Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Having my 3:00 coffee a little late today. Its been busy but productive. Looking forward to tonight as our LOL - middle/high school ministry will be hosting our movie night at the AMC theatre at the mall. We will be seeing "Letters to God" and I am sure it will be a powerful message. A message of hope and pointing it towards Jesus. Last night I got to hang out with some of my close kids and I just enjoy spending time with this close group because there is no pressure, attitudes, drama ... just smiles and fun. One of my close kids, who I dont want to name names, asked me to help pick her out a new bible after camp last week during one of our discussions. How can I turn that down? Heck yeah! So as promised, we headed to the book store in the mall. She was so excited to see what bible I was going to get for her. One that was pretty, cool looking, in the right understandable translation and also for teen girls. It has a lot of side notes and comments in it and we looked at a few others before we both saw this one and just KNEW it was the right one. I asked her to pass it around the next few days and have a few important people sign it and write something nice in it that will help her over the next few years. She is such a great young lady ~ My friendship bracelet reminds me of that every time I look at it. We enjoyed hanging out so much it was 9:15 when I looked up at the time.
I am still focused on this personal conviction from yesterday from Ephesians and our walk with the Lord honoring Him and in purity. See in order for all this to work, which often times doesnt because we all stumble and we all fall from time to time, we have to personal about our convictions. We have to take things seriously and really search our hearts and want change bad enough that we DRAG those things we struggle with out into the light.
There is a story when Kyle was young that I often tell when we were on Chimney Rock mountain. We were all walking along one of the long trails and Kyle was about 3. Along the walk which is wooded and full of wild life - we came across a spider in the middle of the path. This was no ordinary spider - it was HUGE. Kyle took off running. Before I knew it he was way out in front, headed down hill and towards the edge of the cliff. Though this trail at this part had a guard rail... they are meant to help keep you on the trail but not keep you on the trail. Life is sometimes like that. We drive along in life and often times we brush right up on the guard rails with sparks flying, danger on the edge and we risk falling off and over the edge. They say after the first 100 feet it just doesnt matter. I got Kyle that day but just before he his the guard rail. Just last year a 4 year fell to his death. It happens in life. Without bounderies in place, accountability in place and personal convictions in place - we will go over the edge. It will happen........
Loved ones, put those things in place in your life. Have a safety net and drive life near the center line away from the temptation, the guard rails and the cliff that will send you deep into darkness ... fully away from the light.
Today I want to share Psalm 119 with you. Its in the translation of The Message and it reads so awesome. Hope it speaks to you....
Psalm 119
1-8 You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You're blessed when you follow his directions,
doing your best to find him.
That's right—you don't go off on your own;
you walk straight along the road he set.
You, God, prescribed the right way to live;
now you expect us to live it.
Oh, that my steps might be steady,
keeping to the course you set;
Then I'd never have any regrets
in comparing my life with your counsel.
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
I'm going to do what you tell me to do;
don't ever walk off and leave me.

How can a young person live a clean life?

I'll try and tackle this question tomorrow.
Hope you get a chance to see "Letters to God" soon. Here is the movie trailer -

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