Thursday, June 9, 2011

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the good news. Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with great patience and careful teaching.

11 days until we leave for Jamaica. Team NC has 10 folks and our team in Michigan has 10. So 20 people traveling to the island of Jamaica to partner with a long time missionary family in Jim and Penie Koch who live in Westmoreland Jamaica.

Team members:
Lonnie, Carol, Kyle, Emilee, Donna, Morgan, Taylor, Kayla, Kate and Zach.

What do I see in this group? I see many things, from fear of flying, fear of being in a remote place, fear of knowing what to expect, fear of safety, fear of preaching the gospel to people they dont know, fear of the unknown. What do I see in this group if I look a little deeper than the surface?
A hunger for God. Questions about direction for their lives. A hope to experience God throughout this trip in many ways. Defining who they are and what they stand for. Life change?
probably. Its bound to happen.
The term life change gets thrown around a lot when you send people on a mission trip, a summer camp or some other kind of get out of my comfort zone activity. Its bound to happen. I've seen it happen over the years. I have experienced it myself. I have had students sit with me during worship service and cry and I dont mean just tears here. I am talking bawling - shirt soaked with tears and snot bawling. I have had students grab me during worship and hug me like I was saving them from some terrible disaster. NOT letting go ... no way. I have seen students serve shoveling horse crap out of horrible conditions for the entire day and loving it. I have seen students but weeds down that were 8 feet tall, getting dirty, sweating and smiling all at the same time. I have spoke with students in depth until all hours of the morning about life, their home situations, their past mistakes and I have sat with many of them praying while holding hands over a sick parent or grandparent who just passed away.
I have been out of my comfort zone so many times during these times, that its almost addicting. I mean you come to that place and you know you are there because its that special place when everything seems to be right, and you know God is doing something in those next moments. You let go of the weight you have shouldered for so long, you feel like you could float in the air with the weight being lifted off of you. You see something very clearly that you have been struggling to see for a long time. A student you have been praying for - makes that good decision or has that big impactful breakthrough.
Mission trips are all about these wonderful moments. Right before your eyes you have the chance to see and feel and be part of a kind of revelation. You may or may not see it coming. It might happen with the smallest things, a kind word, a deep conversation or in the dark of the night. It may happen in ways you'll never see or know about - but you will be a part of it just the same. Thats why in 2 Timothy is says to be ready at all time to preach the Good News. Be ready to share your story. Be ready to listen. Be ready to act. Be ready to do. Be ready to work. Be ready ..... ready is all you need to do.
Are you willing?
We all need a chance to get out of the bubble we are in to experience something new. Same ol'same 'ol is not what God has called us to be. Mundane boring walk in life. Transformation takes place when we are at the end of our ropes.
For many this Jamaica trip will be a first for mission work. Being at Thirst camp the last years has me kinda ready expect some things. For one, things will not ever be the same as they were last time. Every situation, every person, every job site, every person we meet - God has a unique experience for us for experience and share. To learn and grow. EVERY trip is different. All we can do is be ready for it. No matter if its a flat tire on the side of the road or sitting in the hospital holding a 2 day old baby girl who dies in your arms because of some infection that can be cured with medicine but no one has money or the means to get them. Are you willing to let God do something in your heart and in your life? Will you be bold enough, loud enough and have the courage to stand up when you know God is calling you to pray with the elderly sick woman, or the man sitting in the corner afraid of everything. Are you willing to hand out Bibles on the street corner and tell people you have never met, that Jesus loves them? When they stop and ask a question you honestly and tearfully pull them in and really share what Christ has done in your life? Are you ready?
Are you willing to deliver heavy cans of 5 gallons of water to people who have no plumbing, families who have no toilets, babies who are dirty and 5 gallons is all they have for the day - for 4 of them, cooking, cleaning, bathing, drinking.... are you ready?
Are you ready for something to happen?

One of the things I am going to have to work on is relaxing. My first mission summer camp was all about going! GOING GOING GONE when I got home. I mean like, I slept for 2 days. Exhausted. I didnt know how to play zone defense. I thought I had to be there for everyone, all the time, at any moment and over the years I have learned to play zone defense. Let them experience for themselves. Im here if you need me. Take some down time and get alone during the trip. Be the example - its great hanging with teenagers times I too act like a teenager but I am not one. I have to remember to roll with them, play with them, laugh with them but also lead them. LEAD at all times while having fun, while being goofy and while sharing Jesus. They are goofy because they are teenagers. I am goofy because I am 45 years old - that makes for some goofy moments right? The one thing that leaders have over the younger folks is life experiences. Share yours within context, tactfully and in the proper context. Great teachable moments.
One of the big things I have been praying throughout this process leading up to actually going is attitudes. Its really the only thing in this life you have control over. 100% of the time - you have control over your attitude.
Last year at summer camp I had 2 close students come to camp for a week. They never got anything from it. They never allowed God to work in them. They never plugged in. Attitude.
Its either when something is going wrong its a problem when you have a bad attitude. With a good attitude and things go wrong, which they will on a mission trip, you will see that as an opportunity.
Pack a positive attitude in your suitcase and your mission trip will be amazing. Experiences will be opened. I hope to take some personal time each day to reflect on the day ahead or behind. Check my attitude and make sure its good and positive and willing to experience what is next.
I know this week with so many folks around me, hot, tired, little sleep, on the go for a week - its going to be tough. People will get on each others nerves. Its going to happen. When you are at the end of your rope - that is where God says hang on. Dont quit - you wont experience this that I have planned for you if you quit here. There is something very cool thats coming up next.
So dont give up ...give in. Accept the things or the situations and give it to God. Ready and willing to move to the next thing that He has for you to do.
What if?
We trusted God with a ridiculous amount of faith, love students and the folks you come in contact with while on this mission trip like you're the only person they have and serve them without any restictions?
Thats what I see happening...... I see some fun, I see some sun, I see some smiles but I also see life change. Moments you dont want to miss because you were too caught up in yourself and doing everything just right and being all things to all people. Relax, focus and be grateful for this wonderful opportunity that God has placed before you.
Life change.... its going to happen.
Are you ready? Willing? Put your heart right and God will do his part right.


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