Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It has been AWHILE since my last post. Lots of things going on - some good and some well not so good but in the long run will be BETTER!

Last week I spent the week in Myrtle Beach with our student ministry. Though having its tough spots and tough situations - I fully enjoyed the conversations with so many students. Some tough conversations and having the chance to pray with them and preach a message on Tuesday night was just amazing. I think I made some good connections with a few students who before camp I had not had the chance to get to really know them. I am very blessed to walk away knowing that I invested my time in them and in their walk with Christ. There is nothing more important than that to me. The last morning on the beach was indeed my favorite time as me and a few students walked to the beach, sat and watched the sun rise. I am so in awe of what God shows us and his power and beauty for us to see and experience. It was an amazing morning and if that beach was here right now - I would be putting my feet in the sand to just sit and worship Him with all I have.
I had in my inbox this morning a great reminder as to why I stepped up and put myself sometimes in harms way as a target when people dont understand or want to cut me down but I am not letting myself go to those low levels and I will ride on Gods word and as he has promised, will soar on eagles wings.
I have been over the last few weeks, last week and this week, especially, reflecting on how God called me to serve students. I need to remember those details and keep focused on that because I am reminded again that youth ministry is a ministry of extremes - and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. I need to hold onto my sense of my calling.
On the beach at Cherry Grove SC - I was watching the sunrise while having some quiet time with God, seeking direction and purpose for my life and asking him to lead me on a few things and he clearly spoke to me to step up into the lives of a family that is so dear to me. I gained two daughters that morning and a sister and I have yet to back down from that calling. Time and time again we are tested as we do life together and reflecting back on that moment that I said OK God - I am done hiding, giving excuses and running - I will do what you are telling me to do even if I have no idea what I am doing, how this will look, how it will work or even if it will be accepted. God has been there in every inch of the way over these past 5 years now.
Your calling will make you humble.
How can it not? As much as I would like to call it my student ministry it is not mine to own. I can live it, breathe it, I will even take a bullet for it but calling it mine is just not right. God has given me the stewardship over this section of his kingdom. He has the power to give it and also take it away.
I think my calling is keeping me focused in many ways. I care deeply about the students, their faith journey and their walk with Christ. In many ways, they also teach me about my faith and my walk with Christ and no matter what - keeping in focus Christ in the center of all things has been a priority with me. The students know my heart and they know they have their best interest. They know when they speak to me or have tough things to work through, they know I will point them to Jesus at some point in the conversation. I may not be able to fix the problem but I can show them Jesus in the solution. Being the person I am, I jump in and take hold. Students have a situation they need help with, want to talk something through, I have always been willing to drop stuff to help. I serve student ministry because I am called to and giving it less than my undivided attention just isn't allowed for me.
My calling will also keep me going.
I took many conversations last week with upset students. Its part of the job. I remember a few years ago while serving under a great youth pastor who is now a head pastor of a church, Travis Bush - I told him that Youth Ministry was relational. Without those relationships - its just another group of kids getting together to have fun, waste time and doing nothing to increase their faith, learn about God and then do something with their faith. WIthout those relationships, a student will never trust you, get to know you and then open up to you. That is the key when you can have a student be at that place and them come to you and open up with a struggle or have questions - thats the fruit that Christ is talking about.
I got to see a lot last week at Camp. I got to talk through some tough things with some students. BUT I also got to be a part of a student giving their life again to Christ. I got to be a part of them saying, I have messed up, I used to be close to GOd and I want to get that back. Lonnie how do I do that? - yeah there are tears, there are hugs and there is real stuff taking place.
GOd transformed my life because I answered his call and through these students - I want to have a front row seat in their lives and watch what God will do in their lives.
GOd will give me the desire, the strength, the wisdom and the passion to do what he has called me to do.

I am focused...because I am called.

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