Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday afternoon and its quiet for a change. I ate way too much for lunch and that has me thinking about a few things. After an all morning meeting, I was hungry and was ready to eat napkins by the time I got to the place where I met an old student worker of mine for lunch. As we all sat and talked without even realizing it, I ate way too much. Not aware of what was taking place and now too late to do anything about it.

I sat this afternoon looking through some pictures of Thirst Camp this past year and reflecting back to the missions work we all shared in while serving some families during that week. It was a lot of work but work that is so gratifying in the sense of being in a place to help someone who could really use a hand. I never look at those hands as being a handout but a hand UP. We are raising people from the place where they are - upward. For some last year, they really got the message of helping others and plugged in and took charge and really opened their eyes and hearts to the power of Christ serving others. Some though, were shut down before they even go there. They never gave God a chance to work in their hearts to serve these families. For whatever reason, they were cold hearted, minds already positioned to stay in that place where they were and they walked away from that week of Camp - not moved in anyway other than a week away from home. They had their expectations as to what they thought it was going to be like or maybe in years past were already aware of what was coming and really had it in their mind that it would just happen and when things just didn't FEEL the way it should - just stood on the sidelines and watched.
Those are the moments that slip by us. Its kind of like sharing Christ with someone and we have all done this by missing the moment we had in sharing Christ with someone. We missed the moment to step forward in faith and afterwards are really upset by it. I hate missing out on those opportunities even if I am not comfortable at times in doing so. I pray for boldness and courage to step in faith to do whatever God is presenting me - a person to share the message with, an opportunity to serve a meal, an opportunity to help someone in need, a phone call that would make the difference in someone's life, a stop at the hospital - whatever it is.
As my walk with Christ is growing deeper these past few weeks. I know that my faith is tried each and every day and He gently continues to show me that I have to put myself behind Him. One way in doing that is by serving others and stepping out of my comfort zone and trust him in my weakness. My greatest victories in my faith journey have been when I stepped forward in faith and allowed God to lead and show me the way. Though it may be hard at the time it becomes clear when you reach the other side.
Romans 10:14 - But how can people call for help if they dont know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the one who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? Thats why scripture exclaims, A sight to take your breath away! Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God! But not everybody is ready for this, ready to see and hear and act. Isaiah asked what we all ask at one time or another: "Does anyone care, GOd? Is anyone listening and believing a word of it?" The point is" Before you trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ's word is preached, there is nothing to listen to.

Serving in student ministry is much like the passage above. In their comfort zones, its almost impossible to move a student. Unless of course they are in a season of time and God is on the move in their hearts already. Adults are much the same way. We have to get out of our comfort zones and open our hearts to hear Gods word. Not everyone is ready for this and we are all in different places. Thats why faith is something you own. Its personal and its yours.
As I look back at camp and think about those who really had an experience this past year and where their faith is today. I am excited for them because God has done some great things in their lives because they got out of their comfort zones and they let themselves be open to something new.
God has to be an adventure. We must it in our hearts that we can pursue God and reach higher than we could ever reach with him. An adventure is exciting and at every turn we are expecting something awesome and something flippin incredible. I love the verse above - A sight to take your breath away! - When was the last time God took your breath away? - When was the last time something took your breath away? Far too many of us are so wrapped up in our own little selfish world that we have lost our smiles, lost the joy, lost the reason and purpose in life - when we get there and in those places, we lose our direction.
Jamaica is going to be one of those trips where I will be out of my comfort zone. Not knowing what is happening next, not knowing how that next child is going to affect my heart, not knowing that seeing those tears running down that childs face will rip my heart out, not knowing that Christ is at work in the heart of his people there regardless of what I see with my eyes and what things look like with poverty and living conditions. Not knowing if we are going to be safe or not as Kingston is one of the murder capitals of the world and drugs and kingpins run major operations there. Safety is an issue not only for me but also for my family, the friends that will be along but also "mykids". This will be a new understanding of relying on God for those things I cannot control. I wont have anything or anyone else to rely on.
The thing that has me thinking today loved ones, that these people who we will meet on this out of my comfort zone trip - are just like me and you. They are created, they are honest, they are funny, they too have smiles, they too hurt in the same ways I do, they too love their families, they can do the same things I do - things I take for granted every single day - but they dont have that chance. They dont have those opportunities. Chances are they wont own a tv, and Ipod, a computer, own a car or hold a well paying job that will provide for their families.
The greatest thing about this trip will be - being available to let God use us in anyway He will need us. Every day will be different. I would consider my faith and trust in Christ is pretty strong - but I am sure that will be challenged as I meet these folks that they are on a different level than I am with trust and faith in Christ. With so much less, they have so much more. I know my weaknesses will be exposed. But through those weaknesses - God will use them for his glory.
What more could I ask for? Faith with new eyes, a growing heart and a journey that just keeps getting deeper. All because I am choosing to get out of my comfort zone, open up and let Christ do something glorious in me. Our common ground together - Christ.

Have a great weekend everyone. Praying you let Christ do something in your hearts.

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