Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It has been a few busy days to say the least. School is finally back on track and exams are taking place right now and makeup days are being scheduled. It has everyone still a little out of sync and I bet even some had a tough time sleeping last night with the getting up earlier than in the past. Its good to get back into the groove as I am sure lots of folks would agree.

I want to take a pause today from John and speak about something that is hitting very close to home these days. With Rock Group getting together Sunday and us having time together as we watched the Jets game and pushed back a message that is just in perfect season to share with everyone - it reminds me that sometimes we need to just take a pause from life and smile. Love on each other and just share some laughs, a football game, talk a little about whats going on in life and really connect heart to heart with the people in our lives. As I look to these friends for guidance, comfort, prayer - I know without a doubt that these folks have my back. I know that many of them would call me out if my paths were leading me to a place that was no good. I know they would support me if I had a big decision to make or was going to take a different journey in life. I know they would walk side by side with me.
A true friend is someone who gets hurt at times and instead of doing what the world would do by stepping out, they step in closer than before. We all need friends like that in our lives. Not just friends who never get past the Bears and Packers game coming up. Not just friends who talk about the 6 inches of snow and ice in Charlotte NC and it shutting down the area for a week. I am talking about a friend who comforts, who corrects, who deeply loves, who cries with you, who smiles with you, who rejoices in your life when you rejoice. I am talking about someone who has the right to speak into your life because of the paths you have walked together. I am talking about a friend who has the right to go to the hard places and conversations because they have earned that right to speak. Trusted and loved like family.
Proverbs 18:24 - Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.

A true friend gets hurt sometimes because they are willing to be hurt. Most times friends part ways because of one person getting hurt. Maybe over something that was said, maybe a misunderstanding and the value of the situation has move value than the friendship. Do you value the friendship more than the friend if you look around in your inner circle? A true blessing and treasure in life is being understood by your inner circle. Think about it - most people dont get you, your ways of thinking at times, your feelings on certain things, feeling with other people - but a true treasure if being understood by those special people. They are hard to find and hard to keep. Often times in life we put up walls to keep people out and its a protection reflex because we have all been hurt in the past by someone - by that at the time you thought was a good friend.
Proverbs 16:28- Troublemakers start fights; gossip break up friendships.

More often than not a real friend leads you. They take you along on a journey of life together sharing like family. The cool thing about these friends is there is nothing that stand in between them. One does not take and the other gives. Its an equal partnership and who don't stoop the level to the place where gossip becomes an issue. If a friend gossips in front of you about someone - then rest assured they will probably gossip about you to someone else. I have had to learn this from time to time working with students. Student have not the discipline to tame their tongues and sometimes they never outgrow that and continue those same habits into adulthood. The BFF is so over rated today as friends try to leverage themselves against popularity and appearance. Its a shame that friends can't just be friends knowing that both have different circles that they roll in. Its that integrity and character that Christ is looking for.

Are you a true friend? Do you have people in your life that you could call a true friend? You will always have a true friend in Jesus. No matter what people do around you and to you in your life - you can always rest assured that you will always have one true friend who is our example of a friend to aspire and look up to. I hope you know him today ... and like a real friend, place his friendship into the lives of you inner circle friends. He is not a facebook friend but someone who is on your trusted list to call in case of emergency.
We could all use a friend like that.


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