Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15th and its 68 here. Hard to believe that - I hope to get a chance to get out and get some air on me this afternoon for a bit. Just got finished with a student interview - happy to say he is a church man and should make a good addition to our student employment here at work. We have a great bunch of students now and I am looking forward to next semester. Its exciting seeing our young folks taking their faith seriously and actually engaged in their church by serving, doing their ministry of helping others and having a soft heart for the Lord. 10 seconds in meeting them - you can see it. Thats flippin awesome!
Today I got the chance to give a Christmas card and an envelope to our housekeeper here at work. She works hard for little money here and she always has a smile when she stops in to say good morning. It was awesome seeing her open the envelope - hope it goes a long way in helping her ease the situations in life that she is struggling in today. Blessed to have some giving folks around me.
With the past week behind me - well my family too because Carol was just as much involved in the details as I was - I wanted to share a few things.

~Doing ministry is hard - its hard going to the tough places and meeting people right where they are. How can you encourage someone or help them when you are not willing to get messy?
~God often times calls us to help a family in need - we have to look past the issues of "Why" they are where they are and just get in there to help. We also have to look at helping past the holidays when everyone else is done their good deeds- they may still need help in the coming weeks and months
~Being a godly man raises a lot of questions sometimes. Doesn't matter that I teach Sunday school or heavily involved in my church - would those same questions be asked if I was a policeman, a teacher or a doctor?
~Sometimes we have to do hard things. God places some thing on your heart and we have to get on with doing His work. Regardless of what others are saying .... they are looking on and not involved...why? Sometimes doing Gods work is lonely but when you come out on the other side - man it is awesome knowing you are making a difference and you know God is smiling.
~Rest is something we all need. Even with all the things going on in life- we need to take time to rest and refresh. To gather our thoughts and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.
~The evening meal is meant to bring family and friends together. It is a time to put aside the baseball game or the school activity so you can invest in the important things. People~ Dont let distractions and business teach your children - You teach them what is important. They learn from us parents!
~A few times last week I was taken back by fear. Yes, I admit it - when people think and then talk and question things - It hurts. It stings and fear takes over. You begin to wonder why God has asked you to do something when some folks just don't get it. Often times when doing Gods work - the devil will put those people in your life to bring you down and to discourage.
~ I want my life and who I am to represent how much I love Jesus. No matter what I am doing, where I am or who I am with - I am representing God. Are my actions reflecting that? Are my words reflecting that? Are my motives His motives? Am I leading "MyKids" like that?
~I want my family and friends to see me as a leader. (I know they do)Who goes to the Lord for answers and direction. Who serves others even when its hard. Who wants to make a difference in the people around me. Who loves more than I thought I could. Who is willing to invest my time, my heart and my passion in who God has made me.
~I don't want to put off something for tomorrow when I know it will make a difference for someone today. Life is short and tomorrow is not promised. Today is our gift - be fruitful in it.
~I am an encourager - its a gift that God has given me. I am very peaceful in my nature and I am thankful for that. I want to be able to listen more and often times- talk less. Actions often times speak louder than words.
~I pray that my son keeps his heart in the Lords hands. I pray for him to lead the people around him and not be lead. To set the example and take a stand for what is right. To reach out to others no matter their situation. We don't always know what others are going through or where they have been. Giving is better than receiving - which is tough to learn in those teen years.

1 Peter -
Suffering for Doing Good 13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way.[c] Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

True Life…It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life.
Looking forward to a good week ahead ....

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