Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Coffee break.......

I have to say that I have had a couple of really good days the last few days. Yesterday I took a little time off work for about an hour and went to meet a good friend of mine at a local coffee shop. I went a little early, got me a good bagel with cream cheese and a fresh cup of OJ. Man that OJ was probably the BEST I have EVER tasted.... anyways, after sitting for about 45 minutes, I had finished my snack and was watching the people come in and out. I watched the folks driving up and down the road and wondered about their lives. Why are they in a hurry - where were they going? Comes to find out my friend did not show but I had a peace about me that it just made it so clear that God gave me this free time to sit and be still. He had something to teach me and He wanted me to slow down. I went back the office and emailed my friend to say I was not mad, I was ok, things come up but just to email me back and let me know everything was ok. So later that afternoon, I checked my calendar and the meeting was for today. Wow - I couldn't help but to think it was a God appointment yesterday. It was a Divine appointment to focus me and to slow me down.
I had that appointment this morning and it was a great meeting. There was ministry that took place and I just love it when God puts folks together just for His purpose and for His reasons. It had been awhile since I seen my friend or even had the chance to talk. This past Sunday during our Rock Group - I spoke about Truth. The people in our lives who speak TRUTH to us and have access to our hearts. If we have folks in our lives who constantly drag us down, depend on us for all the wrong reasons and make us do things we know are not right and would not be acceptable to God - We need to limit their access. We need to love them from afar ~
I had the chance this morning to talk TRUTH and with all my heart I felt what I had to say was exactly what my friend needed to hear. Maybe they already knew the answer and where God was leading them but maybe they needed TRUTH from someone who walks with them and along side of them instead of judging them.
Loved ones, many times life puts us in places where we don't belong. Many times, just like my friend, you may have been on the path God placed you on and you turned from it or walked away from it. Listening to the people around you, decisions leading you in other directions.... so many things keep us from where God wants us. It is not too late to get back on that path if that is where you found PEACE in your life. Maybe you were doing the GIFTS that God had given you and you walked away from that because you wanted to do something else or to make more money doing this other thing.
Friends - there is nothing worse in life than hating where you are - your job, your situation and the baggage that is being carried around .... life is tough enough without all these things. There will always be something we struggle with - but know God is with you and you have accepted Him to lead you in life and to surround you with folks who love you and walk WITH you is the greatest blessing that I can think of.
Adjust your thinking, accept the change God has for you, let God surround you with good loving friends, - God has better plans for you, if you would just listen to His soft and loving voice.

Sometimes bad things happen to us and those around us - we may not understand them but in time if you walk with Jesus - He will show you what you need to learn. Understanding might be right around the corner.....

I just love it when God appears and takes over the control........ I needed that pause yesterday..... a Divine appointment to sit me still and listen to Him. Many times its as easy as that!


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