Friday, July 1, 2011


I am thankful for this hard week. Yeah I said that correctly. THANKFUL. Since coming home from our mission trip on Monday - there have been moments where I have felt completely overwhelmed. There are have been times where I feel as though a huge chunk of myself was left in Jamaica and in the smiles of the awesome people there and then there are times where I feel alone and not exactly sure what I am feeling and seeing is even real here.
Honestly, some things have happened this week that just seems so ridiculous and so immature and petty - like really? THIS doesnt even matter.
People who I thought I knew who they are have changed over time, people who I took notice even more so after last week cutting folks down for the only reason it to make them feel better or bigger themselves. It really has been a huge week adjusting to some of the things we experienced last week. Morgan said it best today while at lunch - Its the moments you know you can and chose to make a difference. Its those moments you have been telling me for a long time to not lose them and miss out. I love when she speaks all adult and deep like - that means less meatball moments :) na...... she still has them as I am laughing while typing this.

Anyways, I think on all levels we all came back changed from this trip. I am excited to share the stories, the God moments, the smells and people we met next week for Flood on Wed -Jamaica. I think there are lots of folks wanting to see and hear and share in our incredible week.
As I think about that service it really has me thinking on a few things.

Is our personal ministry effective today? - We are all called to be pastors - student pastors, children pastors, outreach pastors - we own our faith. Our God is not in a building stuck in the classroom or in the pews and chairs in the atrium. He is alive and our God and faith in HIm lives in each of us. We are the church. We are the hands and feet to show His love to the world. All the time, anytime and in every moment. Too bad we dont take those moments that we are given and do something with them to make a difference. Too bad we dont use the 10400 breaths each day to breath life into the people around us who need grace extended to them, forgiveness and a gentle encouraging word.
Our faith is all about the next steps - once we reach this place we are on the move to the next experience or the next worship set or the next person to minister at the hospital. There is always ministry work to be done. Even in line at Carowinds. Even in the car doing errands. Even in the shrimp cocktails at RedLobster. Even in the tears of a student who sits with you at McDonalds and shares that they dont belong or fit in anywhere.
I love what I do and I love what God has called me to do to pastor to students. I love the fact that I know with all that is in me that He called me on the beach one morning and told me to step up into the lives of my 2 daughters and be a father role model for them and to be the kind of dad that honors him to my son Kyle. It has been an amazing journey together and one I look forward to in the future with such hope, such joy and with such excitement for them because its a journey together in faith and God is in the center of all that because He called it to make it happen. All I did was answer the call and took the step in faith. I love them for that and always will.
Its a personal ministry - its not a faith that is hidden in the corner or only on Sundays. Its a faith and trust that shaped the very being to the core and center of who the person is.
I thank God very often for this gift, this chance, this ministry calling he has put on my heart and with being humble, I know He is giving me the opportunity to serve him in a bigger way and being effective in doing so. I am ministering for the Glory of God.
Jamaica is that Glory - as He made a way for so much to see, so much to experience, breaking down walls and barriers, He shown so much of his love, grace and mercy to us last week that yes it is a stepping stone leading down a path that has opened because of that step in faith 8 months ago when He called and planted that seed.
I smile thinking down the road when one day - I will be at a wedding for a student that I have invested time in. WHo I have poured into and have shown them not my grace but Gods grace, his love, his understanding - beyond what I can do these are teenagers here and there are limits to this kind of stuff ! - But I am talking Gods levels ....I can remember about a year ago sitting in the floor with Kate, in front of Carol, Pastor Travis and Tony and I had my arms around her hugging her and crying. I told her I forgive you because Jesus forgives me for what I have done. He extended grace and tells us to do the same. It was a tough moment but one that opened my eyes through the pain. I will never forget that - I honestly feel it made our relationship stronger. This Jamaica trip - my closest people in my life, it made us stronger. It made us love each other in a different level. We know more about each other because of the hard tough places we were at and we see things differently now.
There is a story in Mark 8:22-30 that Jesus tells us about eyes being opened that I want to share.
Mark 8:22-30 - They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. WHen he had spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" He looked up and said, I see people; they look like trees walking around. Once more Jesus put his hands on the mans eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, "Dont go into the village."

I love reading that, especially the part where Jesus took him by the hand probably and led him outside the village. What a picture of grace right there. Do you sometimes see yourself holding the hands of Jesus and him leading the way through your trials? Through your difficult moments? I do ... I see him showing me the way when life is hard. I love picturing this man opening his eyes for the first time and wondering if what he thought trees looked liked match what they really look like. I love that because my eyes were opened to the hearts and souls of people while being in Jamaica. I see the smiles, the joy and the love and friendliness in them that we just dont have here in America - even with food on the table, a hot shower, a car that runs great and the home is free of dirt, bugs, and in AC.
Gosh we are so blessed but miserable. They have basic needs not going met and they are joyful. Entire communities without shoes and they are happy!!

I have a long way to go to process all that has taken place. Its a process talking with my team members and helping them keep the faith and keep the mission field alive. We dont have to lose the mission just because we left the mission field.
I love that - Effective Ministry - Mission field. Its all in the same.

Dont lose sight of what God wants you to do today. Dont miss the opportunity ahead because they are there if you are willing to grab hold, hold on and rise to occasion. I am proud of my team Jamaica and watching them OWN their faith. Dont lose sight loved ones of what God wants to do in our ministry today and being effective in it.
Even if that takes you on a different path tomorrow.

Headed to the cabin this weekend for some downtime, seeking Gods direction, a good talk with mom and being still to listen in all the wonders that God created. It is a little piece of heaven there.
Peace out~

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