Thursday, June 10, 2010

I am just excited for the kiddo's today. I remember these days in my youth with such great happiness and excitement. Very cool - Both Kyle and Kate did well this year in school. Both with huge adjustments in their lives with attending a new school, new friends, new grade, new challenges ... both made it through the year. Very proud of them both. I am actually looking forward to the change of pace for sure. Time to switch gears, enjoy some bbq cooking, pool time, lake time and picking fresh garden stuff out of my garden... all while enjoying family and friends.
Today I am in Psalm 63:6-8 and I am really excited about the Message translation of this verse.
Psalm 63:6-8 (The Message)
5-8 I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy; I smack my lips. It's time to shout praises! If I'm sleepless at midnight, I spend the hours in grateful reflection. Because you've always stood up for me, I'm free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post.
Man I am all about the meat. A few years ago I was almost a vegetarian as I was doing my best to get my cholesterol down. I was one small step from that - even though I was lighter in my frame - I was pretty miserable. I wanted to eat.... hamburgers, bbq, steak and other such yummy critters. I wanted that fillet - even though I prolly wont live as long as a vegetarian .. I will be happy, smiling and meet Jesus before you. I got it going on..... so I have meds now and I do enjoy cooking on my bbq grill!!
The verse about the sleep really hits home for me. I have been sleeping good lately so I am not complaining but there are seasons where - sleep is hard for me. I go to sleep easy ... its staying asleep that bothers me. I sleep for a few hours and then wake up... and I am done. Tossing back and forth... getting aggravated as my mind thinks about this or this situation or this person or student.... then prayers and then more thinking. To keep Carol from getting mad - I usually get up and hit my chair. Sitting with the light on - I usually pray and let God know where my heart is and I open His word. Random usually where it opens but usually a good place to be for His words to come to life.
Gods word has always stood up for me. People should know pretty quickly if you are following Christ - by your actions, your tone, your mood, your words, your personality, and even your company... they should just sense something different about you. I do my best to show people around me and in my life Jesus - praying they see Him before me. I do my best to live by those standards. Normal ... no.... Normal Sucks....normal is what society is telling us and its not telling us or our families and kids anything that is much good. SO NORMAL - is out something NOT NORMAL ...... to get a different result. I am all about that...I tell our students in our student ministry that all the time. I pray they are listening..... and our leaders and Pastor is getting through to them.
This walk I have been on with Christ in my life... leading me, teaching me and showing me so much the last few years. I often say I am just hanging on ..... because it has been a ride! The best ride of my life and I know with all my heart... its just getting started and there is SO much more to go.
I'll end today with Happy SUMMA everyone!

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