Thursday, February 15, 2007

"And " - "OR"

Ok - repeat after me - I am going to replace "AND" with "OR". Lets say that again - I am going to replace "AND" with "OR". Good job..... so what does that mean already? I know its kind of silly but.......
Well let me share this with you. Today was a good learning day for me. My wife and I got to go to my sons school today and help with "Space Camp". Discovery Place from Charlotte was there and in the gym they had a portable planetarium set up. WOW - the teacher there did an awesome job. The kids were great and learned many things about the stars and planets. We got to crawl through the opening and then sit all around looking up at the heavens as she explained all the stars and their positions in the night time sky. Some of the kids were scared since it was dark, so I had all the girls sitting around me and it was really so much fun today. I very much enjoy being there and playing with the kids - I don't say working with the kids because I think I have more fun than they do! Anyways - I had a decision to make today - my duties for school were over a little after 12 - and the old me would have went to work and finished out the afternoon. Instead - I took my wife to lunch - did a little shopping at Lowes hardware and then went to give blood. Wow - a busy day - but whats with this AND and OR thing? Well many of us are so busy - running here and running there, kids soccer, kids karate, school, house cleaning, homework, making supper - so many things. All the while dealing with what life hands us with relationships, struggles, problems etc. We have become a "AND" - society - ask anyone how they are doing and they probably would say - "busy". I am doing this AND this AND this AND this.
I have said this before and I have heard this before - "God wont put anything on your shoulders that you cant handle". Well - when I was going through the things with my mom last year - I would believe that with all my heart - today I would have to say, to some degree. I think the things we have in our lives today are there for a reason but its also Gods way of saying - Hey we need to unload some things. We need to delegate some of our life's responsibilities. If we are trying to do everything ourselves - we are too proud to let others help us. If we are too proud to let others help us -then we are going to burn out. God did not make us to be Christians by ourselves - He made us to share our experiences with others and to do this life together. We all need help - we all can delegate some of the things we are currently doing. We can sometimes say no ~ Right?

Many of us appear to be strong and always in control of things and God wants us to be strong but strong in the right ways. When we appear we have it all under control – nobody seeing us crying or hurting, we hide our feelings – We only have those around us fooled - God knows better. God wants us to be humble and ask Him for help. Its when we don’t have things under control and we are overwhelmed with what we have to do – that is when God steps in and gives us His grace. We tell God we cant handle the situations and struggles we have and we need HIM. We are then in the right place - right where God wants us. Instead of continuing to say AND – replace some of those things in your life with “OR”. Focus on what God would want us to have on our plate – hand off something – give that other thing to God – and feel the comfort and peace that God will restore in you. So many of us try to be Superman to everything and to everyone. Replace some of those AND (s)– with Or (s). Make a decision what is important and follow through with Gods gusto and cheerfulness!!!
Today was an “Or” day for me. I went to my sons school – and made a decision – school “Or” work. I couldn't do both and if I did – I would have been worn out, tired from running the entire day – so I handed it off. I replaced the AND part of my day with an “or”.

Exodus 18: 14 17-18
14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he asked, “What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?”
17 “This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18 “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.

Friends we don’t have to try and do everything by ourselves. Seek help from those around you, share the burdens and responsibilities that you have on your shoulders. Together we can do so much more than doing things alone and trying to do everything ourselves. We are in this together….

A few months back our Pastor at church told us - that we had out grown him. We have become a church that is too big for him to minister to us alone. He was humbly telling us that he needed God and he needed our help as well. Everyday I pray he delegates his workload - his responsibilities and has people around him to help him - new faces to give the tired faces a break so that they don't get worn out. Humbly tell God you need His help to handle all you are doing. It will make a world of difference.....When we are worn out we cant accomplish much.

I remember back when my mom was sick – feeling like everything around me crumbling in – how I had to hold it together for not only mom and myself but for everyone. God came and walked beside me – I did not have to do everything alone and by myself. God took part of that responsibility from me and looking back now – I am blessed He did. He helped me focus on what was happening, minister to those around me who needed a little extra love and care, He kept me safe during those long hours of driving up and down the roads. If I had kept up with the “And” – I would not have made it through it all. What can you delegate in your life loved ones? What do you need help with? I pray someone is there serving you and asking to help. If not – send me an email, I would be honored to hear the story you have. God is waiting on His part – ask Him today.


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