets this now.... Exciting watching God use them. Exciting no matter how old really .... cause I am pretty old and its pretty exciting. :)
2nd C - tomorrow~
Celebrate loved ones,

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