After many passing Thursdays, I finally had one free and showed up to The Opportunity House in Kannapolis. I am so thankful I did. A coworker of mine who is a student in the deans office, Christian, has been running this ministry for the past 6 months or so. He is an amazing young man and just walking into the church, seeing hundreds of homeless adults eating a meal, singing songs and hearing about John the Baptist and how he prepared the way for Jesus. It truly was an amazing evening. I was told that many of these folks have been in jail, jump from shelter to shelter to make it through the week, and this being the end of the line for many of them - come to hear about Christ because they cannot come on Sundays. Maybe they have issues with them being around children or maybe have some kind of trauma that keeps them from being in a closed setting with lots of other people around them and they just dont do well. Whatever the reason, they make it there on Thursdays. I spoke with a man, through his grey beard and hat that probably has been on his head for many seasons of weather, share with me that he used to have a family, a home and nice things. Losing his job has put him on the street, away from his family and very little hope to get back into the life he once had. 2 years living on the street - you can see the pain and hurt in his eyes. It was written on his face. I got him a cup of coffee and through his long grey beard, came a warm smile as if to say - Thank You.
Gosh I love moments like that. To sit and think that I almost didnt go really would have been a missed blessing if I just was lazy and stayed home. Out of my comfort zone and exposed to something different surely has many blessings I dont even know yet. Thankful for the opportunity and so looking forward to going back - Christian is even bringing the message on the 29th! Im so excited for him and cant wait to hear him share the Gospel to 200+ hurting folks who need hope, encouragement, and LIFE!
Kyle is at the doors of the conference tournament tomorrow. We will be hitting the gym early at 5:30, weigh in at 7 and then matches start at 9. Im nervous and I can tell he is as well. In the coaches meeting to place the wrestlers he is seeded 3rd. I am pretty proud of him for that!
It has me thinking on something as I know he will be nervous and not knowing what to expect but also wanting to win. Top 2 seeds are going to be tough matches for sure. Hoping for a big cheering section :)
Excited for church Sunday at Elevation University! Best morning of the week..... have a good weekend~~
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