Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday ....

Whew up at 3am this morning. This is making for some long days for sure. We did have a great time at the cabin this past weekend. Lots of laughs and silly stuff taking place. When you hang with a good handful of teenagers - you know there will be some laughs and silliness taking place and Carol and I are just in our element (most of the time) when we are all together. We celebrated Kate's 16th birthday Friday. We had a few tender moments and day after day I find myself loving her more and more. I won't share any of the details or what was said or shared but I am just blessed to have her in my life and a part of our family. Love you Kate!
I got to finish up the book I was reading on Friday - To Save A Life - which is in the movie theatres now and our entire student ministry is going to see the movie this week with their friends, families and 3 of their peeps that we challenged them with inviting. I have to say that if the movie is anything near the book .... its going to reach a lot of folks. I think that God for sure is using this movie to get to our teens, our students, our children, our friendships and into our families. Yeah God!!
I had some time to reflect on some things this weekend as I pretty much unplugged and spent some quality time searching and seeking God. It was time well spent even though I didn't sleep much ... I am thankful so very blessed and flippin thankful that I have Carol in my life. If anyone has my back she does...... in everything and even when I plug into something with all my heart and become waffle blinded... she continue to see things in a different perspective. We all need someone like that in our lives.... even our children. DO they have someone like that? Sad for those who don't or chose to push people away that care enough about them.
One of the things I always enjoy while being at the cabin is that peaceful resting feeling I get when I am there. I also enjoy my time talking with mom at night before bed or during my evening walk. I don't know if it was the weather or what but I didn't get to feel mom this past weekend. I looked for the star but couldnt see them and that gave me my FaceBook post this morning. "Stars are like the pinholes of Heavens curtain."
Church was incredible yesterday as the family went down to Greenville SC to the bi-lo center which NewSpring church rented out to have one big huge celebration for 10 years as a church. With multiple campuses and thousands of people in attendance each week it was amazing to be a part in what God is doing through Pastor Perry Noble and Gods church there. Energy was juiced up and people having fun .... music was awesome, video testimonies awesome, hundreds of people coming down to give their lives to Jesus .... My parents generation had Billy Graham - mine has Perry Noble. Though different.... but yet the same.
Giftedness is what gets you places but character is what keeps you there.

What is your character telling you today? What is it telling others?


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