Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It has been a little while since I have really got into writing - in many ways I am still adjusting to everything since coming back from Jamaica. On many fronts I know the enemy is attacking and I am standing firm for Christ is everyway I know how to and asking God for direction and guidance. I want to share a story from the Center of Hope this past Sunday. I have to say it was in deed the best Sunday there I have ever experienced~ thus far. It was a good handful of students that went with me. Kyle, Madison, Katelyn, Marissa and Taylor. What a great bunch right there and it was so awesome seeing them coming into the women and children's homeless shelter in uptown Charlotte Sunday. With smiles and a serving heart showing Jesus - it really showed to all the folks there as we served pot roast, rice, corn and green beans, rolls and a desert. It was hot there with all the hot foot but I put Maddi on the front line taking orders and she was greeted by so many smiles that afternoon because smiles are contagious and hers is as big and bright as anyone I know. We had so much fun serving that meal, talking with all the folks there, giving fist bumps to most of the kids there and complimenting the ladies there on their hair, ear rings, and color of clothes...it was welcomed with "Thank You", "God Bless", "Thank You all for coming today it was great!" - it was a day that was like no other. We got to work with Pam who was the lady in charge and as soon as I walked in and said good morning - she smiled as she remembered us from the last time. She asked me her name and I said with a smile, "Pam". She said it was so good to us and she loved serving the days we are there because I bring energy and a great smiling attitude along with a great bunch of young people. For me, it is awesome serving the needs of folks and showing them Jesus but more so - its about me giving the students an opportunity to give back, to engage themselves in something bigger and focusing them on being active in their faith. Its faith with hands and feet and that is what Jesus has called us to do. So to see this young people, to serve along side of them is such an amazing experience for them but also for me. I ask questions like, "What do you think that persons story is?" "Why do you think she is here with 5 children?" - it really makes them stop and think and realize that maybe they dont belong here. Maybe this is not so much as a hand out but a hand up for them. Offer them a little encouragement, share with them a smile and show them that they are worthy of someone doing that for them because they are not forgotten. Gosh this just makes me excited thinking about it. As the morning turned into the afternoon - Pam shared with me how down she has been. Her brother murdered last week in Charlotte really has her in a tough place. A place ash she described as not even wanting to get out of bed. It was then that I shared some of our experiences in Jamaica. We didnt go to sit in the white sandy beaches drinking fruit drinks while watching the sun set - we went to serve. We went to share the love of Christ. We went to make a difference. She said Lonnie, That is exactly what I need to jump start my faith again, I am so down and depressed and she said it wouldn't surprise her if at some point soon she was standing on the other side of the meal room. Meaning she would be homeless and living there with the folks we were serving a meal to. I told her to give me her address and I would send you our pictures and I gathered up the students and we held hands and thanked God for the opportunity to serve those in need, all of which Jesus loves and He has not forgotten them. I lifted Pam in prayer for encouragement and for her to keep her eyes on Him. I prayed for soften hearts for the students with me serving that day and may His blessings touch all in that facility. She walked us out, with tears and a smile, gave each of us hug.

That is sharing Jesus with those in need. Even though it was not planned or thought through before hand, God had an opportunity there and we all took that step out in faith and He blessed that. Our lunch uptown was fun as we ate at fuel pizza together and shared a few hours walking around uptown Charlotte.

I say all this because I am almost finished with my book "RADICAL" by David Platt and last night reading a few pages it talks about something that I struggled with before Jamaica. As I read that tingle appeared and I knew I was reading something special. I have just lived this and now I am reading exactly what I was living a few months ago, a bunch of times talking with folks about it, blogging about it and here it was in flippin PRINT!

I will share that here and thank you Mr. Platt for writing your heart in this book and sharing.

There are 3 things to turn your life upside down for Christ.

1. spend your $ on something gospel centered.

2. Give in a way that is church focused.

3. Give to something specific and tangible.

Point three is what I want to dig into.... ready?

For example, if you are trying to sacrifice your money generally to give to the poor, then you will lack a face on the need that reminds you why you must sacrifice to give. Related to this, give to someone or something you can personally serve alongside. The more you are involved with touching needs personally, the more you will demonstrate the gospel to people authentically. So its best to connect your giving to your going.

Connect your giving to your going. Gosh that blows me away. Serving a meal uptown to touch the hearts of the folks there, going to Jamaica and serving the many there who need so much and who have so little. Go not so much in terms of meeting a physical need but a spiritual need which is FAR more in need and important. It reminds me of Terry in the hospital in Jamaica who as I was called from across the room for my hat, sunglasses, $400 and my blessing for Terry to marry Morgan.... I was greeted by a man with very little - 14 years in bed paralyzed from the waste down from a neck injury playing soccer. He asked me for physical healing and I shared with him I was not there for physical needs because I didnt give him my hat, my sunglasses, $400 nor my blessing for him to marry my daughter - I shared with him I was there for his spiritual needs. He then smiled a huge smile and I got to pray with him.

Following Christ this way is radical. Its weird. Its different. Its pretty amazing and awesome.

2 Corinthians 2:14-

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. TO the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men send from God.

2 Corinthians 3:2 - 3 - You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tables of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Loved ones, I pray this has been an encouragement to you today. I feel like someone out there needed this today ... including myself. You have been sent from God - now go and do.

Peace out,


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