God is our spiritual GPS system.
Wow, how do I follow up with that statement? For one thing I can tell you, I don't have a GPS system in my car. If I am lost - I am lost. Funny thing is, I don't go anywhere really where I don't know where I am. I have been there before. Getting lost or having to make a detour - means I just follow those detour signs and it should eventually lead me back to the main road right? In theory I guess.... but I am an old school map person. I love maps period. I have them in my office at work and hanging in my garage. World maps, US maps, NC state maps and even a old NJ state map. Hey I did love living and working at Princeton.
But I like to have the trip planned for the most part as far as the travel aspects goes. Once there... I am all about just going with the flow and whatever everyone else wants to do. I did my part in getting us there, planning the route, preparations for gas, tolls, travel time and packing the vehicle.
Wouldn't it be great if life would work that way? I find myself these past few weeks just in the middle of one of those traffic circles and I can't seem to make my way over and get off the thing. Life is going on by and I keep going around and around and as soon as I get over to get off the thing, blam, something pops in and pushes me back to the center.....
So as I am going around in what seems this never ending and dizzy loop - here are some things that come to mind.
~Plan for the detours in life but don't dwell on them. Things happen - Life happens - teenagers happen..... its coming but don't get caught in the trap of dwelling all your time, energy and focus on them. Take a breath, pray, ask for others to help and above all else... Ask God to help you navigate!
~Plan your rest stops. I have been on many long trips and there is nothing better than to have a destination in mind at the end of the day even if you are not at the final destination yet. A quick stay to rest, a great meal - even a bathroom break can help. It will keep you energized, focused and awake for what is next and will keep you in the plans to reach that destination.
~We have to learn to balance our speed. I said this just the other night with one of "MyKids" and I think I got an AMEN from her mom when I said it. Growing up is hard and our kids face so many challenges today. Go at your own speed!!! I can't say that enough. So many of our kids are so quick to experience life and some of the time - those experiences are rushed and end up on the not so good choices list. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing! Go at your own pace. Don't compare what you don't have and be thankful for what you do have. One of the greatest blessings in life is to come to know deep in your heart how much God loves you and how much you mean to Him. You are in the race but be the turtle ... it may not be as fun but in the long run you will pass all your friends being the rabbits running in every direction and going crazy along the way.
Getting lost, hitting those detours in life are one of those things that we can focus on being late and plans not going according to plan - but you know what.... its also where we have a chance to get off life's highways.... slow down a bit...rest, re-energize, gain our focus back, pray, build relationships that need building upon, evaluate where we are, and to enjoy some of the scenery going by. I love those back roads...... they take us longer to get there but for sure there is a different blessing to be found.
Lord thank You for being our spiritual GPS system. May we continue to look to You in our journey in this life. May we slow down from time to time and enjoy those moments when you refresh us, refocus us, re-energize us, build love into our lives with you and those around us and also to enjoy the scenery going by. You have made all things beautiful and for the last few days Lord, thank You for pausing me long enough to be still to see with my eyes, feel with my heart and reach out during those few moments every day when heaven meets earth where time seems to stand still.
Wow, how do I follow up with that statement? For one thing I can tell you, I don't have a GPS system in my car. If I am lost - I am lost. Funny thing is, I don't go anywhere really where I don't know where I am. I have been there before. Getting lost or having to make a detour - means I just follow those detour signs and it should eventually lead me back to the main road right? In theory I guess.... but I am an old school map person. I love maps period. I have them in my office at work and hanging in my garage. World maps, US maps, NC state maps and even a old NJ state map. Hey I did love living and working at Princeton.
But I like to have the trip planned for the most part as far as the travel aspects goes. Once there... I am all about just going with the flow and whatever everyone else wants to do. I did my part in getting us there, planning the route, preparations for gas, tolls, travel time and packing the vehicle.
Wouldn't it be great if life would work that way? I find myself these past few weeks just in the middle of one of those traffic circles and I can't seem to make my way over and get off the thing. Life is going on by and I keep going around and around and as soon as I get over to get off the thing, blam, something pops in and pushes me back to the center.....
So as I am going around in what seems this never ending and dizzy loop - here are some things that come to mind.
~Plan for the detours in life but don't dwell on them. Things happen - Life happens - teenagers happen..... its coming but don't get caught in the trap of dwelling all your time, energy and focus on them. Take a breath, pray, ask for others to help and above all else... Ask God to help you navigate!
~Plan your rest stops. I have been on many long trips and there is nothing better than to have a destination in mind at the end of the day even if you are not at the final destination yet. A quick stay to rest, a great meal - even a bathroom break can help. It will keep you energized, focused and awake for what is next and will keep you in the plans to reach that destination.
~We have to learn to balance our speed. I said this just the other night with one of "MyKids" and I think I got an AMEN from her mom when I said it. Growing up is hard and our kids face so many challenges today. Go at your own speed!!! I can't say that enough. So many of our kids are so quick to experience life and some of the time - those experiences are rushed and end up on the not so good choices list. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing! Go at your own pace. Don't compare what you don't have and be thankful for what you do have. One of the greatest blessings in life is to come to know deep in your heart how much God loves you and how much you mean to Him. You are in the race but be the turtle ... it may not be as fun but in the long run you will pass all your friends being the rabbits running in every direction and going crazy along the way.
Getting lost, hitting those detours in life are one of those things that we can focus on being late and plans not going according to plan - but you know what.... its also where we have a chance to get off life's highways.... slow down a bit...rest, re-energize, gain our focus back, pray, build relationships that need building upon, evaluate where we are, and to enjoy some of the scenery going by. I love those back roads...... they take us longer to get there but for sure there is a different blessing to be found.
Lord thank You for being our spiritual GPS system. May we continue to look to You in our journey in this life. May we slow down from time to time and enjoy those moments when you refresh us, refocus us, re-energize us, build love into our lives with you and those around us and also to enjoy the scenery going by. You have made all things beautiful and for the last few days Lord, thank You for pausing me long enough to be still to see with my eyes, feel with my heart and reach out during those few moments every day when heaven meets earth where time seems to stand still.
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