Friday, May 17, 2013

Just got in from lunch with my 5th grade class. It is always such a blessing for me as I go and invest some time into these really incredible young people. Today I met them in the media room before lunch and had a chance to sit with my 2 mentor students along with a few others and I got to lean in and share a little about "Character". I love these precious moments because they are few and far between. Especially the older they get. So as I shared my heart about what makes a person "them" and what they "stand" for and "who" they really are, a few more students inched over to listen in on what I was sharing. The moments flow from one thing to the next and our conversation transitioned so smoothly into their class after lunch "Family" talk which is where they learn about sex. So you can image a room full of 5th graders all excited about it, embarrassed by it, questioning about and laughing about it. Hey laughter makes for good awkward medicine sometimes :) I wonder how its going about right now LOL

Its really hard to believe this year has flown by. A lunch next week with them on my birthday and its one of the students birthdays as well so we will celebrate together :) - I told her today that if she made me a card, I would make her a card and we high fived so its as good as done!

I think a lot of the connection that I have with the kids is always that place where I really want to hear what they have to say. Sometimes I dont fully follow or they are using some trendy new word I have to later go find out what it means but I do lean in and really listen. As a parent, I am probably guilty more than I want to admit that when I am home a lot of times I am distracted. Does Kyle have my full attention when he is talking to me or trying to get an answer to his important question? Does Carol?
I try really hard to keep my phone away when talking with someone. I honestly do. I want the person I am speaking with to really know I am all there. I have shared a few times that if you want to make an impression, speak to a crowd but if you want to make a difference, speak to a person. In order to do that we have to look at them. We have to focus. When I am talking to a student, either at school or at youth/church - If I want to really make my point hit home, I lean down, I put my hands on my knees or a drop a leg and get on a knee - so that I am on their level eye to eye. So often people speak down to people and when you are above like that, people honestly feel like what they say doesn't matter.
For me, I think this is my biggest connection. Its odd thinking about it like this because in my younger days we didnt have all these distractions. If you wanted to get permission to go to a friends house, you had to speak directly to mom or dad. If you wanted to use the phone you had to use the one in the kitchen, you know tied to the wall and with about 5 foot of cord! Yes no privacy. No texting. Talking!! Yes it worked sometimes!

I do know this from seeing it first hand. Kids listen better when they know they can talk to you and you are truly there and they have your attention. If you want them to listen to you, listen to them. I think all kids are good, some make poor choices but God has made us each good. They dont want to feel as though they are bothering you. I had a student text me yesterday and was asking for prayer and she opened the text, sorry to bother you Mr. Lonnie. I addressed that first, they are never bothering me. I want to hear about the prayer request and then I am going to pray about it. Right then. See how that moves forward with confidence? Trust. Value.

Listening leads to wisdom. We can all need more of that.
I will close today with scripture from my Bible reading plan as I am stepping through Proverbs. Proverbs 8:32-35
And so, my children listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful. Listen to my instruction and be wise. Dont ignore it. Joyful are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting fro me outside my home! For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.

May our ears never get tired of hearing the hearts of others, especially our heavenly Fathers.

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