Monday, February 5, 2007

Facing YOUR Giants....

Ok friends - I am especially motivated today for some reason - I will accept that God has something extra on my heart today. So you get the benefit of reading a little extra. I have to first say that I fully enjoyed sharing and spending time with our small group last night. What an awesome bunch of misfits we are! We are all sinners, we are all trying to make our way in life, to learn about Jesus and be more like Him, learn about each other and how to love one another and serve one another, to be better parents and a better family but more important we are learning to face our giants. What loved ones, are your giants that you are facing today?

My family and I rented friday night the movie "Facing the Giants" - wow what a movie. If you get the chance share this awesome movie with your family - invite a non church person or family over and watch it with them. God gets all the glory and it was so refreshing to see God taking center stage and have His teachings and promises on the big screen especially in something we all can relate with. FOOTBALL - Here are some of the comments from the web site concerning the movie:

"The storyline was right on it: with God, all things are possible. There is a lesson for all that can be learned from what we saw. Hopefully the word can be spread and Hollywood will get the idea. This is one of the few movies that you wouldn't mind Jesus sitting next to you and sharing the popcorn."
"My dad, brother and I saw the movie. My dad is not a believer and the movie really affected him. My brother is a believer, but is cynical about Christian movies. He absolutely loved it! As a teacher, the movie truly encouraged me to bring glory to Jesus in my classroom."
"We laughed, we cried and we came away with a renewed sense of God's direction in our lives."
"The movie was very faith-inspiring to say the least. After the movie I thought, 'If I can give 100 percent to something, why not push to do 110 percent?' I don't look at things the same way since I saw the movie."
"I am a high school teacher. Lately I have been discouraged, wondering if I am having any impact on my students. God had me see your movie today to realize that I need to focus more on being the teacher God wants me to be."
"My father-in-law said it was a tremendous movie and I could hear the excitement in his voice. Yesterday, my father-in-law gave his life to Jesus Christ and asked him to be his Lord and Savior. My mother-in-law is a strong Christian and has been praying their whole married life for his eyes to open to God and have a personal relationship."

There are those in my life right now that need direction, hope and inspiration - a comfort knowing that someone is with you; that someone has your back and will never leave you hanging or walk away when things are tough.
No matter what your facing today loved ones, God will walk with you, listen to your tears and calm your fears - he will battle your giants for you.

Enjoy the movie.......

Love you all,

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