Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of taking a few of our student workers out to lunch. They are both from India and I have enjoyed our conversations over the last year or so about politics, family values, education systems, God and being a Christian - Hinduism and culture. It is really great talking with people from across the world and hearing about their country.
One of the things that really took a hold of me during the lunch conversation was from a question concerning child/parent respect. The conversation repeatedly used the term - "Liberal" meaning that kids today talk back to their parents, use bad language, don't listen and respect their parents and rebel every chance they get and the parents do not punish their kids or let the kids get away with these actions. It was an interesting conversation to say the least. The word "Liberal" really stuck with me long after our lunch conversation. It is a word used in various topics and places ... from politics, parenting, social things amongst a few.

Liberal from Dictionary.com - favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs~ open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.

Basically what this is saying is that everything is open for debate. Everything is open for discussion and reasoning. Everything is open to change. Parenting styles will likely to change... ~worst thing in the world for our children~ Our government is open to change as is our court systems. I wonder why the 10 commandments was originally put in our county, city and state official buildings? Do you think we needed something in this country that basically said - this is the rock - the thing that won't change? The thing you can base everything in life from?
Over the last few years, my family and I have put God at the top - center stage - in the front - of everything we do. God is first put first in our marriage, relationships, parenting style. God is not changing...... God is the foundation.
I have heard the people today are more spiritual than ever before. I would have to agree with that.... but I also have to say that more and more people are dying and going to hell than ever before too because of it.
When we take God out of the picture - Its not that we don't believe in nothing - We believe in ANYTHING.
The old days of Christian vs. Athiest are long over..... especially when there is a host of other "options" to God - to heaven and being spiritual. The bible is clear that the only way to heaven is through Jesus. No other way....
Friends, we can be spiritual all we want, go to church and be nice to the neighbors, serve at the local food pantry and be a great person in this life - but without Jesus - Your eternal home will be seperate from God. Why do people wait until their lives are falling apart and crumbling or a death in the family before they come to know and trust Jesus? He has been there all along - seeking and waiting on you. Heaven is not open for debate - there is only one path.
If you are looking for someone genuine - someone real - someone who will not change directions - someone who will not lead you on feelings or emotion - someone you can count on and trust - someone who will give you direction and purpose in your life - someone who is in the the miracle business - someone who can fix your marriage - someone who will listen and be there for you until the end - someone who loves you more than life itself.
His name is Jesus.

Someone need to hear this today - I pray for you today.

Love you all,

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