Monday, September 26, 2011

What an incredible weekend. Hard to kick off a work week after such an amazing weekend. Carol and I rented 5th Quarter on Friday night and cried just about the entire movie. Filmed in Winston Salem NC and on the campus of Wake Forest really hits home for me. My family being in Mt. Airy - Wake Forest has always been the back yard school of choice and Winston-Salem was us going to town. You know - the big city :)

Saturday was hanging with Kyle and Brody - hitting the gym and getting a good workout in, a run to GoodWill to get some books for my little lunch buddy during the week since his family doesn't have any books to read and one of the things he answered for me about himself is that he likes to read. That is awesome! So he has a good handful now to keep him reading. While in the store Saturday a man walked up, his name was Rob, and he saw my Elevation Church shirt I was wearing. He shouted out, startling a little but he was full of smiles, He said, "Man, thats that church where the preacher man was baptising like 2000 people!" I said, "Yes Sir it is" he said, "Well that preacher man must be on fire or something, cause I ain't never seen anything like that before!" - He shouted everything and Brody and Kyle were somewhere behind me probably hiding :) - Rob then asked about campus locations and I shared with him about the new university campus and that he should come check it out sometime. Gave him the location and experience times and he shook my hand and thanked me. "I would love to check out that preacher!" was his last words to me as he walked off to begin shopping or finish shopping, I'm, not sure. So as I turned around to see where the boys were at they were right there and began to look for books with me. Kyle said, Dad, are you going to invite the entire community to church? - I said son, God is putting these people in front of me and conversation and inviting them to somethign I am passionate about, that I believe in with all I have in me - Yeah, I guess I am. Brody turned and said, That was amazing, I wish I could do that. All you have to do is talk, smile and show people Jesus.

We are not here to fix anyone but to love them and to serve along side of them.

I love the picture of the house here that we worked on while in Jamaica. The mom had 5 seven children and 3 of them lived in this little home. She had contacted JIm and Penie about paiting it and JIm took the time to go and see her, decide what to do and then pray over it before making a decision. Seems once he got there the home didnt even have a wall that was worth painting. So poppa Jim took it in and we tore down 3 of the 4 walls and then rebuilt her home. The crew after us, finished it and then painted it and it turned out to be so sweet- like a little pretty Jamaica color style home, pink with blue shutters I do believe but the impact we made on this family that week in Jamaica I will never forget. I think about the foundation the little house was built on and how as a follower of Christ we came in and loved on this family, we didnt just give them a handout and move on to the next home and family. We actually touched them, served with them, prayed with them and encouraged them. That is the foundation I want to continue to build not only in my life but the lives of others. I want to help keep them grounded in Gods word as a living example and not just words. I want to serve people I dont even know. I am so blessed the last few weeks Morgan and Marissa have come to help setup church on Saturday night for services on Sunday. Its easy to get caught into the thinking that there are a lot of people there and that you are not needed. Its easy to think that we are just putting chairs out, putting up pipe and drapes and setting up video screens.

Perspective - we we lose perspective, when we lose focus - things that were once important become not so important any more. It was nice hearing Pastor Larry share with us that we are needed, we are wanted, we are included and our sacrifice that night was making a way for someone to know Jesus in a life saving way on Sunday morning. It is not just a video screen, pipe and drapes and chairs...its a place to experience Jesus. Its a place where our faith hits the road of life and when Jesus is there in the middle of it - it builds foundation. Something to grow and build your life on.

As Pastor Steven spoke Sunday he mentioned that we all need to be out of comfort zone because God doesn't use us there. Everyone should go on a mission trip over seas and experience a new perspective. He gave a great example of his wife coming back from Haiti and children there with very little to eat. Once home her children complained about the dinner menu that evening.... lets just say it didnt go well for them.

This home we rebuilt for this family in Jamaica will always be a reminder that someone came from far away to help them, to serve them, to love them and not for any other reason than that they WANTED TO. We didnt come to change them, God handles that part - we just went to love them, serve them and show them Jesus.

Luke 6:45-47 shares with us the Work the words into your life:

You dont get wormy apples off a healthy tree, nor good apples off a diseased tree. The health of the apple tells the health of the tree. You must begin with your own life-giving lives. Its who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.

Why are you so polite with me, always saying "Yes, sir" and 'thats right, sir' but never doing a thing I tell you? These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner imporovements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.

As the day went on yesterday after an amazing church service I got to spend the better part of the day with one of Kyles classmates and a great gal hang out with. Anna, has a great foundation. Her family well routed in Gods word, serving in church and serving others in the community, her sister on a mission trip this past summer to Belize - this family is doing things right. I ask her mom all the time, whatever it is you are doing - pass out that secret ingredient so others will have it. I tell you what it is. "Love - Jesus."

Lives built around Christ. They are the good apples because the tree (Jesus) in their family is healthy and true.

Foundation - it holds everything together. Its the footing to keep you standing in lifes storms. Its the building block you begin with. You have to work the words into your life. Hebrews 12 is our challenge for the next month. Reading it aloud each and every day and for some even a bigger challenge will be to memerize the entire chapter. I think thats amazing and I am building that foundation of Hebrews 12 into my life, into my family so that the fruit from this season of time will have ripe and sweet fruit.

The family we built the home for is in a much better place today because we did what we were called to do. Not mere additions of words in your life but words to build your life on.

Foundational ... what are you building in your life today? Is it worth standing on and building a lifetime around?



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