Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ask God for the answers....

I know many of us are struggling with things. Many are at a stand still in life; stuck right where you are - unable to move. Unable to move forward and unable to move backwards. A decision is looming over your head like a shadow that follows you around. The old you wants to do things your way. The new you is unsure about what to do - afraid to make yet another mistake or another bad decision. You know the TRUTH and you know what to do - why are you afraid to ask God for an answer. Is your faith struggling today? Has God not shown up in your life in some time? Are you alone and feel abandoned?

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

God tells us to lean on Him. Ask, and it will be given. Knock and it will be opened. God does not want to just be a part of your life for an hour on Sunday. He does not want to just have you come to Him when the chips are down and there is no other place to turn. God wants this relationship with YOU - today - no matter what is going on in your life.

I had someone tell me this week that the ways of the bible are old and it is not for today. It was during a good conversation that was way overdue to happen and if only time could have stood still that evening for about 20 hours - we could have spoke at length about things in life. I have learned so much from where God has taken me from. The old me is not here anymore and the new me - well I am not afraid to shine for God and do my part in explaining how He has changed my life. Your struggles and decisions MUST include God for them to be fruitful. Your struggles are YOUR struggles until you ask God to take them. Only then will He come and handle them. The Bible is not irrelevant - its applications are just as good today as they were thousands of years ago. What has changed really if you think about it? Technology? Science? Those things have advanced but so what. People are the same, there are still people suffering, hungry and sick. The world has the same problems as it did back then even though we talk about global warming and the economy - who cares if we are dealing with donkeys -Gold or Oil? Its still a product that is need and can be sold. Someone still makes money and someone still has to work for it to get it.
That evening, I have to admit, I felt like Pastor Jimmy - I wanted to shout that the Bible is Relevant!!!! TODAY!!!!

Include God in your decions today. Include God in your daily walk - your work place, friendships and in your marriage. God will give you the understanding and the path you need.

Honor God in your decision and I bet you make a great one when you finally do.


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