Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Its early today and I think I am spent right now. Carol and Kyle are still both sick and I have managed to stay away from the worst of it but still having a % of it keep me from feeling 100%.
Gosh when you're tired it is hard to stay focused and put forth the energy that some times people need, situations needs or even that conversation needs.
I have to admit that I am on Twitter and I never thought I would be since it was short communication and folks tend to report back the hourly and sometimes minute details of their day. I never wanted or had any interest in tweeting about me head to the bathroom. BUT in 120 characters or less, I can say what I want to say and not put forth the energy to explain, to follow up and to communicate any more than that I said.
I have emails in my inbox and often times, they require followup - sometimes long followups with more emails or even phone calls. My blog is often times winded as I dance around this topic and do my best to explain what is on my heart. Even text messaging is a pain at times - especially when dealing with a student who doesnt want to talk to you .... with their mouth using real words but wants to talk to ya over messages. These take the most time since just getting through a conversation is 100 text messages and I don't text that fast and it also alarms me when I hear stories of students texting 12,000 or more a month. Gosh do the math and figure out how many a minute that is and not counting sleeping, school, or in the shower.
As I step into a more leadership role at church and in my own life following Christ - I have to be determined to spend my own quality time with Christ. In doing so, my prayer time cant be short changed either because all that I am being asked to do and all that God has called me to be is vital on my prayer life. Yours should be as well. What is your prayer life like? I asked a student last week when she really in all honesty had her bible open last and she said last Wed. Far too many dont bring their Bibles to Bible study or even to church on Sundays. Thats like showing up for school with no text books or paper or pens - you are just not prepared. 97% of the things we learn will be lost in 72 hours if we don't write down what we are hearing. That is grim and lousy statistics if you are wanting to grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

As I think about this even more - when was the last time someone else blessed the food at dinner? When was the last time someone else prayed in the morning to start the day. I do this almost every day over text message with a few of my students. It is awesome when the rare one comes in and they pray for my day and for me without me asking them too. That is awesome and I love that because I know where their heart is at in those moments. Those are their words and not mine. If I pray and close every bible study down, pray over every meal, and pray when people ask me to pray for them over something - sure I can do that and I am honored in doing so because it brings us closer together and we share hearts in our relationship with God together and its SO personal... when in that place. But if its always the same person praying - those prayers are mine and they are not theirs. If you pray all the time over someone or at dinner - those prayers are yours and not the people around you or who you are praying for.
You have to pray YOUR words and share YOUR heart in order for YOUR prayers to be YOURS.

That is a tough thing to say but its true. I often times ask someone at the table when eating dinner to bless the food. I often times ask someone to close us in prayer at Rock Group. I really dont care where or what was said - just as long as they own their prayers and I know God rejoices in those words. Your prayer life will never be what it could if you dont pray, get alone time with God and remove the distractions in your life so that you can focus on Him. One cannot lead a ministry and expect God to show up big when your heart is not in tune with his and you are seeking his wisdom and guidance. In during those special quiet moments when FATHER - becomes our heavenly daddy. A fathers love is strong and wide for his children. Often times overlooked by the mothers love for their children because fathers are often times misunderstood or we really dont communicate the way we should. Sometimes we think we are and we really arent. But Gods love is deep and its real and its gentle because he gave everything for it. I love my family and would do anything in this world for them. I have a few close kids that I feel the same way and their is no way to even express that level of love that comes from the heart.
Prayer time is speaking heart to heart. Its your path to knowing each other and deepening your relationship. This cant be done over text message or an email and not even over a phone call. I am glad God doesnt take calls, emails or text messages but is thrilled when we open our hearts and take out the pens in our life so he can write on our hearts. He is writing our story through the things you do, the things you say and the way you respond and treat people. Prayer puts all those things together and focuses them on one - 0ne heart - yours and his.

Mark 1: 35 - Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Jesus gives us a great example of what it took for him to get alone with his father. He had to do it early in the morning while still dark outside. People pulling him in all directions during his day. If he had email and a cell phone, I bet it was always ringing and going off - way more than yours and mine. He had to remove the distractions from his day to get alone and share his heart with his daddy - Our heavenly Father. Don't you think we have that same access to God? Don't you think the model that Jesus gave us still implies and is still effective in our lives today. What do I say? What do I do? What if I pray and mess up? What if I say the wrong thing and people make fun of me?
Who cares ... the most sincere words and heartfelt things are shared in prayer. Its personal and when praying even in the open in front of everyone .. it can be intimate and private. Its an opening others to get to see your relationship with your heavenly father. Let it flow loved ones, let that begin to build amazing bridges in your faith journey. Never be ashamed of those words and the things your heart has in it for Christ. There is such blessing in being humble enough to open your heart in front of others.
Phillipians 4:4 - Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - Rejoice! let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Dont worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience Gods peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Gosh I hope and pray that speaks to someone .... it sure speaks to me.

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