Sunday, July 8, 2007

Well back to work tomorrow. In many ways I am looking forward to it. I am not looking forward to hearing the alarm clock going off but getting back into the groove is ok with me. I have a busy week this week coming up with many projects happening and also putting in some serving time. Tonight our rock group minus Mike and his family all went to University Place and listened to the music there. They had a band playing some good music and by the time we left - the place was packed. Guess when the sun goes down - thats a song I have heard somewhere!

Anyways - it was lots of fun being with everyone. Enjoy the picture!

The Lord has put this family together to enjoy times just like these - to remind us that we don't have to do things alone - there are people around us who love us and pray for each other. Their kids are my kids and there is nothing I would not do for anyone in this family. My Rock Group - what a blessing to take part in something so COOL!!!!

Today's message about honoring our parents really hit home for me. Pastor JImmy had some great things to remind us with and to also teach us something new. One thing I realized is - Yes I have not forgotten my promises to my mom - but I need to do a better job with my dad - my brothers - my aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster - my Sister Patty and her side of the family. I have yet to even meet the love of her life already!!! Whats up with that? Anyways - my grandmothers wont be around forever and I need to sit with them more - pray for them more - and listen to them more. Its hard being 2 hours or so away from everyone - but I know I can do better at phone calls and emails than I have been doing.

So that is where I am today.... God showing me so many things and reminding me of others.

Like I said ~ busy week ahead. God will lead the way... and I am sure He will show me something along His path.

Love you all,


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