Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Faith that matters.....

Its has been a few days since I posted anything. I have been pretty busy but I am not short on things to say and things to share. Sometimes I feell ike my heart is overflowing.....
Our Rock Group meeting Sunday night was pretty awesome. Our new families attended and it was a great start to the fall semester. Meeting even went over a half an hour because the conversations where so good..... I am very glad about that - because I am learning this new role even after a year of doing this. I don't feel confident in leading, teaching and planning a lesson that has something in there to teach folks - I am more of a person who walks along side of you and helps.... I am in this walk with you but God has called me to do this leadership thing and I am learning so much about it. I am thankful for the opportunity and for the families who God has me surrounded with.

Today is my dad's birthday. Also his and moms anniversary. 43 years being married - its a long time. I am sure he will be having a tough day but I pray that he is busy today - focused on mom being in heaven and knowing she is safe - happy and waiting on him. After this weekend and the talks that Carol and I have had with him - I feel that he is searching for God - he is looking for God to show up in a big way in his life. Maybe to pull all this together and make something make sense. So much has happened the last few years in our family and there is nothing more painful in life - than family pain.
I still believe with all my heart that God got our attention in a way that He had no other choice. God doesn't work on our time table and He doesn't see death the way we do. Our loved one is with Him - so why is that such a bad thing? God has purpose in everything He does and even during our painful times and struggles in life - there is meaning and purpose in them. When we ask Him - He walks with us during those times, showing us and teaching us about His grace and His mercy. When we accept those things and let God be a part of our lives and more importantly a part of our PROBLEMS and our STUGGLES - those things seem to be less and we are in those things WITH Him.
I would rather battle the things in this life with God and 100% all on my own. Many times when we do things alone - thats the part that gets us in the most trouble and causes us the most pain.
God wants nothing more than for us to call out to Him - ask Him for help and to get involved in our lives..... its not the destination that counts ~ its the journey. That journey is a day by day walk with Jesus.
I am praying for you today Dad - maybe one day soon you will LET God do what He does best. When we are at our weakest - God is at His strongest. God wants a relationship with all of us. He wants to be trusted ... and included in our lives and our decisions.

Faith is Gods currency - and there is no buying into Gods plan except through Faith.
Trust + Belief = Faith

Heartfelt prayers today,

A Very Happy Birthday also today to 2 very special people in my life - they are part of my kids:
Madison and Heather - Happy Birthday!! I love both of you~~~~

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