Monday, July 16, 2007


Vertigo - a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings or of being in tilting or spinning surroundings.
This is something I fight everyday. The past few years have been a little tough - I know it could be lots worse than it is and I am very blessed and thankful it is not. Vertigo has taken out Pro Baseball players and even a good friend of mine - to the point where they have episodes of 20-30 a day. Sickness to the stomach, not being able to stand - the entire 10 yards of it. It can really be a scary thing - think about driving when an episode hits! I am very blessed to have mine under somewhat control and only feel a small amount of it every so often but a year or so ago - I was really struggling and really scared when the doctors where poking and scanning and looking for the cause.

Does life seem to feel that way sometimes? When everything you do just doesn't add up - things spin out of control - you're short tempered when you just feel you can't take one more thing on your shoulders - Life has no joy or peace in it and struggling to survive is the normal routine from day to day. One bad decision after another and things seem to get worse with each passing day and to top it off - your decisions are affecting people around you. When things are upside down and falling apart it's almost impossible to see God through all the darkness and all the muck we have created - It's what we call our lives. We have made it this way....

God can flip that life back on its right side. You dont have to go belly up and give up. You can make it and you can make the way if you let Jesus show you - to mold you- to forgive you so that you can start fresh. A do over in life - God can provide that opportunity - even if this is #43 time - He will accept #44! You don't have to have everything right and in the right place before you ask God for help. He is the way and He will provide. He does His best work when we are at our lowest and we have no place else but to look up - look up to Him.
Many folks around me are in a state where they are asking "Why? How did I get here - how much more can I take?" God understands and maybe He is seeking you to totally be willing to follow Him, for HIm to show you something amazing not only about yourself but about HIM! Yes it is all about Him and sometimes lifes lessons are hard and they are sometimes included with pain. I lost my mom to fully understand and I am not pointing fingers - I have experienced pain and loss and dissapointment - and have cried out with everything I have in my being. I do understand but God provides during your pain and your struggles. Open your eyes and open your heart - God is showing you something and teaching you something. It may be a little later in your timing that God is clear on what He is teaching you but you will come full circle if you stay strong in your faith and your eyes remained on Jesus. Its in His timing and He knows best when you are ready and capable to understand - FULLY.

Someone in my family today is getting a fresh start and a chance to come home - lick the wounds and admit fault and guilt and admit many other things that are wrong to those important loved ones around this person. It is time to make mends and peace and not throw in anger because something is tough and decisions have been bad ones. Accept responsibility - pray for forgiveness and better understanding. WAIT on the Lord to show you the answers before rushing into the next situations..... This also applies to many marriages and friendships of some folks around me also. Many are hurting and my heart hurts for them.
So no matter where you are today.... there is hope -

Being willing to start where you are, use what you have, and do the best you can. If thats the attitude you have, then God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within each of us. Ephesians 3:20.

I am BLOWN away today because of good friend of ours from church was rushed to the ER this morning. Our church folks came together - took care of kids - called and emailed - we all knew what was going on and when each test was scheduled to be done - we were all in tune ready to do whatever was necessary - because we all love this person and her family.

I am BLOWN away today because last night my rock group got together and went to a church to listen to a band sing. They were awesome and all of us enjoyed the music regardless if we knew anyone there or not -

I am BLOWN away today because last night, my heart just filled with this awesome warm feeling and I turned my head and looked down the isle my rock group family was sitting on and each of them were smiling, clapping and singing - they were at a place where they needed to be and wanted to be. Together - in church - having fun and doing this "life" thing together. The icecream afterwards never tasted so good. Even if I didnt eat my napkin this time... it was still pretty awesome!

A church is not measured by its congregation but by the love they show each other.

I can't think of any other way to live and I feel overly blessed to be part of this family - Gods family. Willing to go the extra mile for each other because they know love - Jesus has filled their hearts with it and they extend it with no bounderies.

When life is tough - wham.... it turns around for the good ..... just like Vertigo.


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