Monday, August 11, 2008

Not my imagination...

Last night I had one of my non sleeping nights. Yesterday morning brought me to church running late and found myself a few people short. As usual the setup teams pulls it together and gets things done and had time for a few laughs, some dounuts and washed down with OJ and coffee. Church yesterday had a special flavor to it for some reason - maybe because we had some extra new folks there or some old faces that have been missing for the summer came in - it always happens when the school year is around the corner. People are looking to re-engage into life and move away from the play time of summer.
At the 11:00 service we had a good turnout of Sunday school - especially the 4th-5th grade kids. They are just my sweet spot and I just feel connected with those kids. I do love all the kids, the little ones and all the project 252 kids but I especially love investing in the 4th and 5th graders. It was the first time Carol and Kim had a full staff for Sunday school all summer.... it is great turning that corner!!!
After church we got to hang out with some dear friends of ours - Rich, Chris and Payton. It has been a long time since we have seen them and as always - we enjoyed the afternoon with them and time flew by yesterday! We found ourselves in Kyle's room playing the WII and just laughing and carrying on. It was a lot of fun......
So will all this great stuff happening, why can't I sleep sometimes? Is there something that is bothering me - is God wanting to keep me awake sometimes so that He can talk to me? I often wonder how come God doesn't hit me in the afternoon or first thing in the mornings? I do know for sure though that I am more in tune with what God is trying to say to me in the early morning hours. My way to work is mostly spent listening to something on my Ipod - this is after my morning time in my Bible.... but even still - God keeps me up at night sometimes.
I know for atleast 2 hours - I spent those hours praying for you. My family, my rock group families and our season coming up - my church family, Pastor Jimmy and his staff. I had time to pray for the kids yesterday ... and for this coming weekend when we take one of "OurKids" to the cabin with us and then on Sunday when after church we will have another one of "OurKids" until after Rock Group. I love this invested time.... I love this family that God is placing around us. I am excited to see what God is going to do next..... the thought of ONE continues to be in the front of my mind. A church of "ONE" - I am especially excited for our new members who took part in our membership class yesterday. I am thankful I knew most of the folks there and have a relationship with them already. I look forward to helping them "Plug -IN" and seeing what God uses them for.
I am feeling a turn on Sundays - God is doing something ....... can you feel it? Do you see it?

Come with me...... and I will show you someone Genuine .... My neice wants to meet someone Genuine .... I know just that person and He is waiting on you.......
Love you all,

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