Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Challenge......

The weekend is moving right along. Back to work in just a few hours it seems like. Some of my family got together yesterday and attending the 49er home coming men's basketball game. I got to share my work with some family who had never stepped foot on campus and the game was almost sold out - and we pulled out the win. We all shared a great meal at our favorite place to eat (Mexicasa). Thanks ya'll for making yesterday a great day!

Today at church our Pastor baptized 5-6 young people - the place was packed with friends, family, visitors and regulars - the band had it going on and sounded awesome. I was not feeling well yesterday and slept in this morning - I am glad because I feel better now and got to take part in something like a baptism. It has not been that long ago that I was in the water - my son was in the water and how much it really hits me in my soul - for those in my family and my friends who need this water. Before Jesus came to earth - we had 1000's of rules and guidelines to adhear to. Being a good person to make it in to heaven was just out of reach for common folks like me and you because we couldnt keep all the rules. It was saved for the high priests and the leaders of that time since they followed all the rules and made sure - the people of the times followed as well. They had to sacrifice an animal (usually a lamb) in order to please God and this all changed when Jesus came. He is the new way- the new rules and He took our sins with Him to the cross. We had a new set of rules to follow and only through Him - is our path to heaven.
A question was asked this morning - Who with a show of hands had been raised in church? I did not look around to see but I know mine was not. I was a peppered church person - going once or twice here and there. I knew of church - I knew of God - but I did not KNOW church or KNOW God. Years of my aunt and uncle praying for me - my family - I thank you for those prayers!!! How I love you and am so glad God answered your prayers for me - my family. Some of us continue to need those exact prayers because you still have not stepped forth to say "I GET IT!"
As those who were baptised this morning - It was hard to hold back the emotion because I am so very happy for them and their families. Many families have struggles - many have so many things to overcome - Only God has kept them together - only God gives them the strength to keep going. You can see them - they have a different look about them because - they are together and God is keeping them together even as many things around them are hurting or falling apart. God uses normal ordinary people like you and me - these special people who were baptised this morning - all of us who accept Him. He turns us into extra ordinary people - to do His work - to show others His love- to reach out to others and help them. Its not all work here friends - blessings of smiles and friendships come with this work. A feeling of God smiling on you and knowing you are doing right when you reach out and help someone.

I am asking you this week - to open your heart and open your mind - to reach down inside you and extend a hand to someone who could use it. Without anything in return - show the love of Jesus - and then email me your story. I challenge you this week loved ones - give God something instead of sitting where you are right now. Valentines day is wednesday - share some of that love with someone who would be alone or feels down and left behind.

(it may be a meal for a family or friend, it may be attending church and going WITH your children to Sunday school, it may be stopping and seeing a friend you haven't seen in awhile, it may be to drive through the drive through at burger king and paying the price for the car behind you - it may be offering forgiveness to someone who needs your forgiveness - its your homework friends - make something good happen)

Are you taking up space in church? Not going to church? Sliding back to your old self after a spiritual movement God had you on?
Don't know Jesus? - think you need to get your life right before asking Jesus to come into your life? God has something to share with you..... allow God to open your heart so that YOU may experience Him..... He accepts you as you are - as your reading this, all your hang ups and struggles, all your problems and things you have done wrong, all your emotions and regrets - its all right now..... He accepts you. Jesus did not come to this earth for everyone else and to leave you behind. He came for you......... for all of us.

I am so very proud of those in church this morning who took this big step of accepting Jesus and being baptized. May God fill your entire soul and lead you on a path and journey like no other one else can.
50-51Jesus said, "You've become a believer simply because I say I saw you one day sitting under the fig tree? You haven't seen anything yet! Before this is over you're going to see heaven open and God's angels descending to the Son of Man and ascending again."

God see your struggles - He feels your pain and knows the things you have wrapped around your neck. Stop what you are doing - put your life in a new direction today. Faith takes courage and knowing that something is bigger than ourselves. Take my challenge this week and let me know - I look forward to hearing from you.

Gods blessings,

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