Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 2...

It is day 2 of Carol being out of town. She is doing well down in south Florida - even though its probably not anything close to being a vacation for her. God has called her to do something special for a friend and help him through a tough time as well as to speak truth to him by shining her light of Jesus to him. Surgery went well this morning and Tom is resting comfortably - hoping he is pain free already.
Receiving blessings this week as well as giving blessings this week. Its days like these where a good meal given out of love, a warm smile, a hug, a check on ya text message, email or facebook post, is all a person needs to know that they matter. For some its hard to receive this and I was that person a few years back until I totally began to understand it through the seasons of my mom passing and through that season with Walt passing. I have come alongside many people since then and explained that its ok to let people do what they want to do for you because they want to. They appreciate it, need it, want to do it...and they love you more for it.
It also honors God when we take care of each other and love each other.
God designed us to live in relationship with others. He wants us to help each other grow. None of us will reach our highest potential by ourselves. We need people in our lives to encourage us, and we need to encourage the people in our lives and help them reach their potential. The word “encourage” means to “urge forward.” Many times you can see things in other people that they don’t see themselves or maybe they once did but have lost it. You can see their strengths and talents. You can see that God has a special plan for them even though they may be going through a difficult time. Don’t assume that people see what you see in them. Take a moment and encourage them either with a kind word or a simple note. There might be a special gift you can give that will remind them of their goal or dream. In whatever way you can, urge the people in your life to keep moving forward. If you’ll be a people builder and help others fulfill their dreams, God will help you fulfill your dreams.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…”

All this and its half way through day 2.... looking forward to tonight and what tomorrow will bring.
Peace out brothers and sisters,

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