Friday, September 28, 2007

I am big time excited about tomorrow. We are serving at church at the Pumpkin Patch. We are picking up about 5 of my adopted kids tomorrow morning and headed to get dirty - sweaty and nasty but man is it going to be fun loading and playing with 6000 pumpkins. I may not be moving too fast Sunday morning for setup!! LOL

Anyways - tomorrow night almost everyone from our Rock Group will be headed to the park dedication in Locust NC - for Officer Shelton. He was killed a few months ago in Charlotte. Our church band will be playing at the park dedication - his wife has attended our church in the past and wanted our band to perform. We have lots of folks going and will be hootin and hollerin I am sure for a great band, a great fellowship time and playing great music.

I am looking forward to spending some time with my kids tomorrow - I love investing my time into smiles and knowing this time is being WELL spent.
I have to share Psalm 23 with you today...... God is pretty awesome!!!!

Psalm 23 5-6
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Have a great weekend~ I pray that the Lord holds you close to Him and teaches you something about His grace and love that He has for you.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Kids......

While I was growing up as a child - I knew a lot of kids but I did not have many friends. Growing up in the north and having a southern heritage - left me talking funny no matter where I went. Kids are ruthless and mean and gang up on you no matter what..... they just keep coming when they have someone singled out. Many times my so called friends would walk away when I was getting picked on - back out of a fight when it was time to get dirty. All that changed when I entered middle school - Wrestling was my after school thing and then on to Judo. I remember a lot of tough times in middle school - many fights - I never got caught because those fights never lasted long. Once I seemed to earn the respect of the folks picking on me - I was accepted and left alone. Many kids today face these challenges and finding their way to fit into the right crowd or be singled out on the outside.
Kyle has such a big head start compared to me and I am delighted about that! He has such awesome friends....... an awesome Rock Group family and a church family that just loves him.
I have to say that spending time in the classroom and with my sons friends has been so awesome. Yesterday a few of (my kids) came by after school - the kids swam - laughed until their belly hurt - I took them for a walk to the horse farm near our house to feed the horses - they rode bikes - laughed some more - swam some more..... when it was time to go home.... they were already planning the next get together. Scheming is what Carol calls it......
Anyways - its just great taking part in these lives - helping mold and shape them and just loving on them...... Saturday we are all headed to the pumpkin patch together.... Its has been such a great investment in my life getting to really know these kids and their families.
Enjoy the picture - Smiles are abundant!
Madison - Kyle - Amanda

I just love ~my kids~
Kyle - I really like that shirt.,.... "be a revolution"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Coffee break.......

I have to say that I have had a couple of really good days the last few days. Yesterday I took a little time off work for about an hour and went to meet a good friend of mine at a local coffee shop. I went a little early, got me a good bagel with cream cheese and a fresh cup of OJ. Man that OJ was probably the BEST I have EVER tasted.... anyways, after sitting for about 45 minutes, I had finished my snack and was watching the people come in and out. I watched the folks driving up and down the road and wondered about their lives. Why are they in a hurry - where were they going? Comes to find out my friend did not show but I had a peace about me that it just made it so clear that God gave me this free time to sit and be still. He had something to teach me and He wanted me to slow down. I went back the office and emailed my friend to say I was not mad, I was ok, things come up but just to email me back and let me know everything was ok. So later that afternoon, I checked my calendar and the meeting was for today. Wow - I couldn't help but to think it was a God appointment yesterday. It was a Divine appointment to focus me and to slow me down.
I had that appointment this morning and it was a great meeting. There was ministry that took place and I just love it when God puts folks together just for His purpose and for His reasons. It had been awhile since I seen my friend or even had the chance to talk. This past Sunday during our Rock Group - I spoke about Truth. The people in our lives who speak TRUTH to us and have access to our hearts. If we have folks in our lives who constantly drag us down, depend on us for all the wrong reasons and make us do things we know are not right and would not be acceptable to God - We need to limit their access. We need to love them from afar ~
I had the chance this morning to talk TRUTH and with all my heart I felt what I had to say was exactly what my friend needed to hear. Maybe they already knew the answer and where God was leading them but maybe they needed TRUTH from someone who walks with them and along side of them instead of judging them.
Loved ones, many times life puts us in places where we don't belong. Many times, just like my friend, you may have been on the path God placed you on and you turned from it or walked away from it. Listening to the people around you, decisions leading you in other directions.... so many things keep us from where God wants us. It is not too late to get back on that path if that is where you found PEACE in your life. Maybe you were doing the GIFTS that God had given you and you walked away from that because you wanted to do something else or to make more money doing this other thing.
Friends - there is nothing worse in life than hating where you are - your job, your situation and the baggage that is being carried around .... life is tough enough without all these things. There will always be something we struggle with - but know God is with you and you have accepted Him to lead you in life and to surround you with folks who love you and walk WITH you is the greatest blessing that I can think of.
Adjust your thinking, accept the change God has for you, let God surround you with good loving friends, - God has better plans for you, if you would just listen to His soft and loving voice.

Sometimes bad things happen to us and those around us - we may not understand them but in time if you walk with Jesus - He will show you what you need to learn. Understanding might be right around the corner.....

I just love it when God appears and takes over the control........ I needed that pause yesterday..... a Divine appointment to sit me still and listen to Him. Many times its as easy as that!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Faith that matters.....

Its has been a few days since I posted anything. I have been pretty busy but I am not short on things to say and things to share. Sometimes I feell ike my heart is overflowing.....
Our Rock Group meeting Sunday night was pretty awesome. Our new families attended and it was a great start to the fall semester. Meeting even went over a half an hour because the conversations where so good..... I am very glad about that - because I am learning this new role even after a year of doing this. I don't feel confident in leading, teaching and planning a lesson that has something in there to teach folks - I am more of a person who walks along side of you and helps.... I am in this walk with you but God has called me to do this leadership thing and I am learning so much about it. I am thankful for the opportunity and for the families who God has me surrounded with.

Today is my dad's birthday. Also his and moms anniversary. 43 years being married - its a long time. I am sure he will be having a tough day but I pray that he is busy today - focused on mom being in heaven and knowing she is safe - happy and waiting on him. After this weekend and the talks that Carol and I have had with him - I feel that he is searching for God - he is looking for God to show up in a big way in his life. Maybe to pull all this together and make something make sense. So much has happened the last few years in our family and there is nothing more painful in life - than family pain.
I still believe with all my heart that God got our attention in a way that He had no other choice. God doesn't work on our time table and He doesn't see death the way we do. Our loved one is with Him - so why is that such a bad thing? God has purpose in everything He does and even during our painful times and struggles in life - there is meaning and purpose in them. When we ask Him - He walks with us during those times, showing us and teaching us about His grace and His mercy. When we accept those things and let God be a part of our lives and more importantly a part of our PROBLEMS and our STUGGLES - those things seem to be less and we are in those things WITH Him.
I would rather battle the things in this life with God and 100% all on my own. Many times when we do things alone - thats the part that gets us in the most trouble and causes us the most pain.
God wants nothing more than for us to call out to Him - ask Him for help and to get involved in our lives..... its not the destination that counts ~ its the journey. That journey is a day by day walk with Jesus.
I am praying for you today Dad - maybe one day soon you will LET God do what He does best. When we are at our weakest - God is at His strongest. God wants a relationship with all of us. He wants to be trusted ... and included in our lives and our decisions.

Faith is Gods currency - and there is no buying into Gods plan except through Faith.
Trust + Belief = Faith

Heartfelt prayers today,

A Very Happy Birthday also today to 2 very special people in my life - they are part of my kids:
Madison and Heather - Happy Birthday!! I love both of you~~~~

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Night thoughts.....

It has been a tough day today. Going in early to serve setup @church - out of the house this morning at 6:05 - My dad came down yesterday and went to see Walt - we had supper together and I put him to work today. Serving behind the scenes in both setup and breakdown. I hope we didn't scare you too much pops! Yes there is lots to do and we need folks serving - it is hard work but when you have the vision and Jesus in your heart - there is nothing folks won't do to get the message out.
It was a good service today. Lots of new folks, packed at 11:00 - kids ministry had their party today with popcorn and sno-cones. WOW - lots of happy faces leaving today. Also got to serve with some new folks and I am glad for that.

I have to be honest with you now. I am a little nervous about tonight. Our Rock Group meets and there is some big stuff that is on my heart that I want to share with them. They are family and I shouldn't be nervous but I dont like being in the center - I don't like public speaking no matter how small :) and how loving the folks are. Especially when it comes to things on my heart that I really want to share with them. Pray it all comes out right and I nail each of my points. I am blessed to have such a great family in these folks..... but I am still nervous!

Dad - hope you make it back real soon - it was great serving our Lord with you today. Mom is smiling today! I hope your decision to trust Jesus will be made soon.
Continued prayers for all those around us who are lost and need Jesus in their lives.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Change is Coming

Romans 12:2 - “…let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

Romans 12:2 (The Message)
Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

God answers prayers~ Today my wife and I moved Walt from CMC Rehab center to the Assited living facility near our home. Its 3 miles away and is a wonderful - clean, bright and friendly place - I am sure Walt will work as hard here as he did at CMC. He told us today that on his calendar would have been the day he would have arrived for his trip south from Tupper Lake NY as he moves south for the winter. Well - he got a jump start on that schedule and he got here a few weeks early! We all look forward to his continued improvement - for visitors from church - for friends who can show him they care. This is an important step in his faith journey even if he does not know it. God has placed him here today - at this point in time - at this place in his journey in life for a reason. Even if he doesnt see it, want to accept it, or wants to see God in anything because he has pressed the truth down into his heart for so long...... I pray that God awakens him - heals him and shows Walt all His glory and love. For a man who has been mostly alone the past 9 years and does not like too many folks...... I know in my heart - CHANGE is COMING.
Check the baggage at the door...... CHANGE is COMING.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ask God for the answers....

I know many of us are struggling with things. Many are at a stand still in life; stuck right where you are - unable to move. Unable to move forward and unable to move backwards. A decision is looming over your head like a shadow that follows you around. The old you wants to do things your way. The new you is unsure about what to do - afraid to make yet another mistake or another bad decision. You know the TRUTH and you know what to do - why are you afraid to ask God for an answer. Is your faith struggling today? Has God not shown up in your life in some time? Are you alone and feel abandoned?

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

God tells us to lean on Him. Ask, and it will be given. Knock and it will be opened. God does not want to just be a part of your life for an hour on Sunday. He does not want to just have you come to Him when the chips are down and there is no other place to turn. God wants this relationship with YOU - today - no matter what is going on in your life.

I had someone tell me this week that the ways of the bible are old and it is not for today. It was during a good conversation that was way overdue to happen and if only time could have stood still that evening for about 20 hours - we could have spoke at length about things in life. I have learned so much from where God has taken me from. The old me is not here anymore and the new me - well I am not afraid to shine for God and do my part in explaining how He has changed my life. Your struggles and decisions MUST include God for them to be fruitful. Your struggles are YOUR struggles until you ask God to take them. Only then will He come and handle them. The Bible is not irrelevant - its applications are just as good today as they were thousands of years ago. What has changed really if you think about it? Technology? Science? Those things have advanced but so what. People are the same, there are still people suffering, hungry and sick. The world has the same problems as it did back then even though we talk about global warming and the economy - who cares if we are dealing with donkeys -Gold or Oil? Its still a product that is need and can be sold. Someone still makes money and someone still has to work for it to get it.
That evening, I have to admit, I felt like Pastor Jimmy - I wanted to shout that the Bible is Relevant!!!! TODAY!!!!

Include God in your decions today. Include God in your daily walk - your work place, friendships and in your marriage. God will give you the understanding and the path you need.

Honor God in your decision and I bet you make a great one when you finally do.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A little focus please.......

Man, I am just feeling the struggles of so many today. I feel my shoulders are heavy and my mind is easily running off in all kinds of directions. I know I am overstretched - my family is over stretched right now but what can we do? Saying "No" is sometimes hard but saying "No" to the right things that we need to say NO to is sometimes even harder. Some thoughts from a recent church conference:

We need to pay attention.

"Get up," and "don't be afraid."

"We need to think of others before we think of ourselves"

When you take steps to honor God, people will criticize you. "When you begin to do what God wants you to do, you're going to piss some people off."

We need to focus on what matters.

People's problems are not their behavior--people's problems are that they don't know Jesus.

I have such a burning desire for folks to know Jesus. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought that God would be using me like He is right now. But even still, there is so much more to learn and so much more to experience. Yes each day is a challenge - its hard to not feel the struggles and pain of those around me - Its hard not to let their problems become my own. I struggle with that and that is why I am so eager and so ready to go to church on Sundays - to be with my church family - meet with my Rock Group on Sunday nights. I know these are the places where i need to be when I am not in the trenches with others. I don't mind any of those trenches because we will be in there together. I am not leaving my assignements and my promises ..... They are too important!!!
We are having a ministry fair soon at church - to attract folks to serve - for them to experience that life change that Jesus has for them and serving is such a big part of that. I should be a spokesperson for serving and for Small Groups......
God is doing such amazing things all around me.... even with the struggles that we are all facing today ~ there is something in each of them that will glorify our Lord. Sometimes we need to just open our eyes a little bigger to see them. Do you think God speaks to us through our struggles? Do you think that you are where you are today because God has something to teach you and your struggles may be the only way He can get your attention?
It is time, loved ones, to stand up and open your eyes and your heart - there is no place to hide from God. He is only a heart call away......
I don't want to be a Sunday Christian - I don't want to be labeled as someone religious... I want to share my love and faith in Jesus and live my life as an example to others about how He has changed my life. I know I don't always do that, I too put my foot in my mouth at times and don't always live my life according to what I should be doing..... but I recognize that and I have to say - its not about the destination ...

Its about the JOURNEY.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Busy day ahead.....

Have you experienced God's presence as you pray?

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!… I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
Philippians 4:4,12

I am fixing to head out to the hospital this morning to take my class with Walt and his PT. We will be learning how to move him and get him from wheel chair to bed and bed to wheel chair. I will also be learning how to do a vehicle exchange. Busy morning..... then headed home for lunch and then to Mt Airy NC to visit with my grandma. She is in the hospital and is in need of prayer. She has had a tough couple of days ... no matter what we face during the day - take it moment by moment and praise God even during the struggling times. God will use us in every situation if we allow Him and look for Him in everything we do.
My mind and heart are in the right place this morning..... may my words and actions follow me all during my day.
Praise God.........His will over our own.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Proverbs 15
10 It's a school of hard knocks for those who leave God's path, a dead-end street for those who hate God's rules.

Lord help us remain in Your path. Help us remain where we need to be. Remind us Lord that You are there, ready and willing to pull us close to You when we struggle and when we have doubts. Lord there is much in life right now that those close to me are struggling with including myself. Help us through this season and may Your love and mercy flow down on us like the rain. Lord I pray for those who don't know You - dont know the personal and powerful relationship that You so desire from us. Lord some around me and in my family Lord are not building those bridges to You - if only they would get started and learn more about the love You have for us. Growth to know more about You sometimes comes through struggles. Sometimes we even get to know You through our struggles Lord when we have run from You our entire lives.
May this be a season Lord of clear understanding and growth from my brothers and sisters. Help us understand more Lord. More about You and Your will for our lives. Help us shine for You to others so that no matter what we face - we show the world and all those around us that You are with us, You give us our strength and You give us the assurance that we are saved through Your awesome son Jesus. May those around us today who don't know You Lord, see the errors of their ways. May we not give up and to stand strong for You - because they matter Lord. Use us, teach us - Your ways. When we need to see Your face Lord - May we look at Your son Jesus and know He is Lord. Keep us focused on You with hands raised above!
I thank You for your love Lord - for Your son Jesus and for caring enough about us to send Your only son for our sinful and selfish ways.
I pray in Your sons name in Jesus,

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Decision......

I have had a great day today~ A day I got to go and see my new "kids" at school for lunch. Got to see some smiling old faces from last year. Got some extra hugs and high fives - after 3 weeks the battle over my OLD hat has begun as well as my Lunch Sticker - and breaking all the rules- I got to sit with my new kids at the lunch table with them. I told my sons teacher today after she reminded me where the parents table was and I just smiled and said - I dont like that table much because I come to have lunch with my kids...all of them!!! SO if you dont mind - I know the no talking rule and I can help with opening milks and icecreams and play by most of the rules. I tell you - no matter what is on my heart or how troubled I am with something - KIDS bring me to a new level. My kids are awesome.......and I look forward to getting to know them all in the coming year.
But I have to be honest - I am troubled by something today. Even with all the good taking place all around me - God moving within my church and taking us to new places and folks are experiencing LifeChange right before my eyes..Carol and Kyle are both doing well and life itself is just awesome ... there are those in my life who are close to me but choosing to stay where they are. Stuck in a time frame that they wont move from. Selfishness and self centeredness is at an all time high level. I am struggling with what to do with that. I am ticked one second and ready to wash my hands of it all and then I am reminded that God saved "This Sinner" - ME. Maybe they dont understand where I am coming from, what I am about, why I am investing my time in church and folks around me and not them. I have lived on the side of the fence they currently are on - I have chosen, loved ones, to live on this side - the side that God has me on and I am not going back. Sometimes the wedge that is built between folks is there for a reason and a good one. NO OPINION of anyone on this earth will keep me from Gods love and knowing Gods purpose for my life. When my time comes to stand in front of Jesus and account for my life - (which you will also!) I won't be thinking about ticking someone off because I didnt do this or do that.... I dont care who is right or who is wrong - its just I am not happy with WHERE WE ARE right now. How and why is not a factor to me but I am interested in what to do from here.... and I don't want to do a disservice to Gods TRUTH. There are far too many religious folks out there screaming from their soap boxes - we all need to come down and do what Jesus would do. Love each other regardless of who is right, who is wrong and who wants to have the last word in a stupid argument over something stupid and silly. Does it affect our destination in eternity? It might...... for the one that DOES NOT KNOW JESUS.

James 1:22
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. DO WHAT IT SAYS." And James also said (James 2:12) "Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.
Mercy triumphs over judgment!"

SO with my promises and obligations to not only Jesus when I accepted Him as my Lord but also to my momma - I will pick up my mat and walk. By Gods grace and love, I will get through this season. Our Father in Heaven looks at us when we royaly mess things up, wants nothing more than to pull us close to Him - love on us and comfort us. He does not want to push us away and ground us or punish us. Some lessons in life are hard to learn. My priority in life belongs to Jesus first.... family comes second because that is the order in which keeps everything right. Everything else falls into place behind those 2 things. Work, exercise, homes, cars, money - all of it can take a back seat.

Does God demand people to feel the way I do about Him? I hope I am not sending that message out...! But God wants them to, but He's not going to demand anything - a true relationship is built on love, which is a voluntary action. But how are people going to want a relationship with God if His children (ME) are constantly on the attack? Judging and screaming from our soap boxes.....
Someone has to be the bigger person. Peacemakers are hard to come by and I think God has a special place probably in His heart for them.

Our expectations of people who are not believers should not be the same as our expectations for those who are. As a matter of fact, 1 Corinthians 1:18, the message of the cross (Jesus) is foolishness to those who are heading for destruction. In other words, those who are not believers in Jesus Christ think that those who do believe are, - nuts!
SO I am a nut.......and I am going to look internally and pray for those changes in me before I try and make changes in you. People have to change themselves, see a need for change and ask God to change them. I cannot do anything except to live as an example. Sometimes we can't even do that very good....we are human as well even though we are saved by the blood of Jesus.
God would handle this with love and not a bad word or whip...... so my decision has been made.

Gods plans over my every time :)

May grace, love and mercy be with you today.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Matthew 16
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. 25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. 26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?

How awesome is that? We all have to be reminded from time to time that this world will only get you so far. Life is full of pits, sorrows and struggles but when doing this life with Jesus - everyday takes on a new meaning and purpose.
I admit that my life is busy now. Working, raising a family, caring for my Father N Law, leading a ministry team at church - time is short these days and many times there is too much to do to even take a step back and relax. But - there is always a but - I know I am doing what the Lord has me doing right now and I am thankful, grateful and excited about doing the Lords work - also doing with a smile and cheer in my heart. Yes sometimes its hard, I struggle with decisions, struggle with my own shortcomings but I know God is with me and He will be with me during this time.
My life belongs to Jesus - I pray that when my time comes there will be no regrets, life would have been happy and fulfilling when I look back and that I lived each day to the fullest. I pray that people know me and know what I am about and that I love them and when I say that, it is not just words. I pray they know that I took the steps to engage life and seek opportunities to serve people and to serve Jesus. My own needs are second to the needs of those around me and that their hurts and pain are mine as well. My family, my church family and my rock group families - I am all theirs and I will serve them to the best that I can in whatever way they may need me. Give me an opportunity to show up unannounced at a football game with a pizza for supper! Give me an opportunity to hug one of my rock group kids and let them know - I love them and I am there if they ever need to talk. Give me an opportunity to come along side a struggling family and just let them know my ears are there for listening and my heart is theirs for caring.
Friends we are not made to dig an island around ourselves and not let anyone in. This world will only give you what you dont need. Live your life for Jesus and live a life with purpose and meaning.
Over the last few years I have met some happy and loving folks who dont have much and I have met a whole lot more folks who have lots but are unhappy and selfish. Give - loved ones - Even God understood what that meant when He GAVE us His son Jesus.
You need Jesus......


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

They are home!

Well Carol and Kyle are home from camp now. YEA!!!!!! Its been a week since I have seen them!I am getting ready to leave work and pick them up on my way to visit with Walt at the hospital. I had such a great evening with my visit last night with Walt - I cut his hair - he has hair like when he was in the Navy long ago - Also got to hang out with our friends from church at Kyles buddy Grant - his football practice. Its great sharing time together just like that.....even if unexpected and surprised! - Pizza helps too~

Never assume folks are too busy to fit you in. Pick up the phone, send that email - ask what is going on in life...... there is always room for loved ones to do life with. God did not make us to be get up and get moving. Life is going by..... engage it.

Just my advise today for those who need it. Life is for the living.....
Love you all,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An amazing woman.....

I would like for everyone to meet Aunt Violet. I got a chance to spend a little time with her this past weekend and everytime I am with her, regardless of where we are, it is an amazing time. Time well invested. She is a woman who is very strong - she has to be to live in Tupper Lake NY in the winters up there where temps can get down to 20 below zero for days on end. She carries her own firewood and goes to town for shopping and for a woman in her late 70's - she is an amazing, loving, and full of life woman. Violet has always lived a spiritual life in some shape or form. During the summers she attends a church that meets in Saranac Lake NY and the church is on an island that you have to take a boat to get to - has no electric or plumbing - how awesome is that? She is the most loving of people, animals, the earth and all plants - that I have ever met. She knows she is blessed and God has given her so much in life. She has traveled the world - grew up with nothing and went to bed hungry everyday as a child. Her parents - which are Walters parents as well since they are brother and sister - came from Sweden and Norway. So coming to America was a dream come true. Walt and Violet got to travel a few years back - went back to Sweden and met many of their cousins and relatives they never knew they had. What a blessing to be able to find family that we never knew about!
Well - this past weekend, Violet and Denise made Bob and I supper Saturday night. Before we ate, I was asked to bless the food. Violet thanked me for such wonderful prayers and words... some of which were for her during my prayers. But the thing that got me during the conversation that followed is - Violet has no regrets. She is happy and blessed for each day in life. Blessed to have the things in life - blessed to find happiness in everything she does - blessed to have it in her heart to help others and reach out to anyone and everyone around her and those she meets - blessed to love everyone regardless of who they are and where they have come from .... I am so proud and honored to have someone like Aunt Violet in my life. Her birthday is the same is mine - May 24th - so that makes us both Gemini's for whatever that is worth - but its more about a day to share. We have been doing that since before Carol and I were married ~some 18 years ago!
Everyone needs an Aunt Violet in their lives..... I am thankful and blessed to have her in mine.
Love you Violet!!!! God has His hands on you and thank you for enriching my life - for Carols life and Kyles.... for being a great example of how a Christian should live their lives.
~this picture was taken on our deck a few years ago when Violet came for a few months of Winter escape from upstate NY. She still looks this great!

Kenny Chesney New Album.....

Life is short...... what are you doing today to reach out to others? I am preparing for our first get back into the swing Rock Group meeting this Sunday - I can't help but to look around at the folks who are doing this life digging a mote around their lives - filling it with poison and alligators - letting nobody in - nobody gets out.....what a way to live your life. People are busy and we all struggle even if we all look like things are grande - things are fine - we all have hidden struggles that we have to give to God each and everyday.
Kenny Chesney wrote a powerful song that was released today...... life for more than yourself loved ones...... there is more in life than grabbing all you can. Plans to work 5 more years and retire while putting in 90 hour weeks and your children are raising themselves .... those are plans for failure. Life is short...... engage in those around you.
Way to go Kenny..... - Enjoy the lyrics

Dont Blink - Kenny Chesney
I turned on the evenin' news Saw an old man being interviewed
Turnin' a hundred and two today
They asked him what's the secret to life
He looked up from his ol' pipe Laughed and said, 'All I can say is'
Chorus Don't blink
Just like that You're six years old and you take a nap And you wake up and you're twenty-five
And your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growin' like mine did Turnin' into moms and dads
Next thing you know Your better half of fifty years is there in bed
And you're prayin' God takes you instead
Trust me friend
A hundred years goes faster than you think
(So) (But) don't blink
2nd Verse
I was glued to my TV
When it looked like he looked at me And said, 'Let's start puttin' first things first' 'Cause when your hourglass runs outta sand You can't flip it over, start again
Took every breath God gives you, for what it's worth (Repeat Chorus)
So I been tryin' to slow it down
I been tryin' to take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in Naw, don't blink
Don't blink
Life goes faster than you think
Don't blink Life goes faster than you think

Monday, September 10, 2007

weekend adventures.....

WOW - its been a busy 4 days. Many of you know - I am not a big fan of flying. Had to do it last Friday though - Flew from Charlotte to Newark NJ - the plane was 1/2 hour late because of heat in the ariplane. The Captain told us it was 140 in the plane and that is why we boarded late - it was still like 90 in there so I am glad Carol was not with me. Plane was full and it was an uneventful flight. Carols brother Bob was waiting on me and we drove back to his house in Milford PA. Had a good night with Bob, Denise and Kaitey. She is growing all up - its been years since I seen her. Saturday morning we left for Tupper Lake NY after dropping Kaitey off at her friends house. Me, Bob, Denise and Namath (There Huskey) - we got in around 1:00 and started getting Walts house in order. Bob and I worked the rest of the afternoon - packed Walts car and got everything else wrapped up. We then had supper waiting for us at Violets that she and Denise made for us. It was great spending time with them and its always awesome to share time with Violet. She is such a loving woman - a woman who loves everything and everyone. God has blessed her in so many ways and its beautiful that she knows that. She gave me a pin to put in the car for my ride home - an angel. She told explained to everyone that we all have angels who look out for us and protect us and guide us in life. So her angel did keep me safe because after 1300+ miles.... I am home. Got to spend some time yesterday with our dear friends Lynn, Dennis and Sophia. Sophia is cheering for the football team - she is in 5th grade and is so pretty. She has awesome parents and it was great to spend some time with them yesterday even if it was for a short time. Lots of Eagles fans there in that part of NJ - I didnt think that would be since its NJ and Giants and Jets play - but I dont like any of them so...... what do I know.
Well got on the road at 4:30 - pulled in to the garage at 2:30. Then proceeded to lock myself out of the house with nothing but my bathing suit on. 2 hours later our neighbors came down to let me in who had our spare key. Tough stuff after all that driving..... hungry tired and HOT!
Anyways - the honda s2000 is a great car. Handles like a dream. Push the gas pedal the car moves..... fun to drive with the top down except when its 96 out because the sun is HOT ~ but the problem is long drives - whew - I felt every bump.... everything the road handled me - I got it.... I am sore already! Anyways.... it was fun finally driving my dream car!

We had our leadership meeting tonight for church at 6:30. Almost didnt go because I am exhausted...... but went anyways and glad I did. The Lord infused some good plans ahead for our church - how can I not be excited about things?? SO I am pumped now....and need to try to wind down for a good nights sleep. Work tomorrow...... Praying for Carol and Kyle who are away at camp for School.... Carol called and she has 6 crazy 9 year old boys in her cabin..... Lord help her.... keep them both in your prayers.

Gods Best tomorrow....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Romans 12:11 NLT

A story that I came across in my email this morning.... worth passing on I think for sure. Enjoy the read.....

Personal responsibility comes home

The USS Astoria was the first U.S. cruiser to engage the Japanese during the Battle of Savo Island, a night action fought 8-9, August 1942. About 0200 hours Signalman 3rd Class Elgin Staples was swept overboard by the blast when the number one 8-inch gun turret exploded. He was kept afloat by a narrow life belt that he managed to activate. At around 0600 hours, Staples was rescued by a passing destroyer and returned to the Astoria, whose captain was attempting to save the cruiser by beaching her. The effort failed, and Staples, still wearing the same life belt, found himself back in the water. Picked up again, he was one of 500 survivors. On board a transport, he closely examined the life belt that had served him so well. It had been manufactured by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, and bore a registration number. Given home leave, Staples asked his mother, who worked for Firestone, about the purpose of the number on the belt. She replied that the company insisted on personal responsibility for the war effort, and that the number was unique and assigned to only one inspector. Staples remembered everything about the life belt, and quoted the number. It was his mother's personal code and affixed to every item she was responsible for approving.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Dale #3

What a day it has been. Started off with a wait on the bus - a traffic drive in - getting to the office late and then the call from Carol that she has a flat. I head back home and let her take the E to the hospital. I change the tire with the spare and almost make it out of our development - another flat. 2 Flats? Who has done that in their lifetime? Off through the neighbors asking for help..... finally I get one - THANK YOU in case you are reading this Diane!! Off to BJ's to get 4 new tires..... $550 later - also letting me know I need brakes ...and a battery. Dang - still better than a truck payment. But you know what the fella in BJ's said to me after telling my morning story to the staff there...Why are you still smiling? I said, Sir, why not? I am blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine....and I am thankful for getting here to get these tires.... smiling is optional - I choose to smile - my tires at this point are not optional. Wow - did the turn of conversation change in the room..... :)
Got to spend supper tonight with our friend Donna, Taylor and Morgan. Carol is not feeling well and stayed home but I think a good nights sleep will do her good and that is where she is already! Happy birthday Taylor!!!! 12 years old today..... I am proud of her - she is a good kid. You are doing a great job Donna! Shared lots of laughs tonight with the kids - too funny.

Anyways - as I finish up packing - I am watching the show on Dale Sr..... wow what a man he was. Full of life - full of everything - had it all..... died doing what he loved. The sport is still hurting and looking for its new leader. Jr - as awesome as he is had to leave his dads company. Family in tourmoil - So sad looking at the pictures - the video footage. Just when you got life right where its good - its over. Even still, God has a purpose. Just like the best years ahead for my mom - God had a purpose. Many times its for the purpose of others. We can only pray we get the message and understand what God is wanting us to know and learn during these times.
Pray for safe travels for me tomorrow and the next 4 days. Pray that Carol and Kyle have safe travels next week during their EarthShine trip with school and the entire 4th grade class. I will miss my kids - was really hoping to go..... but I have to do what I have to do.
I will try and get to a computer somewhere...... and let you know what I am up to. Tupper Lake NY - will get to know Rocky River Community Church...... and see the changed person/family all because of Jesus.

Love you all~

cya when I get back..... have a great church Sunday gang! :)
Mom is hanging with Dale Sr.... probably now. She loved that man..... like so many others. Miss you both.....there will never be another.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I can't help but to think today about the pace. Pacing myself for the long haul instead of the sprint in life. All the tv commercials have something to sell you that you just can't live without. Always something to run and get - improve your image or body - people running everywhere all the time. We are the most rushed generation ever. We have no time for things. We work 90 hour weeks and we take 5 days off during the summer and we are supposed to come back from vacation rested and relaxed. Who are we fooling? With all the technology in the world and things being made to simplify our lives - we sure are not slowing down any. It takes 2 leading a family these days - both working and teaming together to keep our households running. There is not enough time in the day and you know you are give out in your schedule when you go to the dentist and fall asleep in the chair waiting for your root canal. Does this sound like you? Do you just fall in bed and pass out because you are exhausted. Never have I seen so many folks just totally give out.
The last few weeks have been amazingly busy. With my father-n-law in the hospital in VT - my wife Carol away for a little over 2 weeks - being a single parent is for the birds I tell you!!! I have such compassion for my dear friends who are single parents..... You all amaze me!
Carol and I are now making plans for her dad to transition to our home. I am leaving Friday for NY until Monday to go to Tupper Lake NY to close down Walts house and drive his car back. I am looking forward to hanging out some with Carols brother Bob - seeing Aunt Violet and being in Tupper Lake. I am looking forward to the road trip - stopping near Princeton NJ to see my friends Lynn, Dennis and Miss Sophia. Church meeting at 6:30 on Monday night which I will make on time somehow. Carol is taking Kyle to camp next week for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I wish I could go somehow and let Carol stay but she seems excited about it now.
We have only been to the cabin 3 times this summer - with only a few days off. Schedules are packed right now ... we all need down time and unpack the schedules some. I want to minister to folks around me. I want to pass the blessings along that God is blessing me with. I want to continue to do Gods will over my own - especially my schedule. Sometimes that means saying NO to the things I feel important. I want to spend time with my new kids at Kyles school. I miss my kids from last year but I know the new kids will enrich my life just as much if I can give them a chance and get to know them and spend some time with them.
Life is so short - and poof - its gone. Its time to live moment by moment and to realize that each moment is a gift. It is a blessing from the Lord above.
So folks stop and smell the roses - see what is around you - the people around you. What are you not doing? What are you doing too much of? Is your treasures today all in the wrong places? The things that matter most to you are they out of line?
A few things I will miss the next few days. My wife and son - my dogs - my church family - my small group - my contact with everyone via this blog and email - seeing changed lives on Sunday and serving my Lord Jesus.
A change of Attitude with Lattitude........ Focus on the long haul and not the short sprint.
Love you all,

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More than just a comment......


Your blog today brought to my remembrance something I read just last week so I looked for it and found it. It was titled "The Secret's in the Thanks". It was about a woman (true story)going to a memorial service for her "Aunt Martha" who had been a missionary in China, she felt a calling since childhood. She broke off a four-year engagement to a young doctor when he chose to stay in the US and she went to China to be a missionary. The neice had a deep desire to find out what "drove" her closer and closer to God so as to spend her whole life as a missionary telling the lost about Christ, living a lonely life, and especially as far away as China. Since her aunt Martha was not alive to tell her these things she hoped at the memorial she would meet people that knew her well and they would give her the insight she desired so deeply. She had heard aunt Martha stories all her life of such a Godly woman who knew no way but God's way. At the memorial service she listened to all the people and took in all the details about aunt Martha. However; instead of a wise and miraclous revelation, she learned that aunt Martha's secret to a Godly life was this: She let God shape her path, and never forgot to thank Him for each new day, even when she found herself where she didn't want to be and in situations she didn't want to be in. Surely it couldn't be that easy and simple!! It was simply, "Thank God for each new day." She learned that her aunt Martha quoted aloud every day one of her favorite verses from the Bible, mostly out of the book of Psalms. Her very favorite they said was "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24. The neice returned home with a new task in her heart. Each and every day, no matter what day it was, she began to thank God for each new day. It was sinmple, for in the act of thanking God she began to be more aware of His presence. "Little blessings, like hidden jewels began to shine brighter." The woman who seemed larger than life had lived by such simple rules: Love God, thank him for everything, and do what you can to glorify him in WHATEVER place you find yourself. She wrote "Now there is a sense of anticipation, of waiting with expectation for the blessings God has planned for each new day".God in Heaven, help us to look forward to each new day with this outlook, as our life really is "but a vapor" here one minute gone the next, may we proudly accept each day as a gift from God and see all there is to see in that day, and feel all you have for us, Lord may we live our life simple yet Godly in Your sight.Amen

Tuesday - Friday - Monday?

Tuesday that feels like a Monday. Who cares really - I am thankful for today and a chance to just make a small difference in someone's day today. It feels like a Monday - people here at work catching up on the weekend events and how their weekends were. But it was different because folks talk like they need another day off. They live for their weekends and almost all the conversations today started off ok - but then took a turn. Politics - the economy and how the world is so messed up - Iraq and Clinton comments. Hey folks - we can't change the world all at once..... I just want to scream sometimes...but you know what each of us can do???
I tell ya - be thankful for where you are today. Try and do one thing today that would make God smile upon you. Just one amongst all the sins we commit each and everyday - just one time -know that God is looking down on you and He is smiling on you. Maybe it was something you did, something you said to someone - maybe an encouraging word or an extra little in the tip for the waitress at lunch because you know she is having a hard time - maybe she just looks like she is struggling in life or working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Maybe its that person you finally got to come to church this past Sunday and they seemed to enjoy the service - they seemed to get the message that was preached and they experienced something in their heart and now God is working His thing. Be thankful for where you are and to know if you continue to look upward - searching for Gods plan for your life - He will lead you to where you need to be. Things in your life will change....and they begin with you. In order to change - we all must be willing to change and see a need for change.
Don't just live your life for the weekends..... the days in between count as well. Everyday is a blessing and if you are on the sidelines of life - well then you are missing out. Your pity party - with no guests to keep you company. Life is just a mist - and then its gone. Every moment counts....... Tuesdays are just as good as Fridays. Who cares what day it is......... they are all good!!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

A Sunday to remember....

Ok - I know- here it is 2:45 in the AM - on a morning where I can actually sleep in for a change and my mind is running full steam ahead. Funny thing is, I don't have much to worry about. I mean - why worry? Worry causes us to stand still and be idle in some decision that is ahead of us or some circumstance that we have not control over anyways. So why worry - I turn those worries into prayers and this early AM - my prayers are for the names of the folks that my wife Carol and I wrote on the poster board this morning at church.
This was something totally new and since coming to R2C2 for the past 2 or so years now - its a first. Everyone today was invited to come down front and write the name(s) of folks in our lives who need Jesus. It was such a moving experience. Anyone who knows Carol and I - know the names of a few of the folks written down this morning. We appreciate those prayers for those folks and those families. These folks will be prayed over not only by Carol and I but also our church pastors and church staff for the month of September.

There was also a second part to todays service - a message that includes us being missionaries. Missionaries in our community for Jesus. It is for Him that we come together and even Jesus himself told us that if 2 people should meet together in His name - it would be church and He would show up with them. I totally get it and understand it when Pastor Jimmy spoke of coming to church to serve others. I am there to be fed Gods word but I am there more so to help feed others. I am there to do my part for Gods kingdom in removing the excuses for the person looking for the escape route. Maybe it's someone who came to church that morning because he was asked to come by his wife or husband. Maybe its a daughter or a son connecting with friends and has now found Jesus leading their life. Whatever the situation or the person - this is why I am serving and that my family is serving - its all for others. Life change happened today for some folks. Their next Sunday will not look like the old Sundays of their past. Even folks who have been going to church for many years - got the connection today in serving others - before serving themselves. I am proud of them!
Maybe this is why I am sitting here wide awake - learning yet another thing about our Heavenly Father at 3AM!! I am fired up..... I am excited about last night our rock group got together and shared some smiles. I think about the direction of this group of folks - our direction as a rock group family and I am so pumped and excited about it.
Honestly, I have always had trouble with being like everyone else. I have always hated meetings just to have meetings - just ask the guys at work. I have never been a big fan of just going through the motions - unless you are doing those motions with passion and in a way that is like never seen before! Ask the folks who know me how I do lunch with my son Kyle at school and with my kids. There are rules there for a purpose - a bigger purpose other than for me having lunch - but I can see myself breaking those rules soon... a little bending and a little shape change taking place. I think one of the things about our church that I dig so much is - bending the rules. We dont do things like other churches and yes I like the music loud..... I like LifeTalk messages that I can use today and that means something into my life. I dont want a safe zone where I know the routine and I know what is coming next. We have boring jobs for that right??? but not for church. Life Change happens at church and there should be nothing ho-hum play it safe and by the rules church taking place.
I think many folks today "Got It" today. I got it again and thats why 3AM is just a time in the day. We have lost folks in our families and in our lives. They are the reason my mind is running....... they matter that much to me - they matter that much to my family - they matter that much to Jesus.
Today was a Sunday to remember... because it hit home.

Do know - I am praying for you and your families.

I love you all,