Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflect back and Look Forward

As 2008 comes to a close - I can honetly say this year has had its ups and downs for my family. THANK GOD for those peaks. Those peaks build us and strengthen our faith. Our trust grows as we look back and reflect on what we have had to go through. The secret is, we went through them and God has not left us in them. God is faithful and 2009 should be met with great expectations to what the God of our universe will do through us this coming year.

Keep on Keeping on loved ones. They say time heals - I have to say that time lessons the pain as many things never go away. We grow through them and learn from them. We should become better people, more caring, fuller of compassion and our faith grows like never before.
I can honestly say that this 2008 is finishing strong. I am excited to what is ahead, what God will be teaching me and leading me to do FOR HIM!

Hebrews 12:1
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us . . .

It is easy these days to have a baby, get married, start a new job, be a friend to someone that really needs a friend, a new years diet - there are so many things that are easy to start but often times they are hard to finish. Our walk with Jesus is no different. Stay strong this year loved ones, stand for God and be His hands and actions. Reach those around you with compassion, love and forgiveness as Jesus has shown you by example these very things.

May 2009 be the year that your life makes a difference, has an impact and really shows others that You Love Jesus. Love leaves a lasting mark and a lasting impression.

Gods Best for 2009,

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