LOL was simply, amazing last night. Micole Wallace came in and led worship with 5 or so amazing songs and Angela Pierce spoke and gave an incredible testimony. Her life and how Christ has walked with her during the tough years and how He never gave up on her - not many dry eyes in the place. The students were lined up to speak to her afterwards.. which is awesome! I got a call/text/email from some parents saying that their daughter came home and climbed into bed and told the story of last night and how it affected them. It for sure opened a line of communication (parent - child) that is so needed today. I am just blessed to be part of all that God is doing. Facebook lit up last night with comments. If you missed this, I feel for you because you really did miss something special last night.
Be in prayer for Angela today as she is at Duke hospital today and is asking for prayers.
Yesterday had me in a odd place with the music and media that our kids are listing and watching. Today I want to focus on a song from Jeremy Camp. I have tickets to see him up close and personal in concert on October 21st and I am so flippin excited. To see Jeremy in concert has been on my bucketlist for a few years now before I croak and leave this earthly home. I am pumped its finally going to happen!
Last night while dropping some students off after LOL - Morgan asked to listen to this song. I smiled .... absolutely! This is what we should be filling the minds of our young people and not the crap they are listening to today.
We Cry Out ~Jeremy Camp
Anthems fill the skies with praise
all your mighty works displayed
Your glory, they tell of your glory
We who've been called upon your name
Cannot be silent, we will praise
We'll sing it out, oh we will sing it out
For we have seen the greatness of your glory be revealed
And we have seen all that you've done and we cannot be still
We cry out to you
Your loving kindness and your truth
It has delievered us, you have delivered us
Great is your glory lord, when nations learn of your ways
they will boy down to you, we will bow down to you
Verse 2
INto all the word we take the mystery of your saving grace
To shine the light into the darkness
For we have seen the greatness of your glory revealed
And we have seen all that you've done and we cannot be still
We will cry out to you
Your loving kindess and your truth
It has delivered us, you have delivered us
Great is your glory Lord, when nations learn of your ways
They will bow down to you, we will bow down to you
We will cry out
I hope you take a moment and download this song or buy it at a local retailer. It really is an amazing album.
Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Rise up loved ones and shine the way Christ has made you to shine. Anything less is falling short and not glorifying Christ.
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Just a little bit....
I am thankful I didn't write on here this morning. It took a few hours of thought, prayer and making myself focus instead of just being upset and upset is not the word I want to use here.
This morning I checked the last file I needed to download for the new Kenny Chesney album that was released yesterday and I noticed in Itunes that Lil'Wayne has a new song/album out as well. Now he is popular with the youth as is many that sing like him ... reasons unknown to me, but the song title Gonerrhea caught my attention. Thinking that so many young people, kids and children as well see this on there, can easily click on it and listen to a sample as well as just go right ahead and download it. There it is, full version and sync to the ipod. Off to school on the bus and listening to this trash our childrens ears.
I am pretty upset with it all and I go to this place from time to time to ask parents to be involved in what their children are listening to, who their friends are, who they talk to online - texting included, what they are watching on TV - PUT some safe guards in the family home and into the lives of your family!!!!
Dang this upsets me. I wont even go there to post the lyrics on that song. You want another example? Kate Perry - We drove to Cali. She is very popular among the teen girls and check out those song lyrics. You wonder why our teen girls have image and acceptance problems at 12 years old. Why they are going out with boys and hitting second base?
I recently was at the movies with some of my students and during the previews - Easy A - came on. This is a pg-13 movie and has so much material in that movie that is not age appropriate for our 15 and under children - except that the fact you are ok with them being like everyone else and just hoping for the best as your daughter or son grows up with the values of society and not yours.
Our families are worth fighting for! I am just beyond words sometimes being on facebook and seeing the posts there. During Thirst Camp last summer - I promised God I would use Facebook as a tool to post encouragements, the things of Him and sharing Christ in a positive way. So far, I think I have stuck pretty close to that. I am just amazed at times - disheartened would be a better word to describe it.
But Lonnie - its just a little bit of cussing, its just a little bit of horror blood, a little bit of sex, a little bit of drugs..... I like the beat and dont listen to the words. I don't look at the pictures but read the articles. Give me a break.
Its sad when I get a note/call/email from a parent who has a son or daughter who is in a tough place. A place where this student is really hurting and they want to know what to do. My heart breaks for that family and for that student. I lived that every single day for a year with my neice living with me. There was not much I could do, my influence was not enough, my leadership was not enough, I couldn't change her direction - to have her see the hurt and pain it caused others in her foolish decisions. It was a tiring year, a year that MANY times I wanted to throw it all in, jump ship, bail out but couldn't. Most of these issues, problems, way of thinking, values - all started with "Just a little bit".
As you venture further and further away from God and you find yourself WAYYY over here and far from God in a hurting place and with nobody around you..... we wonder how did this happen?
That walk away often times starts with the "Just a little bits". We take small steps away, we make a not so good decision and keep making them because (you didnt get caught, your will is stronger than your parents, you want to do things your way etc.)
Its sad at times thinking the next generation will be leading when so many we are losing. Nothing is going to change if we just sit back and let things happen.
Just a little bit...... changes everything. The greatest influences to the next generation are: friends, music and the tv/movies/internet/texting that they are engaging in.
As a parent, you must have a say in those things that are allowed. Your faith and value systems are at stake. Your children are at stake and for many - their eternity is at stake.
If you are not Glorifying God in all that you do ... then you are glorifying something or someone else.
It all happens, Just a little bit.... at a time. Which direction are you going?
This morning I checked the last file I needed to download for the new Kenny Chesney album that was released yesterday and I noticed in Itunes that Lil'Wayne has a new song/album out as well. Now he is popular with the youth as is many that sing like him ... reasons unknown to me, but the song title Gonerrhea caught my attention. Thinking that so many young people, kids and children as well see this on there, can easily click on it and listen to a sample as well as just go right ahead and download it. There it is, full version and sync to the ipod. Off to school on the bus and listening to this trash our childrens ears.
I am pretty upset with it all and I go to this place from time to time to ask parents to be involved in what their children are listening to, who their friends are, who they talk to online - texting included, what they are watching on TV - PUT some safe guards in the family home and into the lives of your family!!!!
Dang this upsets me. I wont even go there to post the lyrics on that song. You want another example? Kate Perry - We drove to Cali. She is very popular among the teen girls and check out those song lyrics. You wonder why our teen girls have image and acceptance problems at 12 years old. Why they are going out with boys and hitting second base?
I recently was at the movies with some of my students and during the previews - Easy A - came on. This is a pg-13 movie and has so much material in that movie that is not age appropriate for our 15 and under children - except that the fact you are ok with them being like everyone else and just hoping for the best as your daughter or son grows up with the values of society and not yours.
Our families are worth fighting for! I am just beyond words sometimes being on facebook and seeing the posts there. During Thirst Camp last summer - I promised God I would use Facebook as a tool to post encouragements, the things of Him and sharing Christ in a positive way. So far, I think I have stuck pretty close to that. I am just amazed at times - disheartened would be a better word to describe it.
But Lonnie - its just a little bit of cussing, its just a little bit of horror blood, a little bit of sex, a little bit of drugs..... I like the beat and dont listen to the words. I don't look at the pictures but read the articles. Give me a break.
Its sad when I get a note/call/email from a parent who has a son or daughter who is in a tough place. A place where this student is really hurting and they want to know what to do. My heart breaks for that family and for that student. I lived that every single day for a year with my neice living with me. There was not much I could do, my influence was not enough, my leadership was not enough, I couldn't change her direction - to have her see the hurt and pain it caused others in her foolish decisions. It was a tiring year, a year that MANY times I wanted to throw it all in, jump ship, bail out but couldn't. Most of these issues, problems, way of thinking, values - all started with "Just a little bit".
As you venture further and further away from God and you find yourself WAYYY over here and far from God in a hurting place and with nobody around you..... we wonder how did this happen?
That walk away often times starts with the "Just a little bits". We take small steps away, we make a not so good decision and keep making them because (you didnt get caught, your will is stronger than your parents, you want to do things your way etc.)
Its sad at times thinking the next generation will be leading when so many we are losing. Nothing is going to change if we just sit back and let things happen.
Just a little bit...... changes everything. The greatest influences to the next generation are: friends, music and the tv/movies/internet/texting that they are engaging in.
As a parent, you must have a say in those things that are allowed. Your faith and value systems are at stake. Your children are at stake and for many - their eternity is at stake.
If you are not Glorifying God in all that you do ... then you are glorifying something or someone else.
It all happens, Just a little bit.... at a time. Which direction are you going?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Go and See

WOW, what a jammed packed weekend the past few days have been. Friday night sharing time over dinner with Madison and then Carowinds Saturday with Kyle and Morgan. The concert was good, with Fireflight, Kutless, Skit Guys and Casting Crowns. Place was too crouded for me though as it took almost an hour to get out of the parking lot. Yesterday I was up early to hit setup for church, leading in "The Flood", pumpkins in the rain, then Center of Hope last night to serve a meal with my Rock Group family. Finally got to sit last night and have 2 hours of weekend freetime.
I am dragging today but trying to make the most of it. As this rainy and thankful Monday ticks away it has me thinking a little extra today. Maybe not a good thing since I am a mover but the Center of Hope yesterday really has taken some extra thought to process everything that happened.
The adults got to work in the kitchen and serve chicken, ham, sweet taters, bread and a desert. Carol M helped with the drinks and 8 of us worked the counter as hundreds of folks came to get a plate. I have not seen it this crowded before and we even ran out of food and had to make a garden salad to give to some of the folks who came in later. The kids setup a table and prepared bead necklaces to give out to the children there. Their smiles were priceless and seeing our kids talking about Jesus with them was just amazing. The children there were like magnets and talked with our kids, made their own bead necklaces with crosses on them and the smiles and open hearts - it was such a wonderful experience. Morgan, Kyle, Zach, Taylor, Hannah, Danielle, David, Madison, Marissa - Carol all out there sharing with these children really made an impact and brought such joy and a brief pause in their struggling day. Maybe a few moments to forget they live in a homeless shelter and just had a chance to smile. Many of the parents came and enjoyed this with their children, the thank you's were plentiful and full of smiles. In a few weeks I will get the chance to come back and serve lunch - I wonder how many little cross necklaces I will see? I bet there will be a few.
This has me in Mark 6 today. I want to pay special attention to 38 but will start in 30.
Mark 6:30-38
The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place. But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them. When Jesus landed and saw a huge crowd, he had compassion on them, becaause they were like sheep without a shepherd, So he began teaching them many things. By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. "This is a remot place," they said, "and its already very late. Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat." But he answered, "You give them something to eat." They said to him, "That would take 8 months of a mans wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?" "How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and See".
The story goes on to say that after Jesus blessed the food and gave thanks, they fed 5000 men. Which in those times, women and children were not counted so the real count would probably be double that amount. They fed all these folks until they were full and had left overs on 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. See they would have never been a part of this miracle if they did not "Go and See". So many folks talk about doing things but never get off the couch. How many of us are inviting people in our daily life to church? How many of us are spending time serving others? How many of us are investing our time and energy into others? Without "Go and See" - we are just idle. Our prayers and hearts full of faith have to have motion behind them. Having a chance to go yesterday to serve a meal to many folks who were just 1 or 2 decisions away from not being there...they dont deserve to be there like its punishement or something. Those children do not want to be there if given the choice, they didnt ask to be put there. But for a brief hour, just maybe hearing about Jesus, making a necklace with our students who are there with the love of Christ in them might just be enough to know - hey, not everyone is against me. Not everything in this world is sour. Not every time I turn around there is a hardache and tough corner. Someone does love me and these families are taking time out of their day to sit with my child, do a craft with them, get a meal and talk about Jesus ... maybe today is the day that it all turns around. I believe with all my heart that there are moments in our lives that these things happen. God whispered in my ear last week this idea and I asked Morgan to lead this craft and she ran with it - along with the help of Carol. My kids walk away with this with an experience that puts things, their things, their life, their hearts into the right frame. Be thankful for what you have because most of us are only a few choices away from being where they are. Without judging them but loving them is what Christ called us to do. Go and see - this experience would be one that we didnt get if we didnt get up off the couch and put of faith in motion.
GO and See - what are you waiting to do? What is keeping you on the couch? There is something in your heart that is telling you to - Go and See - I challenge you this week.... to do just that loved ones.
GO AND SEE. God will have something for you in it. For those with Jesus, they got to hear Jesus teach and then feed them until they were full and satisfied. I am over satisfied by what my Rock Group family did last night... even more so actually -- you can tell by the smiles on the faces.
Blessed today. Lord we don't take enough time in our prayer life Lord to really say Thank You. Thank you for all you have given us and for a life with you. Thank you for that whisper last week Lord that allowed us to share some smiles, a necklace, a heart with Your name on it. Lord thank you for an opening door in making a few moments of these folks there at the center just a little bit easier. Lord we praise you and pray that all is for your glory. Thank you for yesterday as not only did the folks at the center share in something so much bigger than they are - we got to share in something so much bigger than we are.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A note....
I was going through some of the things that I carry around each and every day in my computer bag and I came across my notebook that I received at NewSpring last week. I have notes all through it since it was such a great leadership conference and as I opened it to glance through to read something full of wisdom, a note fell out. A note that I had not noticed before but glad it fell out - who knows how long it would of been in there if it didn't just fall out.
On the front is a worship picture of a stage with a band playing and all in front as if I was sitting behind the camera taking the picture, are arms raised in worship and a bright stage light with different colors. In my mind I can hear the music playing, feel the thump in my chest of the base and the drums, I can hear the words being sang all in tune in perfect harmony.
The other side is a handwritten note with these words:
We have been so blessed to have you as our guest here at NewSpring church. It has been an honor to serve you today. May you leave here today mere confident in your calling, more challenged to love in obedience, and more in love with Jesus and his plan for your life. Usher, Michael.
I left his last name off but I think about all the people there that day that took time off from work, got babysitters, changed plans, to be there that day to serve me and the other 1000's of people there. It sure touches my heart knowing that this person took the time out of their life, shared the serving vision that God has given him and served who ever was in his reach.
I am in Luke 17 and this story reminds me of the Ten men that Jesus healed with Leprosy.
11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master, have pity on us. When he saw them, he said, Go and show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? Then he said to him, Rise and go, your faith has made you well.
Thank you Michael for your obedient serving of others last Thursday. Your hand written note means a lot to me. I wonder how many folks have actually taken a moment to tell Jesus thank you. Thank you for Michael serving the kingdom like he and so many others did last week. Serving someone doesn't have to be in some big bash, taking folks out to dinner, throwing them a party - it may be just a phone call to ask if they want to have a coffee, it may be a text message with encouragment all in it, it may be a stop by the office and sit and talk. The little things do matter and sometimes the little things make the difference. Michael may have just held open a door all day for the folks to come and go but he was part of a team that together had a lasting impact.
Last night I got the chance to go to one of our towns big churches. Morgan and I got a tour of that church, its buildings, its programs, classrooms and worship center. It has me excited for the building on our own ministry campus. But during the tour - there were times where I just felt as though this house of worship was just a series of buildings. I didn't connect with anyone, a few hello's and even the lead Pastor smiled and said visiting with us today? He didnt take a moment to shake my hand and say anything more. I know he is busy and all but how outwardly focused was he? He was talking and shaking hands with what appeared to be friends, probably long time members of the church - but here... I got through his grasp unfaised by much of anything. What once was a striving and growing church in a center of many thousands of people has turned into a building with folks holding on to what they have. WHat was ... is not what is now - they are 2 very different places. I am sad for walking away last night and I pray that even as our own ministry campus takes shape - that we remain outwardly focused on the lost and with hand written notes, words of encouragement, sips of coffee, serving a meal, meeting people that are hurting, relationships that are real, prayers being lifted together that we have the courage to stop, take a moment and listen when God whispers to us.
Be one of the ten that thank Jesus and for those handwritten notes.
On the front is a worship picture of a stage with a band playing and all in front as if I was sitting behind the camera taking the picture, are arms raised in worship and a bright stage light with different colors. In my mind I can hear the music playing, feel the thump in my chest of the base and the drums, I can hear the words being sang all in tune in perfect harmony.
The other side is a handwritten note with these words:
We have been so blessed to have you as our guest here at NewSpring church. It has been an honor to serve you today. May you leave here today mere confident in your calling, more challenged to love in obedience, and more in love with Jesus and his plan for your life. Usher, Michael.
I left his last name off but I think about all the people there that day that took time off from work, got babysitters, changed plans, to be there that day to serve me and the other 1000's of people there. It sure touches my heart knowing that this person took the time out of their life, shared the serving vision that God has given him and served who ever was in his reach.
I am in Luke 17 and this story reminds me of the Ten men that Jesus healed with Leprosy.
11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master, have pity on us. When he saw them, he said, Go and show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? Then he said to him, Rise and go, your faith has made you well.
Thank you Michael for your obedient serving of others last Thursday. Your hand written note means a lot to me. I wonder how many folks have actually taken a moment to tell Jesus thank you. Thank you for Michael serving the kingdom like he and so many others did last week. Serving someone doesn't have to be in some big bash, taking folks out to dinner, throwing them a party - it may be just a phone call to ask if they want to have a coffee, it may be a text message with encouragment all in it, it may be a stop by the office and sit and talk. The little things do matter and sometimes the little things make the difference. Michael may have just held open a door all day for the folks to come and go but he was part of a team that together had a lasting impact.
Last night I got the chance to go to one of our towns big churches. Morgan and I got a tour of that church, its buildings, its programs, classrooms and worship center. It has me excited for the building on our own ministry campus. But during the tour - there were times where I just felt as though this house of worship was just a series of buildings. I didn't connect with anyone, a few hello's and even the lead Pastor smiled and said visiting with us today? He didnt take a moment to shake my hand and say anything more. I know he is busy and all but how outwardly focused was he? He was talking and shaking hands with what appeared to be friends, probably long time members of the church - but here... I got through his grasp unfaised by much of anything. What once was a striving and growing church in a center of many thousands of people has turned into a building with folks holding on to what they have. WHat was ... is not what is now - they are 2 very different places. I am sad for walking away last night and I pray that even as our own ministry campus takes shape - that we remain outwardly focused on the lost and with hand written notes, words of encouragement, sips of coffee, serving a meal, meeting people that are hurting, relationships that are real, prayers being lifted together that we have the courage to stop, take a moment and listen when God whispers to us.
Be one of the ten that thank Jesus and for those handwritten notes.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What a refreshing day it was yesterday. No not weather related, its still hot here in NC and with tomorrow being the first day of fall ... I am so looking forward to cooler weather. We are hitting a record 90 days this summer above 90. Thats warm... but tolerable thanks to air conditioning.
Yesterday was refreshing because I got to share my heart with some close peeps yesterday and send them an email, to encourage them, to share my heart with them, to reveal Gods glory to them, to pray with them as well as to lift them in prayer. Its been a long time since I have done that and I loved getting the emails back and the love that I read in them really just makes it complete. How humbling to know we have a God who in Romans 8:28 says:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Praise God he is for us and for making all things work for our good. Last night I got to take a good handful of close students to the university volleyball game. I have never been before so it was knew to me and I didnt even know the rules really and had to figure them out as we watched the match from the 1st row. It was all smiles and laughs, stopping by the office last night and then over to starbucks and a tour of the student union where all the college kids hang out. For a few, it was a fresh look at what college looks like. For others, a familiar place where they know, they know, that this is in their future. So they get to look at what the that future has in store while a few others view it as what could be in store. It was such a fun evening investing not in the here and now but also the long term. As I dropped the first student at home, I stopped and shared that I felt God prompting me to pray. I parked in the driveway and prayed for our friendships and for a great day today and for everyone to seek Christ in all they do today.
Each of us are struggling with things. School has it pressures and friends send mixed signals and the attraction of boys and girls and all that mess. The pressure to please and somehow get along with parents at this "know it all" stage. Life really is dramatically hanging on and sometimes we lose focus of the long term because we are living in the meantime. The here and now is all that matters. I have to ask the question that Romans 8:28 begins with.
And we know...... do they really know? Do you really know? I mean with all your heart, all your mind, and in all your soul - do you REALLY know?
I think about why we don't really know. I wonder if only some really know but its not really for me. Is that your thinking? ... there is a rule in that verse and its not, I have to have it all together. I have to be praying and doing more. Its none of that loved ones. Its - do you love God? Do you love him enough to know him? See in John it is written that He loved you first. Praise God he loved us first so that we can love him back. He sent his son, Jesus, for us because he loved us first. So without any hesitation and with an open heart - We have to know!!
When we love God with all we have - we know. WHEN we know, we go to our schools and places of work knowing. Other will, who don't know now, will know. We just have to know that God works for us because he loves us because those who love him have been called according to his purpose and thank you Jesus for loving us first.
The season you are in now might be years in the process, the inbetween. You can't go back and you have lost your way moving forward. This season of pain and hardship is for your greater purpose because, you know.
I can remember back when my mom was sick and the doctor only gave her months to live. I was in that season of not knowing. I couldnt go back - I couldnt move forward. Mom rewrote the book on battling cancer and lived 5 months with her condition. For her it was a season she couldnt go back and she couldnt move forward but she knew. She knew that through her cancer that God works for the good of those who love him. My faith in part is due to that season in both our lives. We knew. My Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster knew. My cousin Patty knew. Carol and Kyle knew. My rock group family knew. Our church family knew.
So at the end of the day, when you put your head on your pillow, do you really know? God often speaks in whispers, are you listening for his voice? Are you seeking him in all you do? At work, in school, in class, in that conversation or in that relationship? Do you know?
Romans 8:31 - What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
I pray you take the time today and ask yourself the question, "Do you really know?"
Yesterday was refreshing because I got to share my heart with some close peeps yesterday and send them an email, to encourage them, to share my heart with them, to reveal Gods glory to them, to pray with them as well as to lift them in prayer. Its been a long time since I have done that and I loved getting the emails back and the love that I read in them really just makes it complete. How humbling to know we have a God who in Romans 8:28 says:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Praise God he is for us and for making all things work for our good. Last night I got to take a good handful of close students to the university volleyball game. I have never been before so it was knew to me and I didnt even know the rules really and had to figure them out as we watched the match from the 1st row. It was all smiles and laughs, stopping by the office last night and then over to starbucks and a tour of the student union where all the college kids hang out. For a few, it was a fresh look at what college looks like. For others, a familiar place where they know, they know, that this is in their future. So they get to look at what the that future has in store while a few others view it as what could be in store. It was such a fun evening investing not in the here and now but also the long term. As I dropped the first student at home, I stopped and shared that I felt God prompting me to pray. I parked in the driveway and prayed for our friendships and for a great day today and for everyone to seek Christ in all they do today.
Each of us are struggling with things. School has it pressures and friends send mixed signals and the attraction of boys and girls and all that mess. The pressure to please and somehow get along with parents at this "know it all" stage. Life really is dramatically hanging on and sometimes we lose focus of the long term because we are living in the meantime. The here and now is all that matters. I have to ask the question that Romans 8:28 begins with.
And we know...... do they really know? Do you really know? I mean with all your heart, all your mind, and in all your soul - do you REALLY know?
I think about why we don't really know. I wonder if only some really know but its not really for me. Is that your thinking? ... there is a rule in that verse and its not, I have to have it all together. I have to be praying and doing more. Its none of that loved ones. Its - do you love God? Do you love him enough to know him? See in John it is written that He loved you first. Praise God he loved us first so that we can love him back. He sent his son, Jesus, for us because he loved us first. So without any hesitation and with an open heart - We have to know!!
When we love God with all we have - we know. WHEN we know, we go to our schools and places of work knowing. Other will, who don't know now, will know. We just have to know that God works for us because he loves us because those who love him have been called according to his purpose and thank you Jesus for loving us first.
The season you are in now might be years in the process, the inbetween. You can't go back and you have lost your way moving forward. This season of pain and hardship is for your greater purpose because, you know.
I can remember back when my mom was sick and the doctor only gave her months to live. I was in that season of not knowing. I couldnt go back - I couldnt move forward. Mom rewrote the book on battling cancer and lived 5 months with her condition. For her it was a season she couldnt go back and she couldnt move forward but she knew. She knew that through her cancer that God works for the good of those who love him. My faith in part is due to that season in both our lives. We knew. My Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster knew. My cousin Patty knew. Carol and Kyle knew. My rock group family knew. Our church family knew.
So at the end of the day, when you put your head on your pillow, do you really know? God often speaks in whispers, are you listening for his voice? Are you seeking him in all you do? At work, in school, in class, in that conversation or in that relationship? Do you know?
Romans 8:31 - What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
I pray you take the time today and ask yourself the question, "Do you really know?"
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hey everyone, just letting you know that I have emailed "thewalk" post out to some special people in my life. God placed it on my heart to share some things in greater detail than I normally do. I appreciate you stopping by and walking with me on this faith journey. I can honestly say that God has never prompted me to do this before but I stepped forward in faith. Look for another post tomorrow but until then, keep your eyes on Christ Jesus and may He show himself in all the places you are seeking him today. For by His grace you have been saved. Praise be to God.
Love you all,
Love you all,
Monday, September 20, 2010
It has been a busy last 4-5 days. It has also been a bunch of days since my last thought post on "thewalk". I am sorry about that but I am forging ahead and hope that all is well. Last week I took my family and a bunch of student ministry students and their families to the county fair. $120 in about 30 minutes had me spent for the night. Atleast it was over quick but we all had a great time, laughing, people watching, riding, and seeing all the animals. Its such a great time together and the weather was great. I especially enjoy the smiles while the kids ride the rides and the excitment on their faces when petting the animals - some of which we have no idea what they are. Some kind of 4 legged creature with horns that wrap all around its head... I don't have a clue to these extreme animals... part city slicker you know.
Last Thursday I spent a 20 hour day with 2 of my Pastors from church attending a leadership conference. It was a well spent day and a day that left my head in mush. Meaning I just couldn't take one more thing in and at the end after Andy Stanley came on - I found myself wanting the band to come back out and rock out one more praise song and bring the house down for God. It was an amazing day for sure. Friday left me only on a few hours of sleep and I left early to have lunch with my wife and then the chair for a 5 hour nap. One of which I dreamed, which is really good sleep and that alone is amazing since I was in my chair in the LR. That means I was tired and give out. Saturday Kyle and I spent the day working on the pond and in the yard. Sunday church setup, leading in the Flood, leadership meeting, a visit to Kyles old school and seeing the teachers there with Morgan, Taylor and Zach, then Rock Group Sunday night. I am busy but its all good. There has to be some time in there for laughing, enjoying and just sitting back sometimes. I think those moments are few and far between but the last season of my life I think I am enjoying that time more even though I have less opportunity. I think in many ways Carol and I are moving forward on the same page - something that hasn't been since Kate came over a year ago. She is doing good in Utah and forging ahead of schedule in her therapy and plugging into life there. I am very proud of her and hope that she writes me back soon.
This is not just another Monday of Mondays in life. I am learning so many things that God is teaching me and leading me to understand. Even though I am not that smart and it takes me time to fully get it, I know that God does not give up on us and will continue to persue until that time comes where we step aside with our own agenda and excuses and get on with His ways and His plans. As I look around me today and see a host of folks who are struggling with something - I am seeing Christ more clearly in those things than I have in a very long time. My heart shows when talking with a student or a friend who is really having a hard time with something and through those tears, my heart breaks and I feel good knowing that the reason my heart breaks is because it is breaking Christ' heart. I am in tune and stepping forward in faith in that walk. During this painful season for some - it gives me a chance to be bolder for Christ. To pray big giant prayers and why not? I mean God is the master behind it all and no prayer is too big just as no prayer is too small. Why not pray for that dress, for that parking spot, for that talk with a friend, for that conversation with a student, - show Christs' heart through yours and be bold in your faith. There was something said last week by Pastor Furtick from Elevation church that has rocked my world and it was probably the most profound sentance of anything spoken at the conference. All of which was awesome and I couldnt take notes fast enough - "Sometimes we need someone elses faith until we can stand on our own." I have shared that a few times since last week. I am grateful for those words of wisdom and it makes me eager for God to fill my cup with the things of Him so that I can pour out and into others. I am eager for whatever God has me do this week. Skate night tonight and I am sure there will be a conversation that will take place this evening because I have placed it in Gods hands - "Use me Lord if You should call on someone." "I am here."
If you are struggling with something today friends, look past the problem and see Jesus in it. Don't use those things as an excuse that keeps you from stepping forward in faith and trust in Christ.
Acts 3:6 - Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk."
Last Thursday I spent a 20 hour day with 2 of my Pastors from church attending a leadership conference. It was a well spent day and a day that left my head in mush. Meaning I just couldn't take one more thing in and at the end after Andy Stanley came on - I found myself wanting the band to come back out and rock out one more praise song and bring the house down for God. It was an amazing day for sure. Friday left me only on a few hours of sleep and I left early to have lunch with my wife and then the chair for a 5 hour nap. One of which I dreamed, which is really good sleep and that alone is amazing since I was in my chair in the LR. That means I was tired and give out. Saturday Kyle and I spent the day working on the pond and in the yard. Sunday church setup, leading in the Flood, leadership meeting, a visit to Kyles old school and seeing the teachers there with Morgan, Taylor and Zach, then Rock Group Sunday night. I am busy but its all good. There has to be some time in there for laughing, enjoying and just sitting back sometimes. I think those moments are few and far between but the last season of my life I think I am enjoying that time more even though I have less opportunity. I think in many ways Carol and I are moving forward on the same page - something that hasn't been since Kate came over a year ago. She is doing good in Utah and forging ahead of schedule in her therapy and plugging into life there. I am very proud of her and hope that she writes me back soon.
This is not just another Monday of Mondays in life. I am learning so many things that God is teaching me and leading me to understand. Even though I am not that smart and it takes me time to fully get it, I know that God does not give up on us and will continue to persue until that time comes where we step aside with our own agenda and excuses and get on with His ways and His plans. As I look around me today and see a host of folks who are struggling with something - I am seeing Christ more clearly in those things than I have in a very long time. My heart shows when talking with a student or a friend who is really having a hard time with something and through those tears, my heart breaks and I feel good knowing that the reason my heart breaks is because it is breaking Christ' heart. I am in tune and stepping forward in faith in that walk. During this painful season for some - it gives me a chance to be bolder for Christ. To pray big giant prayers and why not? I mean God is the master behind it all and no prayer is too big just as no prayer is too small. Why not pray for that dress, for that parking spot, for that talk with a friend, for that conversation with a student, - show Christs' heart through yours and be bold in your faith. There was something said last week by Pastor Furtick from Elevation church that has rocked my world and it was probably the most profound sentance of anything spoken at the conference. All of which was awesome and I couldnt take notes fast enough - "Sometimes we need someone elses faith until we can stand on our own." I have shared that a few times since last week. I am grateful for those words of wisdom and it makes me eager for God to fill my cup with the things of Him so that I can pour out and into others. I am eager for whatever God has me do this week. Skate night tonight and I am sure there will be a conversation that will take place this evening because I have placed it in Gods hands - "Use me Lord if You should call on someone." "I am here."
If you are struggling with something today friends, look past the problem and see Jesus in it. Don't use those things as an excuse that keeps you from stepping forward in faith and trust in Christ.
Acts 3:6 - Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk."
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The last week or so I have been really praying that God just nudge me forward, whisper in my heart to do or go or bring what it is He wants me to do. It might be an email, a text message, a student conversation, a family member, a coworker, a prayer for sickness or healing. What ever it is Lord - send me - I am here. The past week or so has been amazing and God did something every single day and at the end of the day, just makes me think, smile and ask God to examine my heart and to point out things I need to give to him.
One of which this past week has been a coffee that never took place. Running here, being there, life is busy and trying to put one foot in front of the other kept me from that coffee. See its not about the coffee so much as the conversation during that coffee that never happened. Maybe that coffee could have been some words shared that kept things in life from happening, a decision to be different or even a heart that walks a little closer to God. See I am learning and God pointed this out to me last week that "mywalk" with Him is mine and not the folks in my life or the people around me. Its personal. For others around me, God has called me to shine His light into their life and point them to Jesus. For some, thats a short season. People come and go. People plug into our life group and then leave. Students come to the Flood for a time and then leave. Its not my job to bring them from point A with Christ to point Z. I just have to do my part. If its a small part. Fine God use me. If its a bigger part. Fine God use me. Use me in the biggest impactful way You want to use me Lord. I am willing to follow and lead to the best of my ability those around me. I would do most anything for those in my life to know Christ in a life changing powerful way. Often times that means they have to go to hard places and examine where they are then and see that He is the only thing holding it all together. Its then that Christ does what only He can do. Today I'm in Luke 5:27 where Jesus calls Levi from the tough place in life. A tax collector and despised by everyone. Tax and collect hard earned money from the folks who barely have much and then skim off the top what you want as long as the boss is paid in full. Loan shark, money laundry, mafia - whatever you want to call it. Its a dirty job and one that people really hated and your only friends where other tax collectors and shady people.
Luke 5:27 - After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus as his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. BUt the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance."
This is such a great story of life change. A hated and despised man and his posse changed in a blink of an eye. See Levi got the call "Follow Me" from Jesus. He had probably heard Jesus preaching the people and had heard his words before this meeting took place. He stayed the course of his job and then Jesus made eye contact and said - drop your life and everything you know and follow me. Levi put it ALL on the side and followed. Not knowing where, how, or for how long - he was instantly changed, so much so he through a party with his buddies and other shady people, his closest tax collector friends and put it all on the line. He wanted to share with them what he just experiences. It was worth walking away from money and material things that the money he collected could buy. At the party I am sure he was very excited to be sharing his new found faith and having Jesus there with him talking to his buddies. I can feel the fear in Levi knowing that if this doesnt work these buddies were gone. He couldnt go back. Friends lost forever. People he did life with and coworkers that were no more. But what if they experienced the grace he just experienced? Jesus, said Follow Me and those words changed him forever. The spiritual elite at the time sitting and looking on not caring that Levi invited his buddies to a party hoping for a much bigger and different celebration stood and looked over their noses. All they could think was Jesus was hanging out with shady people. See Jesus met all kinds of people right where they were. They didn't have to get cleaned up before Jesus came to them. They didn't have to quit their jobs as a tax collector before Jesus would sit with them. He met the needs of people right where they were. The Pharisees only saw what they wanted to see. Levi was seeing what Jesus was seeing. Lost, hurting, confused, lifeless, meaningless and purposeless lives destined to an eternity away from His father.
He sat with the sinners, so that they may come to know Him. I bet there was a celebration that night as some of Levi's friends experienced Grace for the first time in their lives. Some walked away.
Maybe this coffee will happen soon. Maybe that conversation from past experiences will mean something more than just the java. Maybe the words and love I have in my heart and the words "I Promise" will have meaning and wisdom instead of just untrusting words. Gods promises are real and until they are tested, they are just words.
I think back to those 2 little words "I Promise" written on a napkin that my mom made me write down and how important those words are to me. Without the testing, they are just words. At the time thinking that they were only for my dad and for him to again see my mom in heaven but today I know them in my heart to all those around me. TO PROMISE to keep fighting and sharing Gods love to all those around me. My calling on my life, especially to the students and families - I promise. There is a season of testing for each of them until they know - my heart and promises are true.
Gods promises are he will never leave you nor forsake you. There is reason to celebrate today. Its not just another Tuesday in a long line of Tuesdays in your life. Its a Tuesday full of promises.
I am looking forward to that coffee soon. Im not asking for you to "Follow Me" but let me point you to the one to follow. I'll go with you ... let me lead the way.
One of which this past week has been a coffee that never took place. Running here, being there, life is busy and trying to put one foot in front of the other kept me from that coffee. See its not about the coffee so much as the conversation during that coffee that never happened. Maybe that coffee could have been some words shared that kept things in life from happening, a decision to be different or even a heart that walks a little closer to God. See I am learning and God pointed this out to me last week that "mywalk" with Him is mine and not the folks in my life or the people around me. Its personal. For others around me, God has called me to shine His light into their life and point them to Jesus. For some, thats a short season. People come and go. People plug into our life group and then leave. Students come to the Flood for a time and then leave. Its not my job to bring them from point A with Christ to point Z. I just have to do my part. If its a small part. Fine God use me. If its a bigger part. Fine God use me. Use me in the biggest impactful way You want to use me Lord. I am willing to follow and lead to the best of my ability those around me. I would do most anything for those in my life to know Christ in a life changing powerful way. Often times that means they have to go to hard places and examine where they are then and see that He is the only thing holding it all together. Its then that Christ does what only He can do. Today I'm in Luke 5:27 where Jesus calls Levi from the tough place in life. A tax collector and despised by everyone. Tax and collect hard earned money from the folks who barely have much and then skim off the top what you want as long as the boss is paid in full. Loan shark, money laundry, mafia - whatever you want to call it. Its a dirty job and one that people really hated and your only friends where other tax collectors and shady people.
Luke 5:27 - After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus as his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. BUt the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance."
This is such a great story of life change. A hated and despised man and his posse changed in a blink of an eye. See Levi got the call "Follow Me" from Jesus. He had probably heard Jesus preaching the people and had heard his words before this meeting took place. He stayed the course of his job and then Jesus made eye contact and said - drop your life and everything you know and follow me. Levi put it ALL on the side and followed. Not knowing where, how, or for how long - he was instantly changed, so much so he through a party with his buddies and other shady people, his closest tax collector friends and put it all on the line. He wanted to share with them what he just experiences. It was worth walking away from money and material things that the money he collected could buy. At the party I am sure he was very excited to be sharing his new found faith and having Jesus there with him talking to his buddies. I can feel the fear in Levi knowing that if this doesnt work these buddies were gone. He couldnt go back. Friends lost forever. People he did life with and coworkers that were no more. But what if they experienced the grace he just experienced? Jesus, said Follow Me and those words changed him forever. The spiritual elite at the time sitting and looking on not caring that Levi invited his buddies to a party hoping for a much bigger and different celebration stood and looked over their noses. All they could think was Jesus was hanging out with shady people. See Jesus met all kinds of people right where they were. They didn't have to get cleaned up before Jesus came to them. They didn't have to quit their jobs as a tax collector before Jesus would sit with them. He met the needs of people right where they were. The Pharisees only saw what they wanted to see. Levi was seeing what Jesus was seeing. Lost, hurting, confused, lifeless, meaningless and purposeless lives destined to an eternity away from His father.
He sat with the sinners, so that they may come to know Him. I bet there was a celebration that night as some of Levi's friends experienced Grace for the first time in their lives. Some walked away.
Maybe this coffee will happen soon. Maybe that conversation from past experiences will mean something more than just the java. Maybe the words and love I have in my heart and the words "I Promise" will have meaning and wisdom instead of just untrusting words. Gods promises are real and until they are tested, they are just words.
I think back to those 2 little words "I Promise" written on a napkin that my mom made me write down and how important those words are to me. Without the testing, they are just words. At the time thinking that they were only for my dad and for him to again see my mom in heaven but today I know them in my heart to all those around me. TO PROMISE to keep fighting and sharing Gods love to all those around me. My calling on my life, especially to the students and families - I promise. There is a season of testing for each of them until they know - my heart and promises are true.
Gods promises are he will never leave you nor forsake you. There is reason to celebrate today. Its not just another Tuesday in a long line of Tuesdays in your life. Its a Tuesday full of promises.
I am looking forward to that coffee soon. Im not asking for you to "Follow Me" but let me point you to the one to follow. I'll go with you ... let me lead the way.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Its Friday - I am so looking forward to sleeping tomorrow morning until I wake up and just sleep until my body says - "Hey, Im good now." Not sure what it is lately but I hate the alarm clock. I also am thinking that why do people say - "My alarm clock went off" in the morning when it really is coming on? OK maybe not funny but lets move on shall we?
Its been a busy week. I am still pumped from teaching at LOL on wed night and having so many students there. Some of which are still talking about the message I gave and how it impacted them. I am grateful and thankful for that. The past 2 days I have been on a webinar on leadership and I am writing notes as fast as I can write. God is for sure stretching me as I learn, talk with students, prepare notes for Wed night LOL, Rock Group this Sunday and also just asking God - Lord what shall you have me do today? Give me an opportunity to just in faith - walk across the room and extend a hand, a smile, a voice or a word of comfort for someone. Every day this week He has blown me away. I even had the chance to pray with someone this week who probably has not prayed much in their life and it was awesome seeing the smile afterwards. A seed planted perhaps and another chance soon maybe? I am willing if given the opportunity. So often we are afraid to share our faith. Afraid to say the wrong thing or mess things up or more importantly not have all the answers to questions. Nobody has all the answers, nobody has the perfect marriage, nobody has the perfect child, and nobody has the perfect faith that rocks it out all the time. I want to share 2 Corinthians 11:23-31 today. If you are struggling with leadership or trying to make a decision or just trying to get closer to God in your daily walk. Let me say the Paul does a great job expressing himself here in the scriptures. It shows who he really is and who he belongs to. Far too often we listen to what others say, we obsess what others think of us that we lose what God thinks and has to say about us. Our world needs us, as followers of Christ, to live our life with meaning and purpose, beauty and in need of each other but humble enough to admit it.
2 Corinthians 11:23-31 - Are they servants of Christ? I speak as if insane - I more so in far more labors in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death. 5 times I received from the Jews 39 lashes. 3 times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, 3 times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the seam dangers among false brethren. I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst and often without food in cold and exposure. Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern? I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness. The God and Father of Lord Jesus, He who is blessed forever, know that I am not lying.
Paul really puts it out there doesn't he? All these external things that have taken place in his life, suffering on the outside, pain causing things, but nothing compares to the internal hurt and worry and suffering and daily pressure of his love and concern for the people in the churches. We are the church and in that - he sufferes for us. I think about all the students at church and yes I can relate to that suffering. Just as your lead pastor suffers for all in the church, the youth pastor for all the students in his care and the sold out volunteers serving like crazy because they know that the stakes are high and together they make it happen. Its that care and love that I have in my heart for them to know Jesus, to make good choices, to follow Christ and be the best example for the kingdom that they can be, I hurt when they call me and say mom and dad are fighting again, or dad is drunk, or mom is really on me today, or my teacher doesnt like me, or my boyfriend is pressuring me to do something, or even when they walk away from Christ blaming him for where life has them today. I also praise God for when the lights go off and a student is fired up for Christ! Yes there are sleepless nights for sure. There is shoulders that carry the weight and struggles of so many but its worth it to press through the pain to give them hope, to remind them and not just tell them about the hope they have in Christ. I know that often times Christ breaks a person so that the only place for that person to reach out to is Christ - only then will their life turn around and give them something solid to build their life on. We have to be willing to go through the pain for others to come to know Christ. Connecting people to Christ, connecting people to find and use their spiritual gifts by serving Christ has to be so heavy on your heart - it has to be your spiritual gift to see this happen for others. Are you leaning or are you leading? 12% of the population would be considered leaders. The rest are followers - they are leaners and as a leader - we need to lead the leaders and the rest will follow.
I read this at LOL Wed night after setting the stage from Mark 3 where Jesus heals a mans hand knowing this would cause the religious leaders at this time ammo to have him arrested and eventually killed. He chose to heal this man anyways. I imagine a conversation later that day when all was quiet and everyone was out of the temple and this man sitting with Jesus in a quiet conversation. Jesus maybe asking this man, what his dreams were in life now that he was healed. He had 2 good hands and in this day with labor being the trade and with one bad hand, he probably could not do much in terms of work. So I see this man excited and talking to Jesus about his dreams and then him turning the conversation to ask Jesus about his dreams. Jesus probably saying something like this.
You know, I dream that someday, places of worship will be filled with people who lay awake at night concerned and worried about human beings my father created. Who care about broken bodies and broken souls and hopeless futures and hell bound eternities. I dream of the day when people who gather in my name are so filled with love of the Father that they go out and spread his love and extend healthy hands to withered hands- praying, coaching, and encouraging them to walk in fullness of this life. I dream of worship centers filled with radically loving, outwardly focused, Christ- sharing people. Thats what I dream about.
So I ask you today, What do you dream about? What breaks your heart? Do the people around you keep you up at night because they dont have a relationship with Christ or not living in fullness of life because they "Know of Jesus" but dont really "Know Jesus? Answer those questions ... then you will know what you have to do.
Talk next week everyone! Love you all and grateful for those in my life that I get to share the love of Jesus with. You are in my life for a reason and blessed to be walking with you.
Its been a busy week. I am still pumped from teaching at LOL on wed night and having so many students there. Some of which are still talking about the message I gave and how it impacted them. I am grateful and thankful for that. The past 2 days I have been on a webinar on leadership and I am writing notes as fast as I can write. God is for sure stretching me as I learn, talk with students, prepare notes for Wed night LOL, Rock Group this Sunday and also just asking God - Lord what shall you have me do today? Give me an opportunity to just in faith - walk across the room and extend a hand, a smile, a voice or a word of comfort for someone. Every day this week He has blown me away. I even had the chance to pray with someone this week who probably has not prayed much in their life and it was awesome seeing the smile afterwards. A seed planted perhaps and another chance soon maybe? I am willing if given the opportunity. So often we are afraid to share our faith. Afraid to say the wrong thing or mess things up or more importantly not have all the answers to questions. Nobody has all the answers, nobody has the perfect marriage, nobody has the perfect child, and nobody has the perfect faith that rocks it out all the time. I want to share 2 Corinthians 11:23-31 today. If you are struggling with leadership or trying to make a decision or just trying to get closer to God in your daily walk. Let me say the Paul does a great job expressing himself here in the scriptures. It shows who he really is and who he belongs to. Far too often we listen to what others say, we obsess what others think of us that we lose what God thinks and has to say about us. Our world needs us, as followers of Christ, to live our life with meaning and purpose, beauty and in need of each other but humble enough to admit it.
2 Corinthians 11:23-31 - Are they servants of Christ? I speak as if insane - I more so in far more labors in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death. 5 times I received from the Jews 39 lashes. 3 times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, 3 times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the seam dangers among false brethren. I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst and often without food in cold and exposure. Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern? I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness. The God and Father of Lord Jesus, He who is blessed forever, know that I am not lying.
Paul really puts it out there doesn't he? All these external things that have taken place in his life, suffering on the outside, pain causing things, but nothing compares to the internal hurt and worry and suffering and daily pressure of his love and concern for the people in the churches. We are the church and in that - he sufferes for us. I think about all the students at church and yes I can relate to that suffering. Just as your lead pastor suffers for all in the church, the youth pastor for all the students in his care and the sold out volunteers serving like crazy because they know that the stakes are high and together they make it happen. Its that care and love that I have in my heart for them to know Jesus, to make good choices, to follow Christ and be the best example for the kingdom that they can be, I hurt when they call me and say mom and dad are fighting again, or dad is drunk, or mom is really on me today, or my teacher doesnt like me, or my boyfriend is pressuring me to do something, or even when they walk away from Christ blaming him for where life has them today. I also praise God for when the lights go off and a student is fired up for Christ! Yes there are sleepless nights for sure. There is shoulders that carry the weight and struggles of so many but its worth it to press through the pain to give them hope, to remind them and not just tell them about the hope they have in Christ. I know that often times Christ breaks a person so that the only place for that person to reach out to is Christ - only then will their life turn around and give them something solid to build their life on. We have to be willing to go through the pain for others to come to know Christ. Connecting people to Christ, connecting people to find and use their spiritual gifts by serving Christ has to be so heavy on your heart - it has to be your spiritual gift to see this happen for others. Are you leaning or are you leading? 12% of the population would be considered leaders. The rest are followers - they are leaners and as a leader - we need to lead the leaders and the rest will follow.
I read this at LOL Wed night after setting the stage from Mark 3 where Jesus heals a mans hand knowing this would cause the religious leaders at this time ammo to have him arrested and eventually killed. He chose to heal this man anyways. I imagine a conversation later that day when all was quiet and everyone was out of the temple and this man sitting with Jesus in a quiet conversation. Jesus maybe asking this man, what his dreams were in life now that he was healed. He had 2 good hands and in this day with labor being the trade and with one bad hand, he probably could not do much in terms of work. So I see this man excited and talking to Jesus about his dreams and then him turning the conversation to ask Jesus about his dreams. Jesus probably saying something like this.
You know, I dream that someday, places of worship will be filled with people who lay awake at night concerned and worried about human beings my father created. Who care about broken bodies and broken souls and hopeless futures and hell bound eternities. I dream of the day when people who gather in my name are so filled with love of the Father that they go out and spread his love and extend healthy hands to withered hands- praying, coaching, and encouraging them to walk in fullness of this life. I dream of worship centers filled with radically loving, outwardly focused, Christ- sharing people. Thats what I dream about.
So I ask you today, What do you dream about? What breaks your heart? Do the people around you keep you up at night because they dont have a relationship with Christ or not living in fullness of life because they "Know of Jesus" but dont really "Know Jesus? Answer those questions ... then you will know what you have to do.
Talk next week everyone! Love you all and grateful for those in my life that I get to share the love of Jesus with. You are in my life for a reason and blessed to be walking with you.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carol took this picture back in the earlier part of the year. Kate, Bob, Madison, Kyle, Anna, Barbara, Carol and I headed up town for the day for lunch and a little city time. This picture is pretty awesome with the different directions and miles to destinations from that particular spot. It has me thinking on a few things. Tonight I will be preaching at LOL and will be in the book of Mark 3. Jesus most often had to get into a boat to get room enough to teach the people that came in to hear him, to see him, to be healed by him, or for some - to come together and try to snare him in a sin. I just finished up making a few DVD's from our Thirst Camp this summer and seeing all the faces and the work being done with full hearts in the community to help those who could use a help up and not a help out. Some of those faces they have looked at this sign and have taken such a hard road. Maybe its selfishness or being influenced by friends. Maybe its an addiction or some kind of self injury thing they are suffering through. Maybe its the wrong friend or wrong crowd that they find themselves in. What ever the case may be - God is bigger than those things. Far too often we think of God as too small and ourselves as too big. How long did you pray about that particular thing before giving up and taking it back - then doing what you wanted to in the first place? Did you really trust God in what you were asking him for? Sometimes those things we ask for are not what would be best for us. Sometimes there is something better that God has planned. Often times we wake up WAY over here in a tough place, surrounded with tough things, far away from where God would be with you - because you took a wrong direction. Serving in the youth is a tough place and dealing with family issues other than my own is tiring, exhausting but its during those times where a student makes that God connection in their life that keeps all this effort and heartache worth it.
I have been praying hard this school year for God to be in the details of our day. For us to seek God in all we do and to find him even in the smallest of places. When we notice God in our lives, at school, in the lunch room, on the bus ride home, in our meetings at work, in the soft voice of a friend or coworker, I really believe He reveals himself to us more and more. Opportunities come to life and whispers tell us to step forward and walk across the room. He puts you in that hallway, he directs you down to the classroom where you find a student there in need, he prompts you to text someone or just feel a nudge to call a friend and ask if everything is all right.
Jeremiah 29:13 - "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
I pray you are seeking God. He is a big God and when we come to realize that He is bigger than we are. Things change. Things happen. Directions change and like the sign above - the world becomes a smaller place. People are closer and things dont appear that far away anymore.
Life is meant to live forward and the directional sign is in front of you. Looking back will do you no good. Which path are you chosing? Think about it... how is the path your currently on going for you? There is someone willing to walk with you.
Lord, I can't do this alone. We all have someone or a bunch of someones who need you to walk with them. No matter what, have their backs, say the hard things, put friend in front of friendship, and go to places together.
Looking forward to sharing at LOL tonight.
God you are bigger than any problem or issue we face. Help us put that thing in your hands so we can get back on path and get our life direction pointed to you. Walk with us today and help us seek your heart in all we do.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
It was a great weekend this past weekend. Weather and company was just perfect and being at the cabin was awesome. Each morning having coffee on the front porch with the sun coming up taking the 55 degree chill off the air. I got some good reading in and time to reflect on some things that are going on in my life, a walk under the stars and talking with mom, smiling on the people in my life and what God is teaching me. Its so needed to have some down time in the midst of everything going on. I can say, I have had too much sun but a song keeps playing in my heart. I will just gently share that song today and hit it hard tomorrow.
Lord thank you for answering my prayer this morning and giving me the opportunity to serve you today. Thank you for the prompting Lord to step forward in faith, to help a family, to pray in the office with a coworker - I know you don't always require the spectacular and thats why you chose me. Help me keep my heart on the things of You Lord. Thank you again. Amen
"The Way" ~ Jeremy Camp
All creation cried out with longing
With groands only you could comprehend
and with wisdom, you always answer
and give the words of life so unfailing
And your glory shines all around us
Your faithfulness shown for all to see
When we think of all of your wonders
They beauty of your plan thats been revealed
We walk in your light, we walk in it
Shine, bright
let your glory fill this land
lift high, the king of kings and great I am
Jesus, You are the way
We can see the workds of your loving hands
with a hope and peace not made by man
when you poured out your grace adn yoru mercy
and you held out your arms so we could see
you bled for all mankind and set the captives free
Shine, bright
let your glory fill this land
lift high, the king of kings and great I am
Jesus, You are the way
Lord thank you for answering my prayer this morning and giving me the opportunity to serve you today. Thank you for the prompting Lord to step forward in faith, to help a family, to pray in the office with a coworker - I know you don't always require the spectacular and thats why you chose me. Help me keep my heart on the things of You Lord. Thank you again. Amen
"The Way" ~ Jeremy Camp
All creation cried out with longing
With groands only you could comprehend
and with wisdom, you always answer
and give the words of life so unfailing
And your glory shines all around us
Your faithfulness shown for all to see
When we think of all of your wonders
They beauty of your plan thats been revealed
We walk in your light, we walk in it
Shine, bright
let your glory fill this land
lift high, the king of kings and great I am
Jesus, You are the way
We can see the workds of your loving hands
with a hope and peace not made by man
when you poured out your grace adn yoru mercy
and you held out your arms so we could see
you bled for all mankind and set the captives free
Shine, bright
let your glory fill this land
lift high, the king of kings and great I am
Jesus, You are the way
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