Monday, November 30, 2009

An awesome display ....

Monday already. How did that happen so fast? I guess time speeds up somehow when you are having fun. The last 4 days sure did go fast. I have to say that I fully enjoyed some down time and unplugging from things but also plugging IN to some people. I turned my phone off until last night, I unplugged the computer until last night and I pretty much didn't watch much tv - even with football on yesterday. I did watch a little of the Chargers game before CBS turned it to another game. Why do they do that? Anyways, time at the cabin was awesome. Cold nights and warm sunny days all spent with family and extended family. I wish in a way that the cabin could be a little bigger only because that would mean more room to invite more but I am not complaining because it is such a blessing to have a place and to open it up to others to enjoy. We sure had some laughs and I fully enjoyed spending some time with "MyKids". One of the big things for me in my life and in my walk is to always have a place out front for the Lord to do His thing. I let Him lead, I let Him shine and I pray all the time for Him to be able to use me and by Him using me it shows in those around me. I love it when the opportunity is opened for me to really talk with others - especially "MyKids" or their parents. I love it when the light bulb goes off and they get something they wouldn't otherwise get if God was not revealed. Maybe its a conversation, maybe its an example that was provided, maybe it was such a random thing that took place like eating breakfast at waffle house - but God was clearly in focus. It is all this extra pouring into that I know that I am living in the overflow that God has given me. I am not keeping it for myself.... no way - it is too sweet to keep for myself. I want to make a difference in those around me. I tell them all the time I love them not because I like sharing my heart - which I do - but because no one knows when our time will come and I want them to know - they come before me... they matter to me, I care about them and they have my full attention. What the bleep am I trying to say here..... I think I am chasing a rabbit but I do know that its such a wonderful experience when someone you have been pouring so much into and praying so hard for, finally makes the efforts so worth it. When they in turn reach out and realize what is going on.... God is behind it all. I wish I could have a bigger impact - especially some others who are close to me but yet have yet to see what I am all about.
There is a verse in a song by Mercy Me - "In the blink of an eye"
Sometimes I feel disappointed
By the way I spend my time
How can I further Your kingdom
When I'm so wrapped up in mine

This morning I woke up with a passage on my heart. I got up and went to look it up because to be honest, I didn't know what it was - I have to say that my memory is not the I won't be blasting out scripture but give me a few minutes....
Romans 1:11
8-12I thank God through Jesus for every one of you. That's first. People everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith, and every time I hear them, I thank him. And God, whom I so love to worship and serve by spreading the good news of his Son—the Message!—knows that every time I think of you in my prayers, which is practically all the time, I ask him to clear the way for me to come and see you. The longer this waiting goes on, the deeper the ache. I so want to be there to deliver God's gift in person and watch you grow stronger right before my eyes! But don't think I'm not expecting to get something out of this, too! You have as much to give me as I do to you.

You know what is amazing about this scripture? I shared this Saturday night during our movie time - not word for word just the part that - Above all else, I value our friendship and the fact that I can do my best to show them Jesus but also because they show me Jesus.
I so much value the fact that I am there for them, to lead them, encourage them, to be the best role model I can be, to show them Jesus through my heart but I in return get encouraged, often times are lead by them, are there for me in SO many ways and more importantly - they show me Jesus.
I fully believe this is what we all should be doing. There is so much to learn through each other and when God is at the center of our lives, our relationships, our thoughts and actions ... God reveals himself in the details.
I continue to pray that He uses me to impact those around me with His intentions and with His heart. I''ll share more about the 3C's over the next few days.
With all my heart loved ones ...

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