Monday, December 8, 2008

Mondays have been a rest day for me for a long time. Sunday's just seem to keep get busier and busier or that I am getting older and older :) - I was proud of our Pre-K-5 Kids yesterday in their Christmas play. I was heart warmed by the folks who came out to support them - its a direct reflection of our youth program at church. I do believe that it is the future of the church by investing in these young folks. They will one day take ownership of their salvation and their church home - they will be married there and raise their families there. They have so much to look forward to but it takes work and it takes teamwork. So often we just look at what we see and not what God is doing behind the scenes. We are so closed minded and short sighted in life. We far too often give up and give in before the real miracles and change takes place.
I have been wrestling the "expectation" factor the last 4-5 days now. As a follower of Jesus - I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on issues that I am struggling with. I expect to hear from our Heavenly Father on the prayers that I lift to Him. How can I not? If I am not hearing from Him then I need to do something differently or continue to stand strong and be patient because it is not my time but His.
How can we hear from God when we come into church on Sunday's late, leave early, gossip, don't serve and have a look on your face that harbors ill feelings towards others? How can we hear from God when we leave God at church on Sundays and then live our same lives the rest of the week? How can we put the church mask on Sunday mornings and hope nobody notices who we really are?
Every Sunday there is someone at their last strings of the rope. They need to hear from God in their life. They may be struggling with divorce, a child making hard choices, a sickness or who has had years of difficulties. It is that woman crying in the front row... it is the father who is looking to reconnect to his children again ... it is that mom who's the sole provider of her 3 children and is feeling alone even with 300 people around her. I too have to challenge myself at times to push through my sticking points. I have to dig deep and trust in my faith and my Trust in Jesus. I too have to be reminded that I took an oath when I accepted Jesus into my heart. TO become more like Him.... is that something you are doing? Honestly?

This morning while in Hebrews - This is what I am learning,
Hebrews 6:
We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation. 10 For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers,[a] as you still do. 11 Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. 12 Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.

Last night there was a little girl who was singing in the choir. She was scared and started crying during practice. She came off stage and I reached out my hand to sit with her since her parents were not there. I gave her a big hug and told her it was going to be alright. I told her it was ok to be scared - I would be scared too - and if she did not feel like singing or didn't know the words she could just smile or whisper the words. She did not have to sing.... I went and got her a few pieces of candy and when she was ready - she got back up on stage. She made it through the play and there were parents, friends, grandparents and other church family members who got to see her sing and perform the Christmas story. It was a moment that is tender to my heart because Jesus put me where I needed to be. He put me on that side of the stage where a few minutes earlier - I was sitting on the other side with another family. She was the person who needed Jesus to calm her fears, who needed someone to speak encouragement to her, she was the one that needed a hug to build confidence to do what she was afraid to do. God was in those moments as the story unfolded. I am honored I was there.....
Be the beacon of hope through Jesus for others. Take a long hard look in the mirror - are you reflecting everything you think you are? Are you doing everything you think you are? Jesus went to the hard places, he met things head on and they were forever changed. My walk with Jesus is personal ... every moment of every day there is something I can learn... there is someone to serve... there is something hard to overcome... there is something to pray about....and there are answers if my expectations are eagerly waiting on the Lord.

Keep looking upward,

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