Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Alpha Leader......

Ok so last night was a non-sleeping night for me. It happens to me from time to time but after an hour of tossing and turning - trying my best not to wake my wife up she finally says to me - what in the world are you doing? Turn the TV on! So there I was.... thinking what should I do. I huffed and got up. It was 4:07 - out to the kitchen and made some coffee and ready at that moment almost to start my day. I continued reading a book I am currently reading and my mind is going 1000 directions. Did I pray for my friend Shelley enough today for her interview? Did I pray for Julie? Steven - my brother? Am I thanking God for all the blessings in my life? Are my priorities lined up correctly? Where is mom when I need need her? For those who don't know - my mom passed away last year - Feb 23rd.
Last night I took a break from my reading and watched on the National Geographic channel the guy in England who is living IN the wolf pack. He is the Alpha male and leader of this 3 wolf pack. He has learned and studied them long enough to communicate with them and teach them since they were pups how to live, eat, rank and order - everything a wolf needs to know. I was in shock at what this man was doing - giving up his family and life to throw himself into what he loves and to learn - to teach others about Gods creature and their rightful place in nature. It really was amazing and hope there are more episodes. As I watched my 2 huskies sleeping on their blanket all nice and warm its really the closest thing I have to wolves - they understand the pack. The rank and eating issues - the play fullness they have with each other and in constant battle to see who is the leader. See each of the pack members has a job to do. You have the Alpha who is the protector from other animals and other packs - He usually is the one that eats first but it could also be a female too. You have the lookout pack member to warn when trouble is near and to alert the pack. You have the cautious one and the others who go along with whatever is happening regardless of what they want to do. So much to learn about families in the Wolf pack because they are very much in many ways - like ours. Our families have the leaders- the ones who cry wolf and always need help sounding the alarm with the drama - the struggle between who is the boss and who wants to be the boss - we also have the easy to get along with types that just go with the flow and will never lead anything. They complain, sometimes they are happy, most of the time sad, struggling or complaining they didn't get their fair deal in life. We all have the same type's of members in our families no matter who we are or where we are from. See I think sometime in the night it occurred to me that my mom was the Alpha pack leader. She had the ultimate goal of getting things done - my dad lead the family with the decisions per say but mom really made it all happen - she kept our pack going, kept it safe and kept it together.
The last month or so many in my family have drifted - many have drifted in and out for years and just like the Wold Pack - sometimes they are accepted and sometimes not. Many times they have to take a smaller role and will never lead the family again no matter what. But some without the Alpha pack leader - the family falls apart. There is no other pack leader that can handle the job. My mom was our Alpha pack leader - plain and simple. I have told everyone that none of us can do this job in (our) family - that God is the only one now to lead us if we are to do anything with our lives as a family. Many times I just have to sit and realize that our pack (family) is broken and we are struggling for our own existence. I am not sure where this all leads but I know without God - we are hopeless. The wolf pack is hopeless. God created an awesome animal in the wolf - they once roamed the entire country here in America - but have fallen because we didn't know anything about them - we feared them - we hunted and killed them just for sport and for saving our livestock. Much like people in the world - we kill and fight for no reason or reasons we don't understand. There is an order on earth and everything has its place and balance. The wolf pack communicates by howling to let the other packs know where they are and to not venture out of the territory. Its as simple as that..... in our families - its as simple as communication - in our countries and in our people.
God has something to say about all this if we just open our hearts - our ears and minds to something that the world has no say in - history has shown that people leading people ends in destruction - God has the answers if we would just take the time and listen. Otherwise like the wolf pack who has lost the Alpha leader~ the rest are doomed. I pray for my family and each of the pack members, for their rightful and deserved place in order to make the family (pack) work - to love and play together. Things could be so different..... it just breaks my heart where I see things right now. God intended for much better than this. We are meant to do life together -not alone and not like an island. Pride keeps us from God - Don't let the things of this earth hold you back loved ones, drop the death clothes and live like God intended us to live. In harmony and in order - helping those around us, reaching and spreading His message - staying out of our comfort zone so that He may do His will through you. We all matter and are all loved by Jesus regardless - give Him the chance because we sure are doing a lousy job ourselves.
Love you all,

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