Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Being Bold.....

Today I got an email from my Pastor. A few weeks ago my church put together the last and finishing touches to our ad that hit the papers today for our Easter service. This morning some folks contacted pastor Jimmy and were not all that happy with it. Seems when people have a difference of opinion and how they see things - sometimes toes get stepped on. Nobody can make everyone happy - a few folks will always have a problem with whatever you are trying to do. Those folks we can't focus too much on - we are not here to make people happy - we are hear to help spread the Word God has placed in our hearts. I take heart in this because I have accepted the role of doing that - all who have accepted Christ should take this stand and be working hard in every situation of our day to look for an opening to share Gods love.
Being bold for God is not always easy. Its easy to preach and praise God when things are going well but it's hard to walk that line when we are hurting and struggling with things. Being bold for God sometimes hurts people's feeling and many times, people around us don't know us anymore because we have changed. Many times instead of being bold for God we tend to hide in the shadows - we don't offer the hand to someone because we are afraid - afraid of what people might say or what they might think. Many times - these same folks don't know Jesus - our outreach might be just what they need to turn their lives around. Jesus does that to people - He may close a door in your life but will open a better door that He has planned for you. There is no favortism in heaven - God does not love one person more than another - He does not give to one and not another - he doesn't answer a prayer from this person and not the next. We may not always get what we ask for - but there is reason for that. We might not like the answer we get sometimes - we give up many times on praying long before God is ready to deliver what we ask for. Its in his time and in His way -
Friends, like I told my pastor this morning - hold your head high for Jesus - be bold and stand firm on what you believe - God did not give up on you.... don't give up on Him.
We are here to please God in what we are doing here - not to please people and worry about what they will think and what they will say. I had this fear for many years - afraid of failure and afraid of people getting too close. I am not afraid anymore.........
Live bold for God!!!! How can we grow as Christians - if we are hiding in the shadows or go out on a limb? Bold is scary - bold is daring - bold is no safety net in front of people - bold is putting yourself out there for others to mock and pick at but Bold is worth it when it comes to Jesus. The more time spent in Gods word - the more you will understand and the more God will bless you with understanding.

I had lunch with my dear friend Shelley today - its her birthday today! Happy birthday Shelley! She and her family are having a hard time right now but as I sat across from her today and listened to her speak - there is peace in her heart - our faces reflect our hearts like looking into a pool of water - we project what is on the inside of us for others to see. She is living bold for God right now - full trust and faith in Jesus.
Love you all,


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing yourself in your blog---I read it faithfully and read the comments posted from Carol and Sharon. They, as well as you, inspire me. God is all around. He is surrounding me with blessings of friends, new and old, and with hope. He is transforming my heart day by day. Sometimes our greatest fears and stumbling blocks can be our greatest gifts from Him. Losing my job, although painful, has been a blessing as it took me out of a poisonous situation. My heart is peaceful. My heart is joyful. My cup runneth over! Happy Easter, everyone!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lonnie, for The Walk. I read it faithfully as well as the comments from Carol and Sharon. They inspire me as well as you. God has blessed me with so many friends, new & old, and HOPE!! I have learned that sometimes the hardest things in our lives are our biggest blessings. Losing my job was painful, but such a blessing. It removed my from a poisonous situation. Happy Easter everyone. God is all around.

Sharon Davis said...

Hey Shelley,
I feel like I know you. I've heard some really nice things about you; you and your family are definitly on my prayer list! I am Aunt Sharon, you mentioned you read my comments as well, so glad we are "meeting" via blog mail HA. I hear you are a special lady and any one that Randy (Lonnie to you)thinks is special then I do too!! Randy has a really big heart and his opinion is pretty awesome, he takes after me and his momma. May God Bless You and your wonderful family, so happy you are "blogging" with us now! God is so good, can't wait to see the door HE opens for you after closing the other one. It will be awesome to say the least, God doesn't do anything without a reason!!
Love in Christ