Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thoughts this morning...

Proverbs 17:17
17 Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.

This goes for our families as well as our church families! This is SO much how I am feeling this morning. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me and called me to check on me and invite me to go out and eat..... it really makes me smile. Not so many years ago, Carol used to travel every week with her job. Gone from Monday to Friday - or some kind of crazy schedule - it was hard but you get used to it over time and it just becomes normal routine. We did not have a church family, Rock Group family or even any family in the area - so it was just me and little Kyle. But it has been years since she did all that traveling and now, thankfully, its only once in awhile. But now that Carol and Kyle are away - it really is weird. Last year during their beach trip, I escaped to the cabin for a long weekend and worked all weekend- painting the walls of the basement. I hate painting!!! But did not want to waste our time TOGETHER doing the painting - so I got it done myself so we would have time there - Together!
Thanks everyone for the calls and emails - they mean the world to me and nothing is more important than our families and our friendships.
I love you all and you know I really mean that -:)

Held together with Gorilla Glue - I heard that somewhere a few years back - and still blessed by that glue as we continue to keep those bonds and friendships.

Humbled this morning....and looking forward with great excitement and encouragement.

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