Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Come with me......

Do you find yourself today looking for greener pastures in life? Tired of the every day job - same routine. Up early to go work, boring job, come home, eat, read the paper, watch TV, interact for a few minutes with your teenage son or daughter, get to bed after Letterman for some sleep - only to do it all over again? Lost the passion and love in your marriage? Best friends don't call much any more and life just seems to be going by....... Filling that void in your life seems to be a never reaching thing.... newness of a new car only last a while, bigger home means more hours at the office, Plasma TV doesn't look that good anymore, no time to ever catch up and really relax. Vacations are running and going with every minute filled... never time to sit by the pool, read that book, sleep in and sip coffee in the morning while enjoying time with your family. No time to really talk with your wife... You know it will never be enough. You are forgetting who you were when you were young and full of life .... things that were important seem to be a forgotten memory. Someone close to you passes away .... life takes a turn to a new misunderstanding. You feel like you don't understand anything these days.... You ask yourself "WHY" to everything - Your child is not acting the way you want them to, almost embarrassed at times - they are not making good choices - you realize that the lessons in life are YOUR lessons in life that you have taught them - they are acting like you! They are mean to people, fuss at the lady at McDonald's because she didn't say "Thank You". That void in your life is getting bigger - the world is telling you that you need more...... Alcohol erases the pain but only temporarily ..... there is the next day. Your knocking down fences to find that greener pasture ... you are tired of looking. No matter how hard you try - it never seems to be enough. You feel alone and scared... no place to turn and no place to hide.....everyone is wanting something. You are a people pleaser but in return, you are miserable.

I am not claiming to have the answers......but I am clinging to the "One" who does.

So come with me
And I will show you Jesus
And He will give you More than you could ask or imagine
Come with me If you're looking for a savior If you're looking for a friend
I know someone you should meet ~ So come with me

Sunday morning, come with me...... and I will show you a place and introduce you to some folks - who know Jesus..... So Come with me~ He changed my life and He can change yours

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

AWESOME!! That was my life before I asked God to come into my heart. Now, life is different. There is a reason to live,and a reason to die. People say "life is short" and it is.....but then there is "eternal life" IF you know Jesus Christ and HE lives in your heart.

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" Psalm 119:24

Love & prayers, with God receiving the Glory.
Aunt Sharon