Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Confessions of being all in......

Its time finally to step up to the plate- especially being that its holy week, Good Friday is this Friday and Easter is Sunday. I have a confession to make and this might surprise a few people but its time to let it out. Reason being I am choosing today is because God deserves me to be all in. He deserves that my family is all in. We are not half way, in one day out the next. We all strive to make the most of every situation for Him. We all fall short on that but we strive to give everything we have to what is most important. I am sorry this is going to be a long blog but hang in there for a few more minutes. Last year I had to go for some tests on my Thyroid. I have been having problems swallowing and pressure in my neck with some discomfort. I made arrangements to see the doctor and he noticed after checking me out that something was not right. After my ultrasound they discovered I have 2 tumors on my Thyroid. I remember that phone call with the news from the doctors office - how sick feeling I was and feeling like I was going to puke. I don't even remember what she told me so I called Carol and had her call back to get the details. Being that thyroid cancer runs in my family - they ordered a test for cancer. My mom had just passed away from cancer and all of this is running through my mind just as fast as anything. I had to go to the hospital and swallow a nuclear pill that the thyroid sucks the radioactive stuff up from my body - the pill came in like this bomb looking container, it was wild. The next day I had to have another scan and it was determined that I don't have cancer - at least at this time. But I do have 2 nodules, tumors, growths - what ever you want to call it on both sides of my thyroid. 9mm and 4 mm on each side. Why are you asking right now - Why don't I know this? Because I don't need worry - prayer is the only thing that changes anything.

During this time I had got enough courage up, especially after my aunt Sharon talked enough to me, to share this news with my church and Pastor Jimmy and a few praying family members. I remember that afternoon for lunch going to the church's men's lunch across the street at the wing place and Jimmy opened with prayer. How awesome that prayer was asking for healing and for nothing to be wrong - never letting out who he was praying for, but I knew. I remember the love in his eyes as he looked over at me afterwards and he could tell by my look - I was thanking him. Its during these times loved ones, that we have to give up on ourselves, to submit to God and be "all in" to experience the peace, mercy and grace that He has for us. I recently shared that story with one of my cousins who is having some health issues now and he does not know Jesus. I asked him after my story to meet Jesus half way - to come to Him and truly know this peace and comfort that I am trying to explain here.
Folks, we have to be all in - we can't feel like doing this one day and not the next. We have to keep our fire burning for Jesus in our lives. Its personal and there is nothing to hide about any of it. If you have accepted Christ - than you would be sharing that with the world - everyone will need to know you have been saved. Its worth celebrating!!! If you haven't or if your not sure - than your not. We will all face God when our time comes - we will have to answer for all our actions. If we are at home claiming to be Christians and not doing what we are called to do in this life - What will we have to say for ourselves? Do we just show up at church and listen to the message being delivered and say I wish so and so was here to hear this? Folks that message is for you! We are called to be ministers to the message. Serving in our church, being a part of a small group family, learning and being, expanding our knowledge and understanding, surrounding ourselves with godly people who will love us and care for us and who will pray for us! We need to be serving the community and reaching the lost people in the name of Jesus.

We all need to be in - totally committed to what God has called us to do. We are the body of Christ and He is using us to do His will on earth. Yes its hard, yes it sometimes takes us out of our comfort zone and we have to give up control of what we are doing - but its so worth it. I have learned many things since leading my Rock Group the last few months. We are all committed to serving, the church and each other. I don't have to save anyone in this family but I do have to focus them, give them encouragement and teach them something that I too am learning! I will set expectations with my next group whenever that is that this group will be a serving group - no matter what. Committed - 100% in. This is why our Rock Group is rocking - we are on the same page and we are taking the level of expectation for the other groups to step up to the plate for Jesus - for our church and for the lost people we are trying to reach with the Good News!
Friends, be committed to something - make a decision and put God first in your life. He will take you places if you give Him priority. This stuff is hard for me to share - because I want everyone to GET IT. I want us to be the body of Christ together........ You included.
I love you all,
In Christ,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I share almost everything with my church family. I spend more time with my church family than I do with my "real" family. The other day when you called Scott I told him that I had called you, that you were my "prayer partner" other than Buster you are the one I call on for prayer then my church family. That is the way God intended it to be. He intended for us to help each other and be in one accord. That is another reason why He said not to "forsake the assembling together in God's house" we build our strength from other believers. Each of us add to another's faith.
Committment is a big long word, but it is just a way of saying "I believe" "I get it", are you committed to your wife or husband or kids? Well, Jesus wants us to be committed to Him too, He loves us always, not just sometimes, always, and that is what He expects out of us. It is not just a mood thing or how we feel today. There is no strattling the fence with Jesus, you are either for HIm or against Him, Heaven or Hell, it is sooo clear. Make your choice and stick to it. You won't be sorry. He gave His life for us, won't you give him yours.
God Bless You All