I want to wish my cousin Patty a wonderful birthday today. She is an amazing woman who has for so many years trusted fully in the Lord and I love her example as she lives her life being fully rooted in Gods word. Hope its a great day sis! Love you!!
In my quiet time this morning, I started Romans 9 as I march through the Book of Romans. Romans 9 starts with an amazing place as Paul writes to the folks in Rome. But it also comes after an amazing chapter that has been given to us in Romans 8. It is jammed packed with good stuff.
Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires. But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and coheirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:24 For in this hope we are saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?
Romans 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
That chapter is fully loaded! As I typed those in, my heart began to race as the excitement began to build. Far too often we dont see ourselves fully able to let God love us. We seem to sometimes see His love for us like we have love for someone else. That level of love changes according to the day, the situation, the words spoken and actions shared because that love has conditions on it. Gods love does not. He gives us his love unconditionally and perfectly. Love covers a multitude of sins and often we give love to the level that we let others love us. I am so thankful that God has given us His words, His promises to assure us where He stands for all of our lives. We can stand on that and know that will never change nor be removed.
As Paul finishes up chapter 8 he shares with us a personal note in chapter 9. His heart comes at us in full color as he tells us how he would exchange his life for others if they would come to know Christ.
I think its a beautiful example of putting others before self that Paul gives us.
Romans 9:1-5 I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, 4 the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. 5 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised![a] Amen.
Paul shares how much his heart hurts for the people. All of Israel - that means me and you, our families, our neighbors, the people across the world in different countries - That they may come to know Christ. I love the word, adoption, in his writing. We are all adopted and no longer orphans in the world when we come to know Jesus. We were once lost and with no spiritual or heavenly family until accepting Christ and being adopted, accepted, loved, cared for, honored into the family of God. With that acceptance comes the full plate of sonship, devine glory, the laws that shares with us His love for us, worship - I love that part because its such an amazing part of our walk with Christ - and all His promises. Forever praised and that is something as I think about those who have went before me and what they are getting to do right in this moment. Praising God in heaven. I cant even believe how awesome that is going to be. I have been part of some amazing church worship services and my church that my family and I go to has some amazing experiences in worship but nothing is going to be as amazing as heavenly worship. For me, there is nothing more freeing that singing my heart out while lifting my hands in worship to Jesus. It brings me to tears at times as a church full is in full worship together.
Paul's heart shares with us his hurt for others, just as our should hurt for others. There isnt any other way to share God love with those in our lives as Paul describes here. A heart full of great sorrow and unceasing anguish. What a great place really to be to share with others Gods love for them when your heart is in full blown hurt for them. It purifies the motives and intentions to be fully in Christ.
Who has God placed on your heart that has your heart truly hurting for them? How can that motivate you into stepping out and doing something for them? Sometimes we have to serve our way into peoples lives. That means putting them first and with priority.
Last night I was asked at Wow - a local church student ministry that I have been co-leading for some time now - Who is my biggest influence in my life right now? I shared that it was them. The students are my biggest influence in my life right now because it is their hearts that give me great sorrow as they are going through things, struggling with home, parents, school, classes, emotions - the list can go on and on but its their hearts that brings me so much anguish. I so badly want them to live their lives for Jesus, to personally know him, trust him, rely on him, let him lead them, because I know how much Christ has done in my own life. I want that for them. How do I do that? - By going each week, listening, teaching and laughing with them but more importantly knowing that by admitting to myself, I may not be able to change them, correct them, help them, or fix anything going on their lives, But I know the one who can. I can POINT the way. I can be that directional sign you see on the road that clearly points in the direction of the destination for those willing to follow. I will do my best to point them to Jesus. He can help them, guide them, accept them, and love them perfectly and without conditions.
Thats what its all about loved ones. Being a light in this dark world while pointing out the way.
Happy Thursday everyone - hope this helped someone today.
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Hello Monday.
Monday's dont get much credit as a day in the week all because of the position of the day in the week it falls on and probably nothing else. Its the same 24 hours that every other day has and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and tv shows in the evening. I think most people dread the Mondays in their life is because they havent finished what they wanted to do in the previous 2 days being the weekend. Most people have off on the weekends and when we are living hard, having fun and enjoying our time, usually away from work, Monday comes too early.
I admit that sometimes those Mondays I am there with you as well. But some Mondays are actually really good. Some Mondays are just and extension of my Sundays. When I have a really good weekend and one that included an amazing worship experience at church or God is really showing or teaching me something - I am excited for Mondays and the rest of the week because it give me an opportunity to practice and live out what I am learning. This Monday is one of those days :) I hope it is for you as well.
Today while reading my Bible through the YouVersion Bible reading plan to read the Bible in a year, I opened to Deuteronomy 1. Here is where Moses gets to preach to Israel on the plains of Moab. Gosh his words later in the chapter really hit home for me. Moses speaks to the people about their journey from Egypt and out of slavery and possessing the "Promised Land" but never quite making it for so many reasons as Moses shares in his sermon. He speaks of the 12 men he sent out to check the land and to report back and it was reported as a good land that God, our God was giving us. But they rebelled and were not willing to go. Complaining took place in the tents and words that included God hated his people and how God took them out of Egypt only to die here in the wilderness. Moses shares with the people how he begged them to take the land God had promised them and how God would fight for them and reminded them of what God did for them to get them out of Egypt. Moses shared that an entire generation would have to die off before they would be allowed now to enter the land of "Milk and Honey". Because of their disbelief and disobedience, Moses shares with the people that he was not getting in either. Joshua would lead them and all the current babies who right now dont know right from wrong will get in also. So God told the people to go back to where they came from - back to the Red Sea. They then refused and said we have sinned against God and then wanted to go and fight following the original orders that God had given them earlier. They took their weapons and dressed for battle thinking with God, it would be easy. Moses them reminded them -
Deuteronomy 1:42 - But God told me, "Tell them, Dont do it; dong got up to fight - Im not with you in this. Your enemies will waste you."
How many times in our own lives have we wanted something so badly that even with every warning sign from - friends advise, parents telling us, God directing us, that its a huge mistake but we go and do it anyways? We only then find out later, that it wasnt worth the battle or it was a complete failure from the start. I can remember in my younger days being at one of my first time jobs out of college and the money I was making was ok for right out of college but the commute was long. Tolls on the road and hours spent each day in travel and gas ... you know when you want to change something we often list out ALL the excuses to make the change. So being nearsided and blinded to the fact I wanted a closer to home job, more money etc... I interviewed at a new startup company that was adding a new location and got the job. I gave notice and happily went to my new job reporting to work that next Monday. Upon getting to my new job, the traffic was horrible on this side of town. No tolls and a shorter commute miles wise - didnt make any difference if it was taking me longer to get to work and 1 day a week I learned after starting I had to go to PA to work at the main location. That first 2 weeks was miserable. Slow with very few customers, nobody there able to train me so I had no idea what I was doing. The advice from my dad seemed so loud in my ears now. I knew I had made a mistake by taking this job. I called my old boss and told him the situation. He hired me back and for more money to get me back. I can remember what a relief it was to go back to my old job which I worked out for a few more years before my job at Princeton. I just wished I would have listened to what people were telling me. Wise counsel in making big decisions are always a good idea.
Here the people didnt want to move forward in what God was telling them to do. Even with Him already proving that He was with them. They refused to move into the promised land and only then did they have to wait years before a generation of people died before they could move forward.
I often wonder where my life would be today if I had listened to God more often and did what he instructed me to do. I think about the foolish decisions along the way, especially in my younger years that folks where telling me to stop, dont do that, you need to drop this out of your life but I did anyways. I am thankful I am a little more focused now than long ago on listening to Gods word. Moving when he prompts me. Begging him daily to use me. Constantly leaning into Gods word for not only teaching the young people in my life but showing them by example as well.
What would it look like if we made decisions in life and knew that Gods will was on it? What if we pressed in with our entire hearts to do what God has willed us to do because he was in it? What could we accomplish then with God fully behind us? A different boyfriend or girlfriend? A different spouse? A different job? A different church to attend or lead at? A business that you might have opened if you had the courage to do so? Attend a different university leading to a totally different career path?
I am very blessed to be surrounded today by people of faith. People who have answered Gods call over their life to start a church as my Pastor at church has. My long time life Pastor and friend Travis Bush, who got the call to lead a church in Maine and quit his job, sold his house and moved his family to Maine. My friend Eric who needed a change in his life and felt God calling him to Maine - moved to a new land where the only land he knew was here. I have seen people give their money to support not only myself to a mission trip but also give beyond reason to our vision at church.
People ask what is their will for their life? I get this a lot from teenagers and I can honestly say, that through prayer, through seeking Gods purpose and his heart - your purpose and will for your life is aligning your heart with Gods heart. Seek his heart in your life and you will find your calling. You will be able to take the "land" that he has already marked and set out for you. You will be able to go so much further with God leading you because your heart and his heart are on the same page, same vision, same urgency and same passion.
Praying today that many will come to seek Gods heart for their lives both young and old, like me. I for sure would much rather be in a place where God is looking down on me and sharing a smile than anything else. As I have wrote in the past, At the end of the day, I want to hear that my heart looks like your heart Lord.
Be blessed,
Monday's dont get much credit as a day in the week all because of the position of the day in the week it falls on and probably nothing else. Its the same 24 hours that every other day has and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and tv shows in the evening. I think most people dread the Mondays in their life is because they havent finished what they wanted to do in the previous 2 days being the weekend. Most people have off on the weekends and when we are living hard, having fun and enjoying our time, usually away from work, Monday comes too early.
I admit that sometimes those Mondays I am there with you as well. But some Mondays are actually really good. Some Mondays are just and extension of my Sundays. When I have a really good weekend and one that included an amazing worship experience at church or God is really showing or teaching me something - I am excited for Mondays and the rest of the week because it give me an opportunity to practice and live out what I am learning. This Monday is one of those days :) I hope it is for you as well.
Today while reading my Bible through the YouVersion Bible reading plan to read the Bible in a year, I opened to Deuteronomy 1. Here is where Moses gets to preach to Israel on the plains of Moab. Gosh his words later in the chapter really hit home for me. Moses speaks to the people about their journey from Egypt and out of slavery and possessing the "Promised Land" but never quite making it for so many reasons as Moses shares in his sermon. He speaks of the 12 men he sent out to check the land and to report back and it was reported as a good land that God, our God was giving us. But they rebelled and were not willing to go. Complaining took place in the tents and words that included God hated his people and how God took them out of Egypt only to die here in the wilderness. Moses shares with the people how he begged them to take the land God had promised them and how God would fight for them and reminded them of what God did for them to get them out of Egypt. Moses shared that an entire generation would have to die off before they would be allowed now to enter the land of "Milk and Honey". Because of their disbelief and disobedience, Moses shares with the people that he was not getting in either. Joshua would lead them and all the current babies who right now dont know right from wrong will get in also. So God told the people to go back to where they came from - back to the Red Sea. They then refused and said we have sinned against God and then wanted to go and fight following the original orders that God had given them earlier. They took their weapons and dressed for battle thinking with God, it would be easy. Moses them reminded them -
Deuteronomy 1:42 - But God told me, "Tell them, Dont do it; dong got up to fight - Im not with you in this. Your enemies will waste you."
How many times in our own lives have we wanted something so badly that even with every warning sign from - friends advise, parents telling us, God directing us, that its a huge mistake but we go and do it anyways? We only then find out later, that it wasnt worth the battle or it was a complete failure from the start. I can remember in my younger days being at one of my first time jobs out of college and the money I was making was ok for right out of college but the commute was long. Tolls on the road and hours spent each day in travel and gas ... you know when you want to change something we often list out ALL the excuses to make the change. So being nearsided and blinded to the fact I wanted a closer to home job, more money etc... I interviewed at a new startup company that was adding a new location and got the job. I gave notice and happily went to my new job reporting to work that next Monday. Upon getting to my new job, the traffic was horrible on this side of town. No tolls and a shorter commute miles wise - didnt make any difference if it was taking me longer to get to work and 1 day a week I learned after starting I had to go to PA to work at the main location. That first 2 weeks was miserable. Slow with very few customers, nobody there able to train me so I had no idea what I was doing. The advice from my dad seemed so loud in my ears now. I knew I had made a mistake by taking this job. I called my old boss and told him the situation. He hired me back and for more money to get me back. I can remember what a relief it was to go back to my old job which I worked out for a few more years before my job at Princeton. I just wished I would have listened to what people were telling me. Wise counsel in making big decisions are always a good idea.
Here the people didnt want to move forward in what God was telling them to do. Even with Him already proving that He was with them. They refused to move into the promised land and only then did they have to wait years before a generation of people died before they could move forward.
I often wonder where my life would be today if I had listened to God more often and did what he instructed me to do. I think about the foolish decisions along the way, especially in my younger years that folks where telling me to stop, dont do that, you need to drop this out of your life but I did anyways. I am thankful I am a little more focused now than long ago on listening to Gods word. Moving when he prompts me. Begging him daily to use me. Constantly leaning into Gods word for not only teaching the young people in my life but showing them by example as well.
What would it look like if we made decisions in life and knew that Gods will was on it? What if we pressed in with our entire hearts to do what God has willed us to do because he was in it? What could we accomplish then with God fully behind us? A different boyfriend or girlfriend? A different spouse? A different job? A different church to attend or lead at? A business that you might have opened if you had the courage to do so? Attend a different university leading to a totally different career path?
I am very blessed to be surrounded today by people of faith. People who have answered Gods call over their life to start a church as my Pastor at church has. My long time life Pastor and friend Travis Bush, who got the call to lead a church in Maine and quit his job, sold his house and moved his family to Maine. My friend Eric who needed a change in his life and felt God calling him to Maine - moved to a new land where the only land he knew was here. I have seen people give their money to support not only myself to a mission trip but also give beyond reason to our vision at church.
People ask what is their will for their life? I get this a lot from teenagers and I can honestly say, that through prayer, through seeking Gods purpose and his heart - your purpose and will for your life is aligning your heart with Gods heart. Seek his heart in your life and you will find your calling. You will be able to take the "land" that he has already marked and set out for you. You will be able to go so much further with God leading you because your heart and his heart are on the same page, same vision, same urgency and same passion.
Praying today that many will come to seek Gods heart for their lives both young and old, like me. I for sure would much rather be in a place where God is looking down on me and sharing a smile than anything else. As I have wrote in the past, At the end of the day, I want to hear that my heart looks like your heart Lord.
Be blessed,
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Ive been sitting here with a blank screen for at least 15 minutes. I am wondering what to write down. A lot of things taking place today on this cold, raining Saturday morning. I am participating in the 30 hour fast that the student ministry at Harrisburg Presby Church is doing. So I am a little hungry and maybe at times agitated a little LOL. Carol has been working on serving breakfast to a local church that is opening in our community. We are so excited for this core team of 80 from High Rock Church and Pastor Robbie is an amazing guy and I feel very blessed and honored to serve them breakfast this morning, share a little with the core team and pray over them. I honestly feel that God is going to reach many families in our community and will be doing amazing things through this local church.
8 years ago this morning, my mom went to be with the Lord. 8 years of not being able to call my mom, wish her happy birthday, Christmas, eat her Sunday cooking, share that morning coffee, have her visit us to cheer Kyle on in his wrestling matches or just being able to watch him turn into the man he is growing up to be. She hasn't got to see what God is doing in us and how much he has changed our lives. 8 years ago today, after sitting with mom for a few hours as she laid in her bed just barely breathing. It had been a few days like this since she last spoke or was awake for even a few minutes. That cold winter morning, she went to be with the Lord. I remember my dad walking into the living room where me, my brothers Craig and Danny had been living for weeks, said - She is gone. He had a look of fear on his face and not knowing how to feel or even react. The long process of my mom leaving this earth and entering her heavenly home had taken place. She once asked me if I thought it would be ok if when her time came to go to heaven if Jesus wouldnt mind if she could just stick her big toe out and touch heavens floor before she went in and grabbed the hand of Jesus. I told her that would be amazing thing to do and I felt that it would be okay for her to do that. She was looking forward to heaven. Though probably scared and feeling anxious that she would be leaving all of us behind. I did my best to share with her that Like Jesus, he went first. Sometimes being the leader we must bow down and do the hard things first. Mom went first for our family. My brother Danny is with her today and what a great feeling knowing that he is with my mom because my mom went first before us all. I think that it makes our journey a little easier. I know my aunt Sharon would totally agree with that as she and my mom were best friends in life.
So that morning 8 years ago today, the sun came up in the most amazing colors. God sharing with us that all is ok and that mom was in the place she longed to be and the journey was complete. Mom was in good hands. As the folks came to pay respects and Hospice folks came in and the folks came to remove my moms body - there was just a cloud of pain hanging over us in the house. As mom was brought outside, the birds came to life. What was once quiet, cold, dark - that morning will be like no other morning. It was as if God brought life to that day and told us that His plan, His love, His grace was all over us. I will never forget that morning. It was if heaven was touching us as we got just a quick look into it. I am so very thankful for the way God touched us then and continues to do so.
I know my life has forever changed.... changed for GREATER things still to come.
Miss you mom. Hugs in heaven on this day for you. <3 always.="" p="" you="">
8 years ago this morning, my mom went to be with the Lord. 8 years of not being able to call my mom, wish her happy birthday, Christmas, eat her Sunday cooking, share that morning coffee, have her visit us to cheer Kyle on in his wrestling matches or just being able to watch him turn into the man he is growing up to be. She hasn't got to see what God is doing in us and how much he has changed our lives. 8 years ago today, after sitting with mom for a few hours as she laid in her bed just barely breathing. It had been a few days like this since she last spoke or was awake for even a few minutes. That cold winter morning, she went to be with the Lord. I remember my dad walking into the living room where me, my brothers Craig and Danny had been living for weeks, said - She is gone. He had a look of fear on his face and not knowing how to feel or even react. The long process of my mom leaving this earth and entering her heavenly home had taken place. She once asked me if I thought it would be ok if when her time came to go to heaven if Jesus wouldnt mind if she could just stick her big toe out and touch heavens floor before she went in and grabbed the hand of Jesus. I told her that would be amazing thing to do and I felt that it would be okay for her to do that. She was looking forward to heaven. Though probably scared and feeling anxious that she would be leaving all of us behind. I did my best to share with her that Like Jesus, he went first. Sometimes being the leader we must bow down and do the hard things first. Mom went first for our family. My brother Danny is with her today and what a great feeling knowing that he is with my mom because my mom went first before us all. I think that it makes our journey a little easier. I know my aunt Sharon would totally agree with that as she and my mom were best friends in life.
So that morning 8 years ago today, the sun came up in the most amazing colors. God sharing with us that all is ok and that mom was in the place she longed to be and the journey was complete. Mom was in good hands. As the folks came to pay respects and Hospice folks came in and the folks came to remove my moms body - there was just a cloud of pain hanging over us in the house. As mom was brought outside, the birds came to life. What was once quiet, cold, dark - that morning will be like no other morning. It was as if God brought life to that day and told us that His plan, His love, His grace was all over us. I will never forget that morning. It was if heaven was touching us as we got just a quick look into it. I am so very thankful for the way God touched us then and continues to do so.
I know my life has forever changed.... changed for GREATER things still to come.
Miss you mom. Hugs in heaven on this day for you. <3 always.="" p="" you="">
Friday, February 22, 2013
Thought i would share some notes as I sat in Chik-Fil-a this morning after my dr appointment. It was a nice pause to sit, have a great meal, share some notes and read a little. I love when God gives me the time out and giving me a little reflecting time.
First post written on my iPad. :)
Hope your Friday was great.
F: forgiveness. Life is not without challenges and along the way we all must experience friendships and trusts that are strained but also broken. Forgiveness keeps the relationship. Forgiveness puts a priority and deepens the relationship. Without it the relationship walks away. I am thankful that God has forgiven me because I know he will now never walk away.
R: responsible. Taking ownership of our life, our choices, our words, our actions and yes, our faith. Being around lots of people, young and old, taking responsibility for our faith is a huge step for so many. It's the defining lines of not going to church, to sometimes going to church, plugged in to church and serving growing and then their is owning it, taking the church and the message of Christ outside the church walls. Being a disciple of Christ is a full time 100% lifestyle. Never a day off nor a moment that is not fully owned in Christ.
I: incredible. I can say that my life is pretty incredible. I'm sitting here at Chick-fil-a after my dr appointment and there is a Bible study going on, 2 men talking business, a dad with his 3 precious little girls making a morning full of memories, the lady at the counter saying "God Bless" to a customer. My life is pretty incredible because of Jesus. These things this morning, without him, I would probably not even notice. Christ is around us in our day regardless if we can see him, feel him or notice him. He is there. It's like living in full color when life becomes living out the gospel the best way you know how and forever learning, growing, pruning and walking this life in faith.
D: dad. I am so thankful for my earthly dad. He might not have done everything right in his life but he made and home for me and my brother and my mom. He lead our family with examples of hard work, dedication and loving my mom all the days of her life. The greatest gift in my life, is being a dad. Being a dad is such an honor to be when your life is about pouring into your son. I am blessed to have many children who I love like a daughter or son and living my life wide and heart open for God, showing that even though I make mistakes and screw up a lot, I am human and take the good and bad in this life. With God positioned in my life as my Heavenly Father, the little things of being a dad become Important as the big things. Thanks dad, help me with this, what time is church, wrestling practice and sweaty nervous palms on match days and praying over my son and even his future wife. Asking God to lead him to him and may he love God above all else in his life. Use him mightily for a greater purpose.
A: Accountability - every decision, every spoken word, every action needs accountability. From the Internet to my friends I am thankful that my wife Carol keeps me accountable. It creates an honor system and that all my motives and intentions are lined in my heart with Gods heart. I am thankful for accountability because it makes me a better man, husband, father, uncle, leader, friend and follower of Christ.
Y: yesterday. I am thankful for the seasons in my life. They have helped shape who I am today. Good seasons, tough seasons, quiet and wide open seasons. They have All shaped me and molded me for my story. God is telli a story through each of us. May my story be worth telling one day. From the passing of my brother and my mom, the years of loving my wife and my younger years of judo and wrestling and leading students in so many ways be a story worth telling others about. I have learned that yes your life is a stage and yesterday does not make you who you are but with God in the front view mirror, your yesterday's are behind you because living is in front of you where God will continue us to meet you.
Lord help us be good stewards of "Our stories"
First post written on my iPad. :)
Hope your Friday was great.
F: forgiveness. Life is not without challenges and along the way we all must experience friendships and trusts that are strained but also broken. Forgiveness keeps the relationship. Forgiveness puts a priority and deepens the relationship. Without it the relationship walks away. I am thankful that God has forgiven me because I know he will now never walk away.
R: responsible. Taking ownership of our life, our choices, our words, our actions and yes, our faith. Being around lots of people, young and old, taking responsibility for our faith is a huge step for so many. It's the defining lines of not going to church, to sometimes going to church, plugged in to church and serving growing and then their is owning it, taking the church and the message of Christ outside the church walls. Being a disciple of Christ is a full time 100% lifestyle. Never a day off nor a moment that is not fully owned in Christ.
I: incredible. I can say that my life is pretty incredible. I'm sitting here at Chick-fil-a after my dr appointment and there is a Bible study going on, 2 men talking business, a dad with his 3 precious little girls making a morning full of memories, the lady at the counter saying "God Bless" to a customer. My life is pretty incredible because of Jesus. These things this morning, without him, I would probably not even notice. Christ is around us in our day regardless if we can see him, feel him or notice him. He is there. It's like living in full color when life becomes living out the gospel the best way you know how and forever learning, growing, pruning and walking this life in faith.
D: dad. I am so thankful for my earthly dad. He might not have done everything right in his life but he made and home for me and my brother and my mom. He lead our family with examples of hard work, dedication and loving my mom all the days of her life. The greatest gift in my life, is being a dad. Being a dad is such an honor to be when your life is about pouring into your son. I am blessed to have many children who I love like a daughter or son and living my life wide and heart open for God, showing that even though I make mistakes and screw up a lot, I am human and take the good and bad in this life. With God positioned in my life as my Heavenly Father, the little things of being a dad become Important as the big things. Thanks dad, help me with this, what time is church, wrestling practice and sweaty nervous palms on match days and praying over my son and even his future wife. Asking God to lead him to him and may he love God above all else in his life. Use him mightily for a greater purpose.
A: Accountability - every decision, every spoken word, every action needs accountability. From the Internet to my friends I am thankful that my wife Carol keeps me accountable. It creates an honor system and that all my motives and intentions are lined in my heart with Gods heart. I am thankful for accountability because it makes me a better man, husband, father, uncle, leader, friend and follower of Christ.
Y: yesterday. I am thankful for the seasons in my life. They have helped shape who I am today. Good seasons, tough seasons, quiet and wide open seasons. They have All shaped me and molded me for my story. God is telli a story through each of us. May my story be worth telling one day. From the passing of my brother and my mom, the years of loving my wife and my younger years of judo and wrestling and leading students in so many ways be a story worth telling others about. I have learned that yes your life is a stage and yesterday does not make you who you are but with God in the front view mirror, your yesterday's are behind you because living is in front of you where God will continue us to meet you.
Lord help us be good stewards of "Our stories"
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I love this picture. I was honored to share this picture with the students at the Student Ministry at Harrisburg Presby last night who I have been serving at on Wed evening since school began last year. It has been an amazing journey together and one that continues to grow. New students are showing up each week and I continue to be amazed at their level of commitment to be there and excite! I am honored to be sharing the leadership with Pastor Tim, Kathleen, Rebecca and many others who help make this evening work.
Student Ministry - Connecting teenagers to Jesus. Thats it.
This picture was taken of the little girls who live in the home where we have served the past 2 summers in Jamaica. I had my Ipad out and was on the application that takes pictures and then transforms your face in different shapes and patterns. I took of picture of the girls and then showed it to them and this was the caption that I caught. Its priceless. I share this because Saturday the students and I are taking on the 30 hour famine. A program that helps bring awareness to those in the world that are hungry. $30 donation feeds a child for 30 days. Amazing if you think about it. I am excited how the students will be personally impacted by this as they are reminded how things really are in some parts of our world today.
Focusing in on being thankful today - Thankfulness keeps us from criticizing and complaining. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, even a thousand times a day, becomes easier as time goes on because it become a habit. One thing I can honestly say is that so many folks I have met over the years serving in Jamaica and local areas here in this country - in general the people hurting the most are thankful the most. They rely on God more than the average person her in America ever dreamed of because that is all they have. Its the last shoe string to hanging on - Hope. Jesus provides that for them. I think the more thankful we are for things, the less we are concerned with material items as we train our minds and thinking to be more thankful for what we do have but also a seed of compassion is planted and is grown to help others. I try not to focus on those who I am serving who are in need as a hand out but a hand up. These folks dont honestly want to be in the place where they are, so I am not going to ever look down on someone as I help them up.
There are so many prayer needs in my life right now that I am a bit overwhelmed as I am the type of person to want to carry those hurts and struggles of others as my own. I would rather have a friend who walks with me in trouble than to point out all I am doing wrong and then judge me or correct me. Most dont need fixing but just need to be recognized as a "Work in Progress". God is not done with us yet and I am so thankful for that. God continues to press on me - Walk with them, Walk with them.
Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
My Aunt Sharon called me last night with an amazing story that gave me chills when she was telling me. Our family is close to 2 Pastors in their community where they live and both are in the hospital. Pastor Lonnie has cancer and Pastor Sparks is having a bleeding issue and both have visitors coming in to visit with them. Pastor Sparks is sharing Jesus with everyone coming into the room and Pastor Lonnie is sharing Jesus without words. See folks are coming into their rooms because of not why they are there but what Jesus is doing in there. During my aunt and uncle's visit yesterday, Pastor Lonnie is pretty much asleep as his body is battling cancer and attached to all kinds of tubes and equipment. With no facial expressions or other movements, Pastor Lonnie raises both hands and holds them there. Worship taking place right there in the room. God being praised when words and the body seems to be failing but the Spirit is focused on above. People are coming in to see Pastor Lonnie and Gods power and His name is being spread down the halls and through the hospital. Doctors and coming to talk with him, nurses are caring for him extra special, and other patients are coming to visit. There are so many dear to us, family, friends, people we know, people that God has put in our lives for this specific time of our lives to - Walk with- and minister to. Carol has been mentoring at a local school and the past 8 weeks have been filled with wonderful stories and memories as she invests into a a handful of 1st graders. They are growing on her and the administration all knows why she is there and who sent her. Church. The young teacher opens up and shares the struggles her dad is having with his health today. Without a miracle - he may not make it through this. Keith we are praying for you but all around you God is at work. All around the people you know, your family, friends and a special Mentor lady is being touched by your story and its a story of faith. A story of hope and a story of trust no matter what happens. A dear friend of mine here at work, she and her husband and been battling health issues he has been having. In and out of hospitals, one Dr specialist to the next. Its been a long hard road. Yesterday finally, the results have surfaced. Cancer. As this family comes to terms with this horrible news, coworkers here in the office unite in prayer, friends of the family join together as God works in the life of Phil. God is being shared through the most difficult of circumstances.
Today look at your life. There are things that seem empty, hopeless and maybe impossible to climb. But God isn’t waiting for your strength to grow, but for your faith to Rise! Maybe your life, your story - your faith - has a bigger story to tell. A GREATER Story.
Something I am learning through my church at Elevation as Pastor Steven teaches us these incredible lessons. I am so thankful for not only the lessons but also the timing of them.
I dont know how each of these stories will end up or how their stories will go - but one thing is for sure. God is telling a GREATER story through each of them.
My continued prayers that Gods story will be centered through them and all Glory be his. Hands raised and hearts wide open.
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