Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The last week or so I have been really praying that God just nudge me forward, whisper in my heart to do or go or bring what it is He wants me to do. It might be an email, a text message, a student conversation, a family member, a coworker, a prayer for sickness or healing. What ever it is Lord - send me - I am here. The past week or so has been amazing and God did something every single day and at the end of the day, just makes me think, smile and ask God to examine my heart and to point out things I need to give to him.
One of which this past week has been a coffee that never took place. Running here, being there, life is busy and trying to put one foot in front of the other kept me from that coffee. See its not about the coffee so much as the conversation during that coffee that never happened. Maybe that coffee could have been some words shared that kept things in life from happening, a decision to be different or even a heart that walks a little closer to God. See I am learning and God pointed this out to me last week that "mywalk" with Him is mine and not the folks in my life or the people around me. Its personal. For others around me, God has called me to shine His light into their life and point them to Jesus. For some, thats a short season. People come and go. People plug into our life group and then leave. Students come to the Flood for a time and then leave. Its not my job to bring them from point A with Christ to point Z. I just have to do my part. If its a small part. Fine God use me. If its a bigger part. Fine God use me. Use me in the biggest impactful way You want to use me Lord. I am willing to follow and lead to the best of my ability those around me. I would do most anything for those in my life to know Christ in a life changing powerful way. Often times that means they have to go to hard places and examine where they are then and see that He is the only thing holding it all together. Its then that Christ does what only He can do. Today I'm in Luke 5:27 where Jesus calls Levi from the tough place in life. A tax collector and despised by everyone. Tax and collect hard earned money from the folks who barely have much and then skim off the top what you want as long as the boss is paid in full. Loan shark, money laundry, mafia - whatever you want to call it. Its a dirty job and one that people really hated and your only friends where other tax collectors and shady people.
Luke 5:27 - After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus as his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. BUt the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance."
This is such a great story of life change. A hated and despised man and his posse changed in a blink of an eye. See Levi got the call "Follow Me" from Jesus. He had probably heard Jesus preaching the people and had heard his words before this meeting took place. He stayed the course of his job and then Jesus made eye contact and said - drop your life and everything you know and follow me. Levi put it ALL on the side and followed. Not knowing where, how, or for how long - he was instantly changed, so much so he through a party with his buddies and other shady people, his closest tax collector friends and put it all on the line. He wanted to share with them what he just experiences. It was worth walking away from money and material things that the money he collected could buy. At the party I am sure he was very excited to be sharing his new found faith and having Jesus there with him talking to his buddies. I can feel the fear in Levi knowing that if this doesnt work these buddies were gone. He couldnt go back. Friends lost forever. People he did life with and coworkers that were no more. But what if they experienced the grace he just experienced? Jesus, said Follow Me and those words changed him forever. The spiritual elite at the time sitting and looking on not caring that Levi invited his buddies to a party hoping for a much bigger and different celebration stood and looked over their noses. All they could think was Jesus was hanging out with shady people. See Jesus met all kinds of people right where they were. They didn't have to get cleaned up before Jesus came to them. They didn't have to quit their jobs as a tax collector before Jesus would sit with them. He met the needs of people right where they were. The Pharisees only saw what they wanted to see. Levi was seeing what Jesus was seeing. Lost, hurting, confused, lifeless, meaningless and purposeless lives destined to an eternity away from His father.
He sat with the sinners, so that they may come to know Him. I bet there was a celebration that night as some of Levi's friends experienced Grace for the first time in their lives. Some walked away.
Maybe this coffee will happen soon. Maybe that conversation from past experiences will mean something more than just the java. Maybe the words and love I have in my heart and the words "I Promise" will have meaning and wisdom instead of just untrusting words. Gods promises are real and until they are tested, they are just words.
I think back to those 2 little words "I Promise" written on a napkin that my mom made me write down and how important those words are to me. Without the testing, they are just words. At the time thinking that they were only for my dad and for him to again see my mom in heaven but today I know them in my heart to all those around me. TO PROMISE to keep fighting and sharing Gods love to all those around me. My calling on my life, especially to the students and families - I promise. There is a season of testing for each of them until they know - my heart and promises are true.
Gods promises are he will never leave you nor forsake you. There is reason to celebrate today. Its not just another Tuesday in a long line of Tuesdays in your life. Its a Tuesday full of promises.
I am looking forward to that coffee soon. Im not asking for you to "Follow Me" but let me point you to the one to follow. I'll go with you ... let me lead the way.



Sharon Davis said...

Awesome blog today Randy! Love you......Aunt Sharon

I promise Lord, that I will let YOU shine through me, I promise Lord, that I will point others to you, I promise Lord, that I will put others before myself, I promise Lord, that I will see other's ideas instead of just my own, I promise Lord, that I will help someone else carry their load, I promise Lord, that I will never forget where YOU brought me from, I promise Lord, that I will allow YOUR joy to light up my life, I promise Lord, that I will thank you every day of my life, for my life, and for the promise of eternal life, I promise Lord, that I will use my life for YOUR purpose and not mine, I promise Lord, that I will not allow bitterness to come into my life, I promise Lord, that I will allow YOU to lead me instead of trying to lead myself, I promise Lord, that I will allow others to help me through you, I promise Lord, that I will remember memories with happiness instead of sadness, I promise Lord, that I will be happy in whatever the circumstances I have to endure, I promise Lord, that I will always give you the glory for what YOU'VE done in my life, I promise Lord, that I will keep my commitment to YOU and never be ashamed of YOU, I promise Lord, that I will listen for your voice to speak to me, I promise Lord, that I will love others as much as you love me!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! If we could be more like Jesus and take people under our wing and Love them and lift them up, instead of kicking them when they are down...sometimes we need to just say a kind word or just a hug. People make mistakes(everyone does)but we are so quick to point a finger, every time we do there is 3 pointing back at us...Help us Lord to be more like you...For His Kingdom, Barbara Smallwood