Thursday, August 11, 2011

This is I think the first time I am uploading a video to my blog. I think it shows a very powerful scene on Grace and I want to use it today to extend some of my thoughts on it. Hope you enjoy the video - its from the movie - The Grace Card.

Partly what I want to talk about comes from a message I had the privilege to preach back in March of this year and I want to share that today. Last night Carol, Kyle and Morgan and I were invited to come and share at another youth ministry their highlight reel of their mission trip a few weeks ago. It was awesome seeing the pictures, the short videos and hearing some of them share their heart about their experiences. Carol and I both spoke last night about and we both sat with smiles knowing that the impact of that trip in the lives of those students and leaders and all who they touched while there will have an impact on them and their faith for a lifetime. As I sat and listened with a smile on my face and my heart warm to what all the awesome things they were doing, there was an elderly couple sitting at the next table. I so wanted to speak to them and just find out a little about them. Not knowing if they helped pay a way for a student or even a few of them, why they were here when its a student night and they are probably in their late 70's I would guess. I could see them nodding their heads, smiling at times and to be honest, I bet they were loving it that these young people took the sacrifice and go do something for Gods kingdom. I have been saying for a long time now, especially to those who are close to me - you have to just keep showing up. If the opportunity passes you - you miss out and you will never really know what that something great could have been. You never know whats around that corner if you drive past it. I bet that elderly couple took such joy in hearing those stories. I bet it made them swell in their hearts what these young people experienced. I looked at them and prayed - God, if its part of your plan - I want to be like them when I am older. I want to marvel at the faith that the young people are taking on for the kingdom. I want to be excited for them as I was last night but also when I am 80. I want to help someone go and experience and give them a chance to experience something so much bigger than themselves - I mean who knows what could take shape in a lifetime because of one mission trip and being FAR out of a comfort zone. Someone may experience sharing Christ with someone else for the very first time and now that fear is gone and now you cant shut them up. Maybe its sitting and opening a bible and pray with an elderly woman who has been in a nursing home for 2 years and hasnt had a visitor in 3 months. Maybe its a new boldness to break out of being shy and speaking to new people. One never knows what experience can shape a lifetime.

So as I sat last night not being at my normal Wed night place where I have spent the better part of my life there I sat listening, dreaming, reminded of my peeps from Jamaica and all the hearts we touched there. I thought about being sad for a moment that the students I had to walk away from who I have invested in for 5 years. Its going to be harder now to continue a relationship with them but not impossible. I think about the news faces and hearts I get to invest in now at this new student ministry and church families. I think about the new platform we will be in at the new campus of Elevation Church University and the potential there. Yes one platform door shut but a bigger one opened and that happened because God is ready to move in our lives.

At times I am really upset that what happened happened. I dont regret standing in and taking the fall for standing up for one of my kids who is very much a daughter to me and I stand by that. I can tell you there have been parents thanking me for that stand even though it cost me a platform to speak to many. I know what God has called me to do in her life, her families life and for me to waiver on that would not be in Gods will and what He has called me to do.

But Grace, - I am getting there. I am at a place today where I know its a good thing to move on. Not ever forgetting the paths, the smiles, the tears, the lessons learned and the conversations that have taken place. Grace becomes a big part in all that and being at peace with it. Folks can gossip, folks can have their opinions and views but I can say - I can rest my head at night, I can look at my wife in the eyes and thank her for sometimes pushing me further in my walk with Christ, I can share with my son that being a man is more than being tough - its about standing strong even when the heat is on when God has called you to do something. Not everyone will get it, not everyone will understand or even agree - but we are not here to people please. That will get you no place. Grace is that card you extend to others as you forgive them and releasing you from the pain. No more carrying it around. No more hurt feelings with it. No more questioning yourself about what ifs ...... just peace with it and leaving it there.

The Grace Card - this is from the movie - I promise to pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same, and be your friend always.

In the movie God has been pursuing Mac his whole life. Even when Mac became an athiest, GOd continued to woo him so he could take the burden of guilt and shame away from Mac for his role in his sons death. Now, as Mac was at his lowest place, wanting to die, he asks his friend Sam, a black pastor of a local church, to pray with him. Sam, a wise man who knows Mac needed more than prayers for his sons healing, tells him to come to the alter and pray with him for salvation. This is the end of the chase of God for Mac. GOd has finally forced Mac to realize he cannot make anything good happen on his own. IN his brokenness, Mac can call out to the one who can bring life to him and his family. Mac is about to move from slavery to freedom. This moment happened becase Sam refused to give up on Mac and kept loving him even through the most racist of conversations and even through his darkest hours. If Sam hadnt forgiven Mac and continued to love him, he would not have been in the chapel when Mac cracked and broke down. If Sam hadnt been there to guide him, its unlikely that Mac would have made his way down to his knees before God. GOd used Sam to lead Macv out of darkness and into the light. God uses people to partner with him to reach the lost people in your life. He want to use you in some amazing ways. The question is - will you let him?

Sam showed Mac grace because God had shown him grace. This film was all about responding with grace to those who are hurtful to us, so that God can use us to help them discover the only One that has life and power through His grace.

Who in your life today needs that forgiveness? Who in your life have you turned your back on over a rumor or some hurtful ways?

Live your life in the past and it will poison your future.

Galations 6:2 - Bear one another burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. We are most like Jesus when we bear someone's burden beyond what is comfortable adn convenient, and even beyond what is safe. Letting go of someone in your life is sometimes hard but its also the easy way out. Sticking with it is hard, its inconvenient it hurts at times but by extending Grace, you can be free of the damage that the struggling friendship causes. People come into your life for a reason, they also leave your life for a reason, sometimes in lfie we need a life lesson and God sends us a teacher. We may not like the lesson because of being stubborn, blind, full of pride -you fill in the blank - but the lessons are there regardless.

Do you want to be like Jesus? Grace through Gods eyes, means I love you more than anything else even when you dont love me back. I WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAYS.

Be a Sam in someones life today - in doing so you will be more like Jesus.

Love you all,


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