Friday, February 9, 2007

Teachers and children......

Good morning everyone - I pray this day finds each of you well and in in good spirits. My son did an awesome job on his poetry reading this morning at school. All the kids did a wonderful job and I am very proud of each of them. My wife and I got there early to help setup and we had coffee, danishes and muffins for the parents and the kids. I had to sneak out while the kids were working to avoid the MOB - I just love being over there and my sons teacher is really good about it all. I know I couldn't teach them much in a classroom setting even though they continue to ask me to sub for the day! Imagine that with me for a second.... hahahahahah - way too funny. Anyways -these kids will one day run this country, be teachers, doctors and nurses, athletes, business owners - they need to know their dreams to do whatever they want in life can be obtained - they can reach for the stars - it will take hard work, dedication and determination to make it. They don't have to settle for second best. Each of them deserve a great teacher - I know this class has been blessed by a great teacher this year. Her dedication and love for children makes her stand out. The children will probably always remember their 3rd grade teacher!
Jesus was a teacher - He came with news and being that it was so different than what anyone had ever heard - it made it tough to teach the lessons He came to teach us. He couldn't teach people from Panthers stadium or on TV or on the radio. He had to do this amongst the people - He came to live with us, experience this life with us and to feel this life with us. No matter what you are going through in this life, Jesus has been there. We have an avenue to God now because of Jesus. He is God with a face for us - a path to experience and love God. A great teacher - a profession even today that is not respected as much as it should be. We are all children in the eyes of God - we can either do our homework and study hard or we can goof off in the back and make fun of everything - keeping our eyes and ears closed. 2 directions in life...... we all have a choice. I pray you are taking time for your children - get down on the ground with them and see them eye to eye - they always have something to say and something to share if we just take the time to listen. You might be surprised what is shared......
Luke 18:15-17
15-17People brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. When the disciples saw it, they shooed them off. Jesus called them back. "Let these children alone. Don't get between them and me. These children are the kingdom's pride and joy. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in."

Sounds so simple ..... and really it is. Why make things so hard to understand? Why try our best to explain things and reason things out? Truth is truth.....

Good job today Kyle - I am proud of you and all your classmates. Ya'll have touched my life forever and 3rd grade I will always remember! Thanks for making me cool for once....
I love you bud, more than I could ever tell you. I will always be there for you and I am honored to call you my son. I pray you always have Jesus in your heart.


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