Friday, November 13, 2009

What a week ...

Yes faith moves mountains. It has been a long week for sure but a week that was surrounded and immersed in prayer. That is what makes it a great week. Friday today - looking forward to Sunday.
Tonight I am taking some of "MyKids" to the UNC Charlotte mens basketball game. It will be time well invested with fun, smiles, dip n dots and friendship. I take this role very seriously as I reach out to the students in my life. God has entrusted them to me and for me - there is NO higher calling. Yes sometimes its messy and teenagers from 11 - 17 are at the most complicated times of their lives. Emotions and body changes and in between somewhere with not being a child or an adult can really take its toll. I realized something yesterday - when we get to college and beyond, it is not so much us that is complicated anymore. We are who we are but the complicated part is the lives we are leading. Studies, decisions, friends, dating, marriage and raising a family... those are all complicated things.
So as I continue to reach out to my students and their families... I can't help but to be thankful. Thankful that they call on me and reach out to me as much as I do to them. Doesn't matter if its a phone call, a text message, a facebook comment or a hug at church that sends a message - hey we need to talk. Its all good ....... humbling for sure.
Teenagers need relationships with godly adults. Teenagers see very little consistency in this world, and they need to be confronted with the consistency of Christ through adults who love Jesus and who also love them.
I am so thankful for the other leaders in my life and at church who are serving God with me and who are setting this example and being authentically available to our young people.
Jesus poured himself into the relationships of his disciples. He could have chosen any way He wanted to get the message to generations of people .... but he chose to do so through
~ Relationship~
What a week it has been.......
Gods peace and happy Friday everyone,

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