Friday, January 12, 2007

Lost folks and found sheep

Howdy all, I have been in deep thought and prayers concerning this blog site and wondering what God wants me to do here. Yes this is neat and something different - we all need something new in our lives from time to time. So just letting ya'll know this is a work in progress. I pray that I won't offend anyone with what I say here or point anyone out. (These are my thoughts -sturred from various places and people) The thing is - I dont have to accept how things are. The things in my life and in the lives of my friends and family - I dont have to accept them as "This is it - The best it can be". We can break the mold in how things are done - especially when it comes to doing the Lord's work. As I have opened my home to some awesome people in my life and we get together to do this thing called "Life" together - I can't help but to think about what would Jesus be doing if He was walking the earth today. People have more than at any time in our history and yet we are spiritually more dead than at any other time in history. I think about the many folks who my wife and I have invited to attend church with us. I continue to ask and continue to ask - many comments that we get are -"You meet at a school, we will come when you have a building" - "The times your church meets does not fit our schedule" - "Your church plays the music too loud" - "We are visiting churches now and we want to keep our options open". So many excuses ~ we are a society that consumes - church is no different. I have heard many times our Pastor tell us - that church is not about a building but its the people who come through the doors. I think we would have had a building already at this point if we as the body of Christ did not focus on~ people. Jesus came and did not set up a tent -build a temple or buidling - he went to the people to preach. He did not teach to the high priests, government officials or anyone really of high status - He taught the bottom dwellars of society and the prostitutes - the sick and the poor. See everyone is invited to hear the "Good News" - even the lowest of people. I recently came across a web site that I have just been "Jaw dropped" with. I am praying for those who post on there because ... well you will see - just because. My heart breaks for these folks. - Our churches in America need to work together - we need to focus on taking the Good News to the people. Its not about my church, my building, my Sunday school, your church on your side of town - we are all in this together. I have never understood the differences in being a Jesus follower - Catholic, Methodist - whatever...we all have the same obligations when we accepted Jesus and that is to spread the love of Jesus. There are more lost people out there than there are saved. Focusing on those who come to Christ is great but in my life - Especially this year - I am focusing on those who aren't. Those who are lost - I can't tell you how important this is to me. When my time comes to stand in front of our Lord and Savior - I am going to account for not on how many I won for Him - but how many I have lost. That is the number this year -2007- that I am focused on - the ones I have lost. I am asking the Lord to do what seems impossible this year for me. Bringing those lost sheep to the great sheppard. Expect big things from God - I do believe there is nothing more important in life to fight for....
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