Monday, December 5, 2011

Another wrestling day today. Only a few left to finish off this amazing season. It has been fun and exciting and its hard to believe its over already but tonight is the big night. This is a team that beat our tails off the first match of the season and its been one that has been looked at all season to mark how well our guys, our team has progressed. That can ONLY happen by hard work, dedication, persistence and sometimes, digging in deep to that place that special things come from.
As the saying goes, How bad do you want it? - tonight is one of those nights. With another match tomorrow, this is the one that everyone will be watching. I am figuring a packed house from both sides and a good match in each weight class. Nervous dad an hour early today, ugh.

Yesterday was such an amazing day. With some new peeps coming to church with us after talking through some things a few weeks back we all decided that yesterday would be their day to come visit. This family is an amazing family - a mom and 3 teen girls. Dad passed when the kids were small and I have always - ALWAYS been Uncle Lonnie to them. They have never not been there for me in any way nor have I left my calling to be a part of their lives. So yesterday as we walked into church, greeters did their job, smiles did their job, mints in the bathrooms were a nice touch, the seats were perfect as we sat down in the middle row about 4 rows back and the video started sharing how as a church we are making a difference in the lives of others and impacting our city for Christ. Elevation Church - was on its game yesterday and the opening song was done by recording sounds on an Ipad. Music played in and through those sounds and was pretty amazing. Worship yesterday was loud as usual but amazing, the spirit of God was in the house and tears rolled down my face, chills set in on my neck and arms and it is such an amazing experience when God is moving hearts. With hands raised, worship taking place and energy and atmosphere was perfect. As Pastor Steven came out and shared some things before grabbing our seat I could see the oldest of the girls talking with mom in the ear. As Pastor moved us into the message - mom leaned over and whipered in my ear. "I heard that the kool-aid was good here, but this is some good kool-aid."
Gosh I know! My heart felt warm and I knew that things were going right. God was making his way in a special family yesterday and I am so thankful for that. They needed that. I needed that. Blessed to have a little part in it. As we left and got the girls their free gift for being first timers - VIP - as we call them.... their energy level was so off the chart. Notes were taken and smiles where showing.
As I continue to read deeper in the book of Corinthians - 2 Corinthians 6 shares with us something very important.
2 Corinthians 6:1- As Gods co-workers we urge you not to receive Gods grace in vain. For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

I can feel and see God's favor all around me. Carol and I continue to talk and show the revealed examples in our lives and all around us. We see it on the faces of many. We see it on the hearts in their actions and decisions. We can point out brokeness in some and our hearts reach to them in love and kindness as we build them back up. We are feeling stronger, more focused, eager and ready and WILLING to do whatever God has called us to do. CO-workers working together building, direct, pray for, cry with, share with, hug with, hurt with....

Just as the wrestling team trained and sweated and hurt - Kyle making such progress and taking ownership of this experience and leading ... our walk with Christ is the same way. Because of the hard seeds planted in the tough times, never losing sight, never giving up hope, never given in to temptations to quit - we stand ready for whats next. Wrestling team is ready for tonight. My walk with Christ is ready for what God has next for me. My family is strong as it has ever been ready to walk forward. My relationships with my family and those close to me have never been stronger. My church and faith I have in the leadership, the value I see happening in lives changing, the contagiousness that is apparent all around us, the smiles of so many dedicated to do whatever it takes for Christ is pouring out.
Favor ....Found favor because of the positioning to receive it. We have to be in the right place. We have had to work hard and go through some tough things to get to this place. I hope this brings some encouragement to someone today. Nothing profound here. No big one line incredible life changing few words but just reflecting on what backs and pressing forward to get through.
God is either placing you in position or has you in position or moving you to something else.
Once you know where you are, you can then move forward. Thats a great place to be.
Hoping for a win tonight, its going to be intense, exciting regardless and PROUD either way.


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