Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stand with me.......

I have been reading the Chronicles of John that I got for Christmas. Its been a slow read so far with everything going on and I have made it a point to read it slow and understand the story of John - as it reads in the bible. So far the book seems to be right on target with the words in the bible and then reading a chapter or 2 and getting the story to go with it - I have to share that the words and the story have come to life. Let me share something with you that I have been going back and forth on and thinking about this time. John 13:

3Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
6He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"
7Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
8"No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
9"Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!"
10Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
Now imagine a king - washing your feet - or doing anything at all with you for that matter. Disciple: 1 : one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another: as a : one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts b : a convinced adherent of a school or individual - a student basically is what this is saying. So here they are - and Jesus is washing their feet. Talking personally with each of them and giving them instructions and encouragement. I think about those in my life now who are hurting. My momma left to be with our Lord and that has left a giant hole in our family - in my dad's life and in my aunts life. How can someone comfort them and let them know we care and love them unless we get down with them and walk beside them. Its a place where we can't walk ahead of them - behind them or to the side of them but we have to walk with them. Its the only way we can provide anything of meaning to those around us who are hurting and struggling with things. Jesus is the Lord of all comfort and all the comfort we need is placed with Him. Jesus suffered everything for us - if you have been abused, hurt, beaten, neglected, left alone and abanded - Jesus knows your pain. He took all that with Him when He died on that cross. But there are also times we all must reach out and give these folks a helping hand, a smile, a word of encouragement and the only way we can do that is by walking with them. The sign of a great church is not how good the message is or how good the music is or what the building looks like - its all about how the people love each other. I think family is no different and a church is very much a family. My small group is very much a family - and the people I know are very much my family. We are all part of the family of God. All are welcome and all are not judged in where they walk today. We are all at a place for a reason - everything God does has a reason. Why you ask does bad things happen? Remember this is a sinful world and sin, hurt, pain and all the other bad things that happen to people are here - Christians are not immuned to any of it but we do go through these things differently because Jesus is with us. I pray that you can encourage someone today - help them along in their journey - bring them closer to Jesus - or just stand with them and help them with their struggles and hurts. I love you not because you love me - but Jesus has given me my heart to love you. Its part of being a disciple - not just a Sunday morning, once a week Christain and see you next week. Its a walk that takes us on a journey that changes your life. Encourage someone today - call them, email them, pray with them, stand beside them and feel what they are feeling. I bet you know someone right now who could use it. Be a blessing to others - God did not intend to just bless us - be a blessing to someone. It just might open your eyes and change your life.
I love you - because God has given me - life....

1 comment:

Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.