Monday, April 15, 2013

You might be thinking this is our wedding photo. You would be wrong. For those in our life right now who have teenagers going to prom, since its prom season, this is our prom picture. Looks like a wedding photo though doesn't it? Carol and I are one of the small % of couples that get married that dated in high school.  To clear a few things up, Carol is still just as pretty and sweet as she was back then. I did have hair back then since most people today know me with no hair. I probably couldn't see the photographer in this picture because I did not have my glasses on, my mom worked for company that barely had vision benefits so I always got the army surplus glasses that made me look like a raccoon or a satellite dish on my face. - But hey we were in love :)

24 years ago today I remember waking up in my apartment, Carol still lived at home with her mom and dad, and my best man and wedding guys slowly came over. It was a day full of excitement, full of dreams and full of rain. I am not talking like showers that pass by but I am talking a rain like Noah would be nervous about. It rained so hard that day that the limo couldnt come pick the guys up and take them to the church. We all piled into my dads white van to take us to the church in the last minutes before things got underway without being late. So many folks there that day and I remember seeing Carol at the other end of the church and thinking, gosh, is this for real? My walk with Christ at this time wasnt more than a walk that my mom had. My faith then was very much through her. I will always remember my moms love for Jesus was always quiet. Her spiritual side was kept very close to her until her last few months on this earth - it was only then that I saw how much my mom lived her life. So as our wedding day washed before our eyes, we danced, we sang, we partied and had so much fun. They say, rain on your wedding day bring the marriage luck. I hope that still is true today. I am so blessed to still be in love with Carol like we were when we were in our 20's and even before. As high school ended, college started, full time work began and Carol and I continued to make some good choices, dream big and work hard on those dreams. The day after our wedding we flew to Ocho Rios Jamaica for a week and fell in love with the island people. Who knew that 22 years later, Carol and my son Kyle and a bunch of close people, like family in our life, would be returning for a mission trip. Everything always comes full circle. Looking back I can see that more and more in my life as I get older. Everything has a season and everything comes back around. Its almost as if its like putting closure to so much. 
24 years of marriage has been wonderful, it has been hard work in some seasons of time, its been beautiful and its been fun. I think the key ingredient for us as I look back is, we were friends before we started dating. We liked each other first before we loved each other. It was a funship of friendship but working together to common goals while trying to always put the other person first. 

With most marriages ending today in a dismal 50% ratio - I think about our parents. Walt and MaryLou. Lonnie Sr and my mom Lois. A lifetime committed to marriage. I am so thankful we had good examples to go by. I am so blessed to see the struggles of our parents and being able to work things out and throwing in the towel was never an option. I can say that Carols mom and dad loved each other all the days of their lives. My dad loved my mom all the days of hers. There is such comfort knowing that your spouse has your back and no matter what happens - throwing in the towel is never an option. Honoring the other before self - that keeps the bad decisions few and far between. 

Carol I am so thankful for you. The way you love your friends, deeply, the way you love Kyle and our family and what that represents. Our family time is so important to you and giving Kyle a great example of how a wife and mom leads in the family. You loved Kate just as deeply and even though those wounds resurface from time to time. I know that love would never be in vain. Even though it didn't end the way we wanted. Even though we didn't listen to others as we took her in and loved her like our own daughter. We stuck to prayer and doing what God had called us to do. I know we wouldn't take that season of time back. It has made us closer. It has created a tighter bonded team. It has shaped us in so many ways. It has shown us to trust each other and God more. I am so thankful to have you as my teammate in life. I thank God for you and how richly blessed I am. 24 years and praying even better 24 more. 
You have always been the love of my life and the last few years since God has moved from someone I barely knew to the heart full that he continues to give me daily - Our love for each other is even stronger because of Him. 

I didn't have to think long about marriage as it is shared with us in Gods word. John 2 is the first miracle that Jesus performed. By turning water into wine, God revealed himself in such a huge way - A wedding celebration. His first sign of his glory. Our marriages today need God in them. Not as an add-on but as a centered piece. I am convinced that after living 47 years of my life, most of which being married, that the secret in marriage and honoring each other is putting Christ at the center of everything you do.
I have to say, with the road we have traveled - its the one true thing that has held us together. Only by his power, his grace and his love have we been able to endure all we have, enjoyed the seasons of such joy, given Kyle a home with a mom and dad, and a loving example of what marriage kindashoulda - look like. Though nothing is ever perfect, nothing is ever worth having without a struggle to keep it. 

I love you with all my heart Carol. Looking forward to the next, whatever God has in store for us. The dreams are endless, the possibilities are awesome and I have someone to smile with along this journey. 

All my heart,

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